Dungeon Spirit
Hey there, gang! It's me, Yuyutsu/PhoenixBlade, back from the dead! I know it's been a long while since I've hung around the Terraria forums, but I come back bearing a new mod:
Critter Craze
(Yes, I know it sounds like another mod of mine, Loot Craze, but I'm running out of alliterations here)
Now, what does this mod aim to do? Well, similarly to another mod, the Wildlife Mod (which I recommend you check out), this mod aims to brighten up an otherwise barren Terraria with multiple critters and small, friendly animals, along with plants. The mod currently adds:
- 43 Critters
- 106 Items
- 19 Critter Habitats
- 4 New Plants
Before we jump in to the specifics of the mod, I just want to say that the mod is hugely influenced by community ideas and suggestions! If you're interested in suggesting items and bouncing ideas around, please check out our Discord or suggest any new critters or items here! Let's jump right into the current content, though.
Important Note! No critter spawns should interfere with regular enemy spawns, as they do not count toward the enemy slot total.
Fish! Though a lot of fish exist in Terraria, only a few can be found fishing around the world. Let's change that.
Kelpfish- Found swimming in schools in the ocean.
Coralfish- Found swimming in schools in the ocean.
Gulper- A jumpy little fish found in the ocean.
Luminous Floater- A glowing jellyfish found swimming in schools in the ocean at nighttime.
Gilded Jelly- A rare jellyfish. Drops a large amount of gold.
Lanternfish- A glowing blue fish found in Caverns.
Ardorfish- A beautiful fish found in the Cavern Layer and below.
Gusts! Tiny little fellas found roaming around the world during weather events. Upon being caught, Gusts can create double jump accessories (Cloud/Tsunami/Storm/Sandstorm in a bottle)
Gust: A regular little gust. Found in the Sky Biome.
Snowy Gust: Found in the Snow Biome during rain.
Stormy Gust: Found anywhere except the Snow Biome during rain.
Sandy Gust: Found in deserts during Sandstorm events.
New fish have been introduced, but they're actually familiar faces! Certain vanilla fish caught while swimming can now be found swimming around your world! They can all be caught with a bug net. The following fish are available in their respective biomes:
- Ebonkoi (Corruption)
- Crimson Tigefish (Crimson)
- Neon Tetra (Jungle)
- Armored Cavefish (Underground)
- Golden Carp (Underground)
- Specular Fish (Underground)
- Atlantic Cod (Snow)
- Damselfish (Sky)
- Prismite (Hallow)
New Tiny Slimes, little slime critters that spawn occasionally upon killing larger slimes! All are catchable with a bug net. The following slimes have tiny variants:
- Green Slime
- Blue Slime
- Ice Slime
- Sand Slime
- Rainbow Slime
Moths: The nocturnal counterpart to butterflies. All moths are found at nighttime, around the homes of players and near NPCs, when the player is safe.
Luna Moth- An uncommon moth. Can be used as bait.
Jewel Moth- A rare moth. Can be used as bait.
Grey Moth- A common moth. Can be used as bait.
Gold Moth- A very rare moth. Can be used as bait.
Other Critters: Found scattered around the world.
Cleft Hopper- Crawls along the floor and walls. Found in the underground desert.
Lumoth- Casts a faint light. Found underground.
Ignome- A bright, energetic critter. Found in the Lihzahrd Temple.
Crimson Cluck- A brightly colored little bird. Found in the Jungle, aboveground.
Crismite- A quick little bug. Found only by smashing Crystal Shards while in the Underground Hallow.
Lost UFO- A little saucer. Found Post-Plantera in the Sky Biome.
Blossmoon- A calming, flowery critter. Emits the 'Calm' debuff to players nearby, reducing enemy spawns. Found at nighttime.
Dusty Lizard- Found in the Desert Biome aboveground. Can be used as bait.
Seafood! Yum!
Raw Fish- Dropped upon killing most modded fish. Can be eaten, but maybe you should cook it first.
Fish Sticks- Grants the 'Well Fed' buff. Crafted with Raw Fish.
