tModLoader The Thorium Mod

Can anyone mind helping me? I have 3 souls from each mechanical boss, the hallowed bars, but I still can't make the Soul Forge? I've even presented the materials to the guide and for me the soul forge isn't there.
Are you sure you have Thorium active? Make sure to check.
Hello. First I want to say that this mod is awesome, I was using it some time, but recently I started a server with the TModLoader through steam with 2 friends and there was a glitch or bug I cannot really tell. It happened like this: I was creating a weapon from this mod the "Enchanter's sword", but when I created it and gave it to my friend he said that I gave him "Hallowed Charm" so I said him to give it back to me and I still saw "Enchanter's sword" but he still saw the "Hallowed Charm". I spawned some another items using "Hero's mod" and almost every item from your mod was "looking" different for my friends. The two of my friends are seeing the same items but I'm seeing different ones, so I tried to reinstall the whole game (terraria) and deleted all saved data but it didnt help. I also tried to uninstall all other mods I was using (Hero's mod and Maxstacks) but it also didnt help.
Please help me I want to play this mod so badly.
Hello. First I want to say that this mod is awesome, I was using it some time, but recently I started a server with the TModLoader through steam with 2 friends and there was a glitch or bug I cannot really tell. It happened like this: I was creating a weapon from this mod the "Enchanter's sword", but when I created it and gave it to my friend he said that I gave him "Hallowed Charm" so I said him to give it back to me and I still saw "Enchanter's sword" but he still saw the "Hallowed Charm". I spawned some another items using "Hero's mod" and almost every item from your mod was "looking" different for my friends. The two of my friends are seeing the same items but I'm seeing different ones, so I tried to reinstall the whole game (terraria) and deleted all saved data but it didnt help. I also tried to uninstall all other mods I was using (Hero's mod and Maxstacks) but it also didnt help.
Please help me I want to play this mod so badly.
i have heard of this bug before, and there are a few possible issues:
  1. do your friends also have the exact same update as you
  2. do your friends have ALL the mods loaded that you do?
  3. are you updated to the very most current version
  4. what other mods are you running as some do have conflicts from time to time
  5. make sure your friends wipe their files as well to get a clean file on their mod info
Nora vs. Ragnarok.png

As my thanks to DivermanSam for the wonderful experience I've had with the Thorium Mod (and Terraria mods in general!), I present this little bit of fanart for him depicting my Summoner, Nora Wilbark, riding headlong to fight off Thorium's final boss, Ragnarok!

Thank you so much for this mod, DivermanSam, and everyone else who worked on Thorium. It's given me even more enjoyment out of a game I already enjoyed at it's base. I look forward to whatever else you might have in store!
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View attachment 162243

As my thanks to DivermanSam for the wonderful experience I've had with the Thorium Mod (and Terraria mods in general!), I present this little bit of fanart for him depicting my Summoner, Nora Wilbark, riding headlong to fight off Thorium's final boss, Ragnarok!

Thank you so much for this mod, DivermanSam, and everyone else who worked on Thorium. It's given me even more enjoyment out of a game I already enjoyed at it's base. I look forward to whatever else you might have in store!
you're really good at drawing
I absolutely love the mod, but I think I've found a bug. When fighting Coznix, after killing him in normal mode i get the message: "Coznix enrages... The void hungers!" which should only happen in expert mode, and my world is in normal mode. He does not drop any loot whatsoever. I tried in another world with another character, and it gave the same result. Now it may be because of another mod i have installed, so i will list all my mods in a list here:

-Thorium Mod (obviously)
-Cheat Sheet
-More Chest Loot
-Which mod is this from?
-Prefixes for Enemies
-The Calamity mod
-Boss Expertise
-Quality Recipes
-imkSushi mod
Help, whenever i join the multiplayer world me and my friend made, I see glitchy blocks with white edges and when i move my game crashes and shows this message. I use Thorium, experiance and classes and imksushi. This started to happen when we killed the last mechanical boss.


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    Screenshot (7).png
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This mod is absolutely amazing, but I keep running into an issue that isn't affecting my other worlds. In this one, I only have thorium installed, but every time a modded item is in a chest and I log out, it disappears. The only causes I can think of are my other world, which has Calamity, Thorium, and Tremor, or the fact that I use two computers, each with the same mods installed and each using cloud. Oh yeah, the thorium anvil keeps disappearing too...
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Marine Kelp seeds don't behave like other seeds... first, it'll let you keep "planting" them when there's already a plant in place (this has cost me quite a few seeds), and second, the kelp isn't harvestable from Planters using the Staff of Regrowth, resulting in slower resource gain and kelp farm expansion. The second, I could live with, but the first is problematic both in that it costs you seeds til you catch on and in that it really slows down planting rate because you have to carefully plant each one individually.
I have the most annoying thing happening to me every single time I wear a full set of armor from this mod. It brings me down to 1fps, making everything unplayable so I have to mix and match with the vanilla sets. It could be because of another mod, I haven't tested this yet. I've got Spirit, Pumpking and Calamity
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