This seems really cool but I wonder how it will work on controller
i imagine itll be like a new inventory thing by pressing l1 r1(ps4) left bumper or right bumper(xbox)This seems really cool but I wonder how it will work on controller
you need 1 for weapons and the like and 3 boss spawners (cenx has already stated this in a previous comment)This is cool and all, but what about duplication? Like, I won't need 100 Terrablades to research it, right? If not, how many will I need?
I think weapons and tools will be only 1 item to duplicate (i think)This is cool and all, but what about duplication? Like, I won't need 100 Terrablades to research it, right? If not, how many will I need?
I think that the items have different amounts of numbers you need to get before you can research them. Most likely differs in rarity and what item it is. Terra Blade you will probably need once to duplicate it, similar to other weapons or armors.This is cool and all, but what about duplication? Like, I won't need 100 Terrablades to research it, right? If not, how many will I need?
I assume you'd have to make another journey mode world with the other evil biomehow would you obtain the opposing evil biomes items
Mods won't be an inconvenience after tmodloader releases on Steam, and creative mode wasn't what the devs were going for anyway.I don't know... It's a cool system, but it's still not creative mode. We will still have to go through the incovenience of custom maps and mods to get a sort of creative mode? For me, it's disappointing.
I think re-logic value the huge discoverability in terraria. By that I mean how it would take a player so long and multiple playthroughs to discover absolutely everything the game has to offer. Straight up creative mode kind of ruins this since the player can just go into creative mode and use all the items instead of discovering them. Journey Mode is a middle ground, where you still have to discover everything but you get creative mode eventually.I don't know... It's a cool system, but it's still not creative mode. We will still have to go through the incovenience of custom maps and mods to get a sort of creative mode? For me, it's disappointing.