Seaweed Roll- Grants the 'Well' Fed' buff, but also 'Gills' for a short time. Crafted with Raw Fish and Kelp.
Fish Kebab- Grants the 'Well Fed' buff, but also 'Invisibility' for a short time. Crafted with Raw Fish and a Ghost Reed.
Fish Filet- Grants the 'Well Fed' buff, but also 'Wrath' for a short time. Crafted with Raw Fish and a Death Cap.
Fish Pop- Grants the 'Well Fed' buff, but also 'Ironskin' for a short time. Crafted with Raw Fish and a Cryovine.
- Banners! Though Vanilla Terraria only adds a few banners for critters, this mod adds banners for all modded critters(barring the golden critters from earlier). There are 26 banners to collect!
- New 'furniture' has been added.
Zenblossoms- flowers that ward off enemies!
Dreamcatchers -Craftable with crimson feathers, feathers, wood, and more. They protect nearby players from the 'Darkness,' and 'Silenced' debuffs!
Plants and Potions! All plants are found upon creating a new world.
Cryovine- Found glowing in the Underground Ice biome.
Death Cap- Found scattered across the Underground and Cavern layers.
Ghost Reed- Found around the world in pools of water. Can only be harvested at nighttime.
Kelp- Found by harvesting Ghost Reeds while in the Ocean Biome.
Coldheart Brew- Attacks may rain Icicles on foes, but may also chill the player. Crafted with Cryovine and Shiverthorn.
Alchemical Brew- Attacks may inflict a powerful toxin on foes, but the player is occasionally poisoned themselves, especially after being hurt. Crafted with Death Cap and Deathweed.
Apparation Brew- Turns the drinker into a ghost. Ghosts are immune to damage and gain movement speed, but cannot regenerate life or use items for a short time.
- A new crate has been added: the Packing Crate! Packing Crates can be fished out in the ocean rarely or can be found floating around the ocean! Packing Crates contain different types of fish, used in food, potions, and more. Different fish are found in hardmode.
Lumoth Drops!
Brightbulb- Drops from Lumoths occasionally.
Luminous Lantern- Crafted with a Brightbulb, Wood, and Silver/Tungsten Bars. Provides a lantern to light the player's way, even in the vanity slot.
Streetlamp- Crafted with Brightbulbs and Iron Bars. A powerful light source.
Miscellaneous Drops and Items!
Crimson Feather- Dropped by Crimson Clucks.
Musketeer's Hat- Crafted with Silk and a Crimson Feather. Vanity.
Plumed Arrow- A powerful arrow that ignores gravity. Crafted with Crimson Feathers and Wooden Arrows.
Heart Scale- Dropped by Ardorfish. Can craft Life Crystals or Lifeforce Potions.
Cleft Shell- Dropped by Cleft Hoppers.
Dune Charm- Provides immunity to the 'Mighty Wind' debuff from Sandstorms. Crafted with a Cleft Shell, Bones, and Chains.
Shimmering Prism- Dropped by Crimsites.
Crystal Refractor- A powerful, bouncing beam of splitting light. Crafted with a Shimmering Prism and Souls of Light.
Identifier- Crafted with a Lost UFO critter and Martian Conduit Plating. Summons a friendly pet IFO!
Sandy Orb- Summons a Sandstorm for six hours if one doesn't exist already. Crafted with a Gust and a Sandy Gust.
Stormy Orb- Summons a Storm for twenty four hours if one isn't happening already. Crafted with a Stormy and a Snowy Gust.
Mystical Boquet- Sold by the Dryad. Adds more Cryovines, Death Caps, and Ghost Reeds to your world.
Ignome Scepter- Summons volatile, combustible Ignomes that do not count toward your minion total.
Placeable Cages, Jars, and Bowls! Crafted with each critter and a Terrarium, Bottle, or Bottled Water, respectively.
