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  • politics makes me sad
    It gives me headache. Any time politic comes up, I'm usually left behind because I have nothing to contribute. Not like it doesn't happen with most other topics so I'm fine either way.
    Supreme Overlord Shadere
    Supreme Overlord Shadere
    Modern day politics are basically media :red:ting on presidential candidates, winning side (of the general people) :red:ting on the losing side, and the losing side complaining about the winning sides president. It happened with Obama, and now its happening with Trump.
    I'm a liberal piece of garbage so I'm decently anti-trump but I don't pretend to know what I'm talking about. I just can visibly see Trump is not a good person. However, the left can overreact a lot too, although Richard Spencer getting punched was pretty good.
    Recommendations: Vikavolt works better with guaranteed accuracy of Thunderbolt, Energy Ball works good in place of Air Slash as it makes Vika a good ground type switch in. Go specs. Ribombee is too frail to be useful with leftovers, I run a z move on mine for kicks. Goliosopod, I use a Sitrus Berry but whatever works, he's versatile.
    Araquanind can be good with an Assault Vest. Maybe switch Return with something, although if return is there his movepool is probably booty in general.
    Return was the only other physical option.
    I've been binging Battlefield 1 lately. I'm terrible at it, but I enjoy playing offensively more as a medic than any other.
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    Reactions: Ghostly!
    Odd that. I defend with a shotgun of course, like always. Sniping sometimes but of course barely getting results. I just don't understand how people are good at FPS.
    Battle Tree's idea of a Mimikyu set makes me want to rip my own hair out.
    my team is porygon z (wt, but I ev trained it), minior (shiny off wt) and ninetales (shiny off wt).

    I set up aurora veil, then :red: the opposing mons up with moonblast/blizzard. porygon z runs z-conversion and minior has shell smash to boost stats and sweep
    my team works like this: anything kartana is weak against, gyarados resists. if i see a supereffective hit coming i switch out and go for set up and sweep. tapu bulu comes in as a last resort
    I see way to many people using beasts and tapus, theyre barely legal and some of them are kinda cheap (Beast Boost + Crazy Stats) But that doesnt mean the tree isnt rigged, its pretty frustrating when one team completely wipes you out, that or just RNG running a steamroller over your team.
    I tried playing Battlefield 1. Boy I hate FPS games. Well, I hate being inexplicably bad at them. And I'm at least kinda good at arcade FPS
    Nine shinies in Moon so far. If only the odds could be with me when it comes to women.
    imo it's (one of) the best grass type (s). its design is beautiful and its shiny form is too
    I just remembered, I forgot to mention a shiny Sandshrew. My little Snowball.
    I have a shiny Bagon from SOS a little after I completed the game.
    ...Not played since, even though I wanted to EV train it.
    Do you think it's better for someone to learn the worth of money on their own or throughout getting screamed at?
    For argumentative purposes based on personal observations, some people who are adults even don't know how to handle their money properly.
    However, considering you probably haven't made a general capital purchase as of yet (I would assume based on this context) I do believe that is unfair for those people to treat you like that. Learning to spend your money is an integral part of knowing how to spend it. However, being thrifty and moderate with it is a key endeavor you should look forward to perfect.
    Aye, no car, not paying insurance, not paying for my college classes. I wish there was a better way for me to understand other than ":red: you." What I learned from Daniel Sexbang: "You don't remember the money spent, the memories are what last." After he wasted all his money on strippers while drunk.
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