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And here it is, you only need to use NewRecipe class in this file (and enable this plugin).

I don't know how to explain how it works as it seems pretty obvious to me so I'll simply give an example of how a recipe could be added with it (it's Pisman065's Lava Charm recipe, requiring an anvil and some lava).

If you wanted to add recipes in game, well, I could do that with another plugin, but it would require more work and I would like the Plugin browser to be out before so it wouldn't be lost in this thread.


New Sand Gun and Coin Gun Just for fun it a Tweak List and uses Sand and Mana for Sand Gun so it not so OP


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Does the biome spread tweak work on latest version multiplayer if just the host uses it? Or do all players need it running?
Terraria Multiplayer launches a server then join in, so every player is a client
But as Terraria Tweaker isn't able to modify the server, this tweak simply doesn't work in multiplayer
Unless you do some manipulation of course.
  1. Edit TerrariaServer.exe name to Terraria.exe (and make a backup copy, place your original Terraria.exe somewhere)
  2. RightClick on your tweak list, Advanced
  3. Perform Operation
  4. Place the newly created .exe in the Terraria Folder and call it TerrariaServer.exe
  5. Place the original Terraria.exe back
  6. No one needs the tweak anymore, play in multiplayer without the evil spread
That or you play in Journey with a plugin that makes the debuff last as long as in normal/expert/master
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@Gaelyte for the Lava Charm recipe, do I just chuck Example.cs and the other file in the plugins folder then enable them? Or is there something else I need to do?
EDIT: I was worried that I would have to do something with it (I hate C#, C and C++ -they're overcomplicated) other than adjusting the variables (which is easy) because the test plugin button was throwing errors about how the 'namespace Gaelyte was not found' or something. The HelperPlugins was fine when it passed through the Test Plugins function.
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EDIT: I was worried that I would have to do something with it (I hate C#, C and C++ -they're overcomplicated) other than adjusting the variables (which is easy) because the test plugin button was throwing errors about how the 'namespace Gaelyte was not found' or something. The HelperPlugins was fine when it passed through the Test Plugins function.
Yeah, test button is a bit broken, but creating an object then calling some functions on it shouldn't be a real problem
(Btw, for the debug, I prefer using visual studio over Terraria Tweaker native edit code)
If you wanted to add recipes in game, well, I could do that with another plugin, but it would require more work and I would like the Plugin browser to be out before so it wouldn't be lost in this thread.

I understand @TiberiumFusion's reluctance to put together a browser or similar until they figure out a way to ensure the plugins are safe for users. But, if they don't have any objections I could later tonight probably bang together a free wiki of some sort to act as an unofficial repository. I will not do so without the explicit permission of @TiberiumFusion though.

I would include a very prominent disclaimer that "This wiki is unofficial and is not affiliated with TiberiumFusion or Terraria Tweaker. The nature of these plugins can risk your computer being exposed to malware if the plugin was written by a person with malicious intent. The owner of this wiki has no means of screening these files and installing them is done at your own risk."

I am going to be busy for the next few hours, if TiberiumFusion grants permission to do this during that time frame then someone else is free to beat me to this. I want to see more plugins available and I think the risk of them being lost in the thread is likely preventing some people from bothering until there's somewhere to put them so people can be made aware of their existence.
so i'm trying to make an armour stats modifier plugin...
but how do i know where to patch? is there a way to see the contents of Terraria.exe?
so i'm trying to make an armor stats modifier plugin...

Here is a plugin that makes it so 1 point of defense = 1% damage reduction. It multiplies together for additional points of defense so 100 armor = you take about 37% damage.
I added code for NPCs as well, but it is disabled by default.

The formulas disregard expert and master mode. Defense gives % damage deduction with this plugin so defense prevents more damage in modes that deal more damage.


And here it is, you only need to use NewRecipe class in this file (and enable this plugin).

I don't know how to explain how it works as it seems pretty obvious to me so I'll simply give an example of how a recipe could be added with it (it's Pisman065's Lava Charm recipe, requiring an anvil and some lava).

If you wanted to add recipes in game, well, I could do that with another plugin, but it would require more work and I would like the Plugin browser to be out before so it wouldn't be lost in this thread.
One question, is there any way to add a recipee where you can use an ingredients counterpart as well? as in, using either iron or lead for a recipee
Here is a plugin that makes it so 1 point of defense = 1% damage reduction. It multiplies together for additional points of defense so 100 armor = you take about 37% damage.
I added code for NPCs as well, but it is disabled by default.

The formulas disregard expert and master mode. Defense gives % damage deduction with this plugin so defense prevents more damage in modes that deal more damage.
Nice, though not quite what I'm trying to make.
One question, is there any way to add a recipee where you can use an ingredients counterpart as well? as in, using either iron or lead for a recipee
As far as I know, there are a few 'recipe groups'. Any Iron Bars is one of them. Try adding AnyIronBar to your recipe.
EDIT: After wrestling with ILSpy's crazy download method (and then finally copy-pasting to fake ILSpy.sln) I finally got it to work. I looked for Terraria.IDs as that was referred to in the code. I found a long list of IDs. I have no idea where to look to see the actual item stats.
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One question, is there any way to add a recipee where you can use an ingredients counterpart as well? as in, using either iron or lead for a recipee
Of course, look at my code, there's a function called AddAnyIron for iron. There's one for all natural "any" : wood, iron, fragments, sand and pressure plate
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