Cages for: Blossmoon, Cleft Hopper, and Crismite, and all Tiny Slimes
Jars for: Grey Moth, Luna Moth, Jewel Moth, Gold Moth
Fishbowls for: Ardorfish, Gulper, Kelpfish, Lanternfish (glows in the dark), Coralfish, Luminous Floater
You can download the mod on the Mod Browser or the Direct Download Listing
That's all I have for you guys today! Please feel free to comment suggestions, ideas, and anything else that comes to your mind! Have a good one
(Yes, I know it sounds like another mod of mine, Loot Craze, but I'm running out of alliterations here)
- 43 Critters
- 106 Items
- 19 Critter Habitats
- 4 New Plants
Before we jump in to the specifics of the mod, I just want to say that the mod is hugely influenced by community ideas and suggestions! If you're interested in suggesting items and bouncing ideas around, please check out our Discord or suggest any new critters or items here! Let's jump right into the current content, though.
Important Note! No critter spawns should interfere with regular enemy spawns, as they do not count toward the enemy slot total.
Fish! Though a lot of fish exist in Terraria, only a few can be found fishing around the world. Let's change that.
Kelpfish- Found swimming in schools in the ocean.
Coralfish- Found swimming in schools in the ocean.
Gulper- A jumpy little fish found in the ocean.
Luminous Floater- A glowing jellyfish found swimming in schools in the ocean at nighttime.
Gilded Jelly- A rare jellyfish. Drops a large amount of gold.
Lanternfish- A glowing blue fish found in Caverns.
Ardorfish- A beautiful fish found in the Cavern Layer and below.
Gusts! Tiny little fellas found roaming around the world during weather events. Upon being caught, Gusts can create double jump accessories (Cloud/Tsunami/Storm/Sandstorm in a bottle)
Gust: A regular little gust. Found in the Sky Biome.
Snowy Gust: Found in the Snow Biome during rain.
Stormy Gust: Found anywhere except the Snow Biome during rain.
Sandy Gust: Found in deserts during Sandstorm events.
New fish have been introduced, but they're actually familiar faces! Certain vanilla fish caught while swimming can now be found swimming around your world! They can all be caught with a bug net. The following fish are available in their respective biomes:
- Ebonkoi (Corruption)
- Crimson Tigefish (Crimson)
- Neon Tetra (Jungle)
- Armored Cavefish (Underground)
- Golden Carp (Underground)
- Specular Fish (Underground)
- Atlantic Cod (Snow)
- Damselfish (Sky)
- Prismite (Hallow)
New Tiny Slimes, little slime critters that spawn occasionally upon killing larger slimes! All are catchable with a bug net. The following slimes have tiny variants:
- Green Slime
- Blue Slime
- Ice Slime
- Sand Slime
- Rainbow Slime
Moths: The nocturnal counterpart to butterflies. All moths are found at nighttime, around the homes of players and near NPCs, when the player is safe.
Luna Moth- An uncommon moth. Can be used as bait.
Jewel Moth- A rare moth. Can be used as bait.
Grey Moth- A common moth. Can be used as bait.
Gold Moth- A very rare moth. Can be used as bait.
Other Critters: Found scattered around the world.
Cleft Hopper- Crawls along the floor and walls. Found in the underground desert.
Lumoth- Casts a faint light. Found underground.
Ignome- A bright, energetic critter. Found in the Lihzahrd Temple.
Crimson Cluck- A brightly colored little bird. Found in the Jungle, aboveground.
Crismite- A quick little bug. Found only by smashing Crystal Shards while in the Underground Hallow.
Lost UFO- A little saucer. Found Post-Plantera in the Sky Biome.
Blossmoon- A calming, flowery critter. Emits the 'Calm' debuff to players nearby, reducing enemy spawns. Found at nighttime.
Dusty Lizard- Found in the Desert Biome aboveground. Can be used as bait.
Seafood! Yum!
Raw Fish- Dropped upon killing most modded fish. Can be eaten, but maybe you should cook it first.
Fish Sticks- Grants the 'Well Fed' buff. Crafted with Raw Fish.
Seaweed Roll- Grants the 'Well' Fed' buff, but also 'Gills' for a short time. Crafted with Raw Fish and Kelp.
