Absorb The Non-Issue

You end up turning around too quickly and it swings like a made, the sharp corner going right into my head and killing me.

I think about the time characters were turned into sea dragons.
(That was the best time)
You transform me into a sea dragon to relive those times. You forgot to take into account that I'd need a large body of water to survive.

I'm transformed into a sea dragon.
The transformation makes you lose your sense of self to some extent, and you ended up drowning me because of this.

I attempt to make a Pokeball with my bare hands.
While working on it, it accidentally triggers and traps me inside. Unfortunately, seems the system to release the held Pokémon is broken, and, not being a Pokémon, it's not really designed to keep me alive...

I get texture packs.
It's a texture pack that removes the texture of traps, making them invisible. I am unaware of this, and am soon killed by one.

I turn on a fan.
Somehow, I happened to be wearing a basilisk costume that looked exactly like you whilst I had committed that crime, and I confess to the judges, who spare you and execute me instead.

I catch a bug.

(Edit: fixed a couple of typos....)
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It's a poisonous hornet. The other poisonous hornets are mad and begin attacking the nearest creature, which is me.

I eat candy on Valentine's Day.
The candy happens to be extremely spicy, to the point of you spontaniously developing fire breath. I'm the victim of you realizing this the hard way.

I open a barrel.
This is because somehow you became president after a worldwide disaster, however your lack of knowledge or experience prevents you from taking action to resolve the crisis fast enough to save my life.

I think about making more wyvern characters.
In the process you decide you want to see me as a wyvern, but because you're out of wyvern TF triggers, you just cut off my forelegs, which ends up causing me to bleed to death.

I reincarnate as a wyvern.
You decide you'd like to return the favour and see me as one as well, also slicing off my forelegs. I manage to not bleed to death, but due to not being used to using my wings as legs I end up falling down a ravine while hunting, eventually starving to death due to being trapped.

I then also reincarnate as a wyvern.
One of those wyverns is me, and you decide I would make a good animatronic, so you begin installing animatronic parts and gutting me while I am still alive, though the alive bit doesn't last very long.

There is now the body of a dead wyvern being used as an animtronic.
I decide to taks you in to protect you, but hunters decide that dragon omelettes need to be made, and so they kill me to steal you.

Egg is stolen.
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