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  • Getting real tired of the inaccurate clickbait articles on Gamepedia
    *Looks at bit of the description.* Hope that doesn't relate to the article and more something by the video's uploader. If so... then he doesn't even 'fall asleep out of boredom'. He falls asleep due to exhausting himself.
    I think my favorite was "7 games you'll never play!" with a picture of Overwatch in the icon.

    I have over a thousand hours on Overwatch. Way to lie.
    "Games you can't play again if you die"

    Unless there are games in the afterlife. This counts for pretty much every game.
    I don't get as to why Deviantart is so bad.
    Like, that isn't to say that there isn't some really questionable stuff on there, but it's one of the most popular art sites in the entire world so of course there will be things such as r34 and cringey OCs, what do people expect?
    DA Also knows their limits, artistic nudism is fine, porn isn't.
    Although it seems to get misused... But even then I'm not bothered too much as it's filtered away as Mature Content.

    But the thing that really hits me are the fetism. and how suprisingly populair these can be in comparison to 'normal people who draw normal stuff' like me.
    >tfw people get mad at you for "taking quickplay too seriously"
    Losing isn't fun... if the teams are horribly unbalanced. That is when losing isn't fun and winning is just plain boring. At least, for me it is.

    More or less, don't mind losing if both me and my team put up a good fight. Especially, if it was a close game where both teams were relatively evenly matched.
    For me there's more of a balance there. It sucks to be either team if they're horribly unbalanced and the game only lasts a minute or so - it's not fun to sweep or be sweeped.

    On the other hand, it also sucks to play a heated game for 45 minutes and then end up losing anyway. Though, the only game I've seen that can cause stalemates like that is CTF in TF2.
    Bosses in videogames that can only be damaged by reflecting their own attacks back at them should be illegal.
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    Reactions: TheQuietBisharp
    Yeah. Whether or not it ends up being an annoying mechanic mostly depends on the platforming. In games like LoZ it was pretty okay since bosses there usually had some strategic way to damage them anyway, but in button mashing side scrollers they're out of place and unnecessary.

    Like Gate from Megaman X6.
    Eeew, reflection in side-scrollers, dunno how I'd feel about that. And megaman games.... I like the style of megaman but I think they just got too ridiculous with the challenge. Megaman X is probably the best.... X2 they got annoying with limited time events and stupid crap like that and it just went downhill from there, catering to the dark souls crowd.
    Rest in Peace Zelda series: 1986 - 2017
    Remember when Dynasty was simple
    I do
    I also remember when Brock was just a tuna
    and now he's a big snake
    I object to this - Ahri would call him a big eel and it's probably a more accurate description.

    By the way, if you're referring to Dynasty of Data as Dynasty to shorten it, we all call it DoD for short.
    Here everyone is posting leaks of the recently announced Pokemon games and I still haven't even played Sun and Moon. Damn it.
    why is it that google corrects misspellings of shuriken like "shurikin" or "shurikan" to shuriken but all my spellcheck does is give (cont)
    options like "strike"

    nevermind that, it doesn't even to appear to recognise shuriken as a word since it's still underlined in red
    google has a built-in anti-weeb measure to prevent users from looking up Japanese merchandise
    Creeper da Snek
    Creeper da Snek
    Man. With what you've said, Jetstream must have a really hard time on Google.
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