Fish Kebab- Grants the 'Well Fed' buff, but also 'Invisibility' for a short time. Crafted with Raw Fish and a Ghost Reed.
Fish Filet- Grants the 'Well Fed' buff, but also 'Wrath' for a short time. Crafted with Raw Fish and a Death Cap.
Fish Pop- Grants the 'Well Fed' buff, but also 'Ironskin' for a short time. Crafted with Raw Fish and a Cryovine.
- Banners! Though Vanilla Terraria only adds a few banners for critters, this mod adds banners for all modded critters(barring the golden critters from earlier). There are 26 banners to collect!
- New 'furniture' has been added.
Zenblossoms- flowers that ward off enemies!
Dreamcatchers -Craftable with crimson feathers, feathers, wood, and more. They protect nearby players from the 'Darkness,' and 'Silenced' debuffs!
Plants and Potions! All plants are found upon creating a new world.
Cryovine- Found glowing in the Underground Ice biome.
Death Cap- Found scattered across the Underground and Cavern layers.
Ghost Reed- Found around the world in pools of water. Can only be harvested at nighttime.
Kelp- Found by harvesting Ghost Reeds while in the Ocean Biome.
Coldheart Brew- Attacks may rain Icicles on foes, but may also chill the player. Crafted with Cryovine and Shiverthorn.
Alchemical Brew- Attacks may inflict a powerful toxin on foes, but the player is occasionally poisoned themselves, especially after being hurt. Crafted with Death Cap and Deathweed.
Apparation Brew- Turns the drinker into a ghost. Ghosts are immune to damage and gain movement speed, but cannot regenerate life or use items for a short time.
- A new crate has been added: the Packing Crate! Packing Crates can be fished out in the ocean rarely or can be found floating around the ocean! Packing Crates contain different types of fish, used in food, potions, and more. Different fish are found in hardmode.
Lumoth Drops!
Brightbulb- Drops from Lumoths occasionally.
Luminous Lantern- Crafted with a Brightbulb, Wood, and Silver/Tungsten Bars. Provides a lantern to light the player's way, even in the vanity slot.
Streetlamp- Crafted with Brightbulbs and Iron Bars. A powerful light source.
Miscellaneous Drops and Items!
Crimson Feather- Dropped by Crimson Clucks.
Musketeer's Hat- Crafted with Silk and a Crimson Feather. Vanity.
Plumed Arrow- A powerful arrow that ignores gravity. Crafted with Crimson Feathers and Wooden Arrows.
Heart Scale- Dropped by Ardorfish. Can craft Life Crystals or Lifeforce Potions.
Cleft Shell- Dropped by Cleft Hoppers.
Dune Charm- Provides immunity to the 'Mighty Wind' debuff from Sandstorms. Crafted with a Cleft Shell, Bones, and Chains.
Shimmering Prism- Dropped by Crimsites.
Crystal Refractor- A powerful, bouncing beam of splitting light. Crafted with a Shimmering Prism and Souls of Light.
Identifier- Crafted with a Lost UFO critter and Martian Conduit Plating. Summons a friendly pet IFO!
Sandy Orb- Summons a Sandstorm for six hours if one doesn't exist already. Crafted with a Gust and a Sandy Gust.
Stormy Orb- Summons a Storm for twenty four hours if one isn't happening already. Crafted with a Stormy and a Snowy Gust.
Mystical Boquet- Sold by the Dryad. Adds more Cryovines, Death Caps, and Ghost Reeds to your world.
Ignome Scepter- Summons volatile, combustible Ignomes that do not count toward your minion total.
Placeable Cages, Jars, and Bowls! Crafted with each critter and a Terrarium, Bottle, or Bottled Water, respectively.
Cages for: Blossmoon, Cleft Hopper, and Crismite, and all Tiny Slimes
Jars for: Grey Moth, Luna Moth, Jewel Moth, Gold Moth
Fishbowls for: Ardorfish, Gulper, Kelpfish, Lanternfish (glows in the dark), Coralfish, Luminous Floater
You can download the mod on the Mod Browser or the Direct Download Listing
Where would I go without these people! Thanks to:
@Vladimier- A developer, for his sprites
@East- A developer, for his wonderful glowmask and AI code!
