Resolved A formal request for a site theme.

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Official Terrarian
Is it at all possible to implement a theme with the traditional XenForo Default style, but in a dark format? My eyes would be very appreciative.
While it is possible, I seriously doubt it will happen. My best advice, use the Hallow theme as it is pretty easy on the eyes.
I'd actually like this. Though I don't use the xenforo default, I feel like it should have a dark theme for those who want it.
While it is possible, I seriously doubt it will happen. My best advice, use the Hallow theme as it is pretty easy on the eyes.
I'm currently using Underground, but I'll try the Hallowed for a day.

Just out of curiosity, what would adding that them actually entail work-wise for the forum administration?
I'm currently using Underground, but I'll try the Hallowed for a day.

Just out of curiosity, what would adding that them actually entail work-wise for the forum administration?
As far as I am aware it would fall more to the art inclined people, meaning Crowno and/or Lazure. There might be a plugin for it, but there is a chance it could conflict with other plugins.
As far as I am aware it would fall more to the art inclined people, meaning Crowno and/or Lazure. There might be a plugin for it, but there is a chance it could conflict with other plugins.
I see. Well, all I can do is hope, because Hallowed is super bright to me.
As far as I am aware it would fall more to the art inclined people, meaning Crowno and/or Lazure. There might be a plugin for it, but there is a chance it could conflict with other plugins.
I see. Well, all I can do is hope, because Hallowed is super bright to me.
In this case, because it's just a dark version of the xenforo default, it would just be as simple as editing the color formats in the page HTML. No artists needed.
Underground is pretty dark as it is, is there some reason that isn't working for you? Corruption is also fairly dark.
Underground is pretty dark as it is, is there some reason that isn't working for you? Corruption is also fairly dark.
It's mostly the bright glowing logo and mushroom, but I also dislike having to load the background image each time I refresh a page or navigate the site.

Loading it takes time and makes the site run sluggishly for me. As I am on a one year old laptop, I know I'm not the only one who's pages load a little slow. So while I am interested for myself, I'm equally as interested for the community as a whole.

Edit: Clarification and a word.
If you use Firefox/Chrome, there is a plugin called Stylish that can use various CSS styles from There are even a few for TCF, though while dark-looking, still have background image.

If you just search for 'xenforo', there are several themes, some quite dark and apparently simple. If you know how to install and use CSS style sheets locally, you could just copy the CSS from one of them and change the domain in the file. One example:

You might also check out this thread:

I can investigate obtaining a dark version of XF Default; that's up to Re-Logic, though. They set up this forum to look the way they want it to, and it's their call to make changes like that. We also are not going to head down the path of endless customization for folks.
If you use Firefox/Chrome, there is a plugin called Stylish that can use various CSS styles from There are even a few for TCF, though while dark-looking, still have background image.

If you just search for 'xenforo', there are several themes, some quite dark and apparently simple. If you know how to install and use CSS style sheets locally, you could just copy the CSS from one of them and change the domain in the file. One example:

You might also check out this thread:

I can investigate obtaining a dark version of XF Default; that's up to Re-Logic, though. They set up this forum to look the way they want it to, and it's their call to make changes like that. We also are not going to head down the path of endless customization for folks.
That's completely reasonable. It was just a thought that crossed my mind. Time to learn some CSS.
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