tModLoader Vanilla Tweaks + other little tweak mods

I think i may have encountered a bug with a boss from the thorium mod while using boss expertise. As soon as coznix the fallen beholder "dies" for the first time it's supposed to enrage and enter a second phase, but I've fought it 3 times so far and instead of entering phase 2 the boss just despawns and the fight ends.
Just updated two mods.
Firstly, the OmniSwing mod is now v1.8! Thanks to @CrimsHallowHero, spears now also auto-swing. Let me know if this update breaks anything else.
Secondly, WMITF was updated to v2.2 with a few changes:
  • tModLoader's Mystery Tiles and Mystery Items no longer show any tooltips.
  • Tile/NPC tooltips are disabled by default.
    • If you enable them, your settings will be stored. You won't have to enable them again after quitting the game.
  • Item tooltips can be disabled by going into your Terraria save folder and editing Terraria/ModLoader/Mod Configs/WMITF.json.
Hey the enable expert command for boss expertise isn't working for me ive reinstalled it multiple times and checked the config files to make sure I don't know what the problem means
If I'm not mistaken, the OmniSwing mod breaks the ice ring from Prefixes for Enemies. That item is supposed to summon ice shards that fire at your cursor, but for some reason they sometimes fire off in one direction.
If I'm not mistaken, the OmniSwing mod breaks the ice ring from Prefixes for Enemies. That item is supposed to summon ice shards that fire at your cursor, but for some reason they sometimes fire off in one direction.
Are you in multiplayer? Because that's a known multiplayer bug.
I am having an issue with Omniswing and WMITF. At the moment, neither work, or they partially do. Here is my current mod list:

Thorium Mod
More Chest Loot
Boss Checklist
Recipe Browser (from Cheat Sheet)

If you could help me with this it would be greatly appreciated. Currently WMITF seems to half work as it shows mod names in the Recipe Browser, but that might be built in feature to the recipe browser itself, not sure.
So I ran into a glitch where if you attempt fighting any Thorium boss that has an expert only final form (Lich, Coznix, Ragnarok, stuff like that.) the second form does not show up. Any ideas? (Besides disabling the mod.)
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