@Graydee, @ItzPress, and many others for beta testing!
@gratgaisdead for the mod icon!
Everyone on my mod discord for your wonderful sprites and suggestions! I appreciate all of you.
@Vladimier- A developer, for his sprites
@East- A developer, for his wonderful glowmask and AI code!
@Graydee, @ItzPress, and many others for beta testing!
@gratgaisdead for the mod icon!
Everyone on my mod discord for your wonderful sprites and suggestions! I appreciate all of you.
That's all I have for you guys today! Please feel free to comment suggestions, ideas, and anything else that comes to your mind! Have a good one
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Woot Woot more stuffs to collect!
Forgot to ask, the plants don't start taking over the world do they?
Forgot to ask, the plants don't start taking over the world do they?
Dungeon Spirit
Nah, they only spawn on Worldgen, they don't 'grow.'Woot Woot more stuffs to collect!
Forgot to ask, the plants don't start taking over the world do they?
Dungeon Spirit
Hot damn, can already see this as a classic for any modded experience. Super good work on this, glad to see you back and having a good time modding again.
Dungeon Spirit
Quick patch, in which all I did was add a description to the mod browser download. All links on the main post are up to date, as is the mod browser.

Hot damn, can already see this as a classic for any modded experience. Super good work on this, glad to see you back and having a good time modding again.
Thank you guys! It does feel good to be backGood stuff. This seems better than wildlife in every way.
Empress of Light
Really nice work you put on 
Lunatic Lobbyist
The Destroyer
Loving everything I'm seeing here -- looks like the perfect complement to the Wildlife Mod. Before I try it out, have you considered compatibility with Thorium in order to spawn schools of fish and new plant life in the Aquatic Depths biome? That was the first thing I thought after seeing the images.
Top-notch work as always, and great to see you back!
Top-notch work as always, and great to see you back!
Dungeon Spirit
glad you resurrected yourself dawg, content looks swell
Thanks!Looks great
I could try; I'm totally open to cross contentLoving everything I'm seeing here -- looks like the perfect complement to the Wildlife Mod. Before I try it out, have you considered compatibility with Thorium in order to spawn schools of fish and new plant life in the Aquatic Depths biome? That was the first thing I thought after seeing the images.
Top-notch work as always, and great to see you back!![]()
And, for the rest of you, take this spoiler:
Update coming soon!
Gray, dangit!!! This is awesome, but YOUR mod is awesome, too.
[doublepost=1527853302,1527853237][/doublepost]Oh- Yu- awesome, as usual. Knocked it out of the park. It's just what I'm looking for for my newest playthrough. I think this will be amazing with Gray's wildlife.
[doublepost=1527853302,1527853237][/doublepost]Oh- Yu- awesome, as usual. Knocked it out of the park. It's just what I'm looking for for my newest playthrough. I think this will be amazing with Gray's wildlife.
Beautiful mod man. I really like the design of the critters both detailed and aesthetic. Good work bro.
Natural Aura
Looks great, and it would appear there is some Starbound in here. That's cool man that's cool. Though when you say it doesn't "grow", it doesn't grow like... at all, so I can't place down seeds or nothing? I Guess that's fine, but that would depend on the quantity of the crops. owo
Edit: I've tested this out some with the wildlife mod and they go great together! Although, the lumoths and snowy gusts may spawn a tad to frequently imo.
Edit: I've tested this out some with the wildlife mod and they go great together! Although, the lumoths and snowy gusts may spawn a tad to frequently imo.
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Dungeon Spirit
Working on some more critters for the next update!
I'll make sure to fix those spawns, too.
Glad you enjoy it!
Thank you! I made them not grow as I couldn't find an easy way to 'cap' the number of plants growing. I plan on introducing an item (sold by the Dryad) that replenishes the plants in your existing world. I'll also make the tiles placeable, in case you'd like to decorate your base with em.Looks great, and it would appear there is some Starbound in here. That's cool man that's cool. Though when you say it doesn't "grow", it doesn't grow like... at all, so I can't place down seeds or nothing? I Guess that's fine, but that would depend on the quantity of the crops. owo
Edit: I've tested this out some with the wildlife mod and they go great together! Although, the lumoths and snowy gusts may spawn a tad to frequently imo.
I'll make sure to fix those spawns, too.
Gray, dangit!!! This is awesome, but YOUR mod is awesome, too.
[doublepost=1527853302,1527853237][/doublepost]Oh- Yu- awesome, as usual. Knocked it out of the park. It's just what I'm looking for for my newest playthrough. I think this will be amazing with Gray's wildlife.
Thank you guysBeautiful mod man. I really like the design of the critters both detailed and aesthetic. Good work bro.
Dungeon Spirit
Spoiler time! Let's check out Packing Crates. Packing Crates contain a variety of fish. Fish them up, or find them floating around (very rarely) in the ocean.
Dungeon Spirit
A new update has arrived! Welcome to Critter Craze We've got a lot of stuff ready for you!
Download it on the Mod Browser, with this Mediafire link, or with the attached file.
All in all, this update adds:
- 20 New Critters
- 46 Items
- 6 More Critter Habitats
- 3 More Pieces of Furniture
- 1 More Plant (Crafted)
New Tiny Slimes, little slime critters that spawn occasionally upon killing larger slimes! All are catchable with a bug net. The following slimes have tiny variants:
- Green Slime
- Blue Slime
- Ice Slime
- Sand Slime
- Rainbow Slime
New fish have been introduced, but they're actually familiar faces! Certain vanilla fish caught while swimming can now be found swimming around your world! They can all be caught with a bug net. The following fish are available in their respective biomes:
- Ebonkoi (Corruption)
- Crimson Tigefish (Crimson)
- Neon Tetra (Jungle)
- Armored Cavefish (Underground)
- Golden Carp (Underground)
- Specular Fish (Underground)
- Atlantic Cod (Snow)
- Damselfish (Sky)
- Prismite (Hallow)
- Golden variants for the Scorpion and Lumoth have been added!
- A new crate has been added: the Packing Crate! Packing Crates can be fished out in the ocean rarely or can be found floating around the ocean! Packing Crates contain different types of fish, used in food, potions, and more. Different fish are found in hardmode.
- Banners! Though Vanilla Terraria only adds a few banners for critters, this mod adds banners for all modded critters(barring the golden critters from earlier). There are 26 banners to collect!
- Luminous Floaters can now be caught, and have their own fishbowl. All tiny slimes have their own cages, too.
- New 'furniture' has been added. Blossmoons now craft Zenblossoms, flowers that ward off enemies! Dreamcatchers are another piece of furniture that are craftable with crimson feathers, feathers, wood, and more. They protect nearby players from the 'Darkness,' and 'Silenced' debuffs!
- Ignomes now have a craftable staff, the Ignome Scepter! Summons Ignomes that are volatile and quickly combust, but do not count toward the minion slot.
- Glowmasks have been added for multiple items.
- Lowered Lumoth and Snow Gust spawn rates.
- All plants are now placeable, now
- Speaking of plants, the Dryad now sells a boquet that allows you to add more plants(Ghost Reed, Cryovine, Death Cap) to the world!
- Modded fish can now be caught at the ocean.
Here are some spoilers, too.
Download it on the Mod Browser, with this Mediafire link, or with the attached file.
All in all, this update adds:
- 20 New Critters
- 46 Items
- 6 More Critter Habitats
- 3 More Pieces of Furniture
- 1 More Plant (Crafted)
New Tiny Slimes, little slime critters that spawn occasionally upon killing larger slimes! All are catchable with a bug net. The following slimes have tiny variants:
- Green Slime
- Blue Slime
- Ice Slime
- Sand Slime
- Rainbow Slime
New fish have been introduced, but they're actually familiar faces! Certain vanilla fish caught while swimming can now be found swimming around your world! They can all be caught with a bug net. The following fish are available in their respective biomes:
- Ebonkoi (Corruption)
- Crimson Tigefish (Crimson)
- Neon Tetra (Jungle)
- Armored Cavefish (Underground)
- Golden Carp (Underground)
- Specular Fish (Underground)
- Atlantic Cod (Snow)
- Damselfish (Sky)
- Prismite (Hallow)
- Golden variants for the Scorpion and Lumoth have been added!
- A new crate has been added: the Packing Crate! Packing Crates can be fished out in the ocean rarely or can be found floating around the ocean! Packing Crates contain different types of fish, used in food, potions, and more. Different fish are found in hardmode.
- Banners! Though Vanilla Terraria only adds a few banners for critters, this mod adds banners for all modded critters(barring the golden critters from earlier). There are 26 banners to collect!
- Luminous Floaters can now be caught, and have their own fishbowl. All tiny slimes have their own cages, too.
- New 'furniture' has been added. Blossmoons now craft Zenblossoms, flowers that ward off enemies! Dreamcatchers are another piece of furniture that are craftable with crimson feathers, feathers, wood, and more. They protect nearby players from the 'Darkness,' and 'Silenced' debuffs!
- Ignomes now have a craftable staff, the Ignome Scepter! Summons Ignomes that are volatile and quickly combust, but do not count toward the minion slot.
- Glowmasks have been added for multiple items.
- Lowered Lumoth and Snow Gust spawn rates.
- All plants are now placeable, now
- Speaking of plants, the Dryad now sells a boquet that allows you to add more plants(Ghost Reed, Cryovine, Death Cap) to the world!
- Modded fish can now be caught at the ocean.
Here are some spoilers, too.
Wow update looks pretty neat and nice to add more colour the biomes of terraria. Good work bro.A new update has arrived! Welcome to Critter Craze We've got a lot of stuff ready for you!
Download it on the Mod Browser, with this Mediafire link, or with the attached file.
All in all, this update adds:
- 20 New Critters
- 46 Items
- 6 More Critter Habitats
- 3 More Pieces of Furniture
- 1 More Plant (Crafted)
New Tiny Slimes, little slime critters that spawn occasionally upon killing larger slimes! All are catchable with a bug net. The following slimes have tiny variants:
- Green Slime
- Blue Slime
- Ice Slime
- Sand Slime
- Rainbow Slime
New fish have been introduced, but they're actually familiar faces! Certain vanilla fish caught while swimming can now be found swimming around your world! They can all be caught with a bug net. The following fish are available in their respective biomes:
- Ebonkoi (Corruption)
- Crimson Tigefish (Crimson)
- Neon Tetra (Jungle)
- Armored Cavefish (Underground)
- Golden Carp (Underground)
- Specular Fish (Underground)
- Atlantic Cod (Snow)
- Damselfish (Sky)
- Prismite (Hallow)
- Golden variants for the Scorpion and Lumoth have been added!
- A new crate has been added: the Packing Crate! Packing Crates can be fished out in the ocean rarely or can be found floating around the ocean! Packing Crates contain different types of fish, used in food, potions, and more. Different fish are found in hardmode.
- Banners! Though Vanilla Terraria only adds a few banners for critters, this mod adds banners for all modded critters(barring the golden critters from earlier). There are 26 banners to collect!
- Luminous Floaters can now be caught, and have their own fishbowl. All tiny slimes have their own cages, too.
- New 'furniture' has been added. Blossmoons now craft Zenblossoms, flowers that ward off enemies! Dreamcatchers are another piece of furniture that are craftable with crimson feathers, feathers, wood, and more. They protect nearby players from the 'Darkness,' and 'Silenced' debuffs!
- Ignomes now have a craftable staff, the Ignome Scepter! Summons Ignomes that are volatile and quickly combust, but do not count toward the minion slot.
- Glowmasks have been added for multiple items.
- Lowered Lumoth and Snow Gust spawn rates.
- All plants are now placeable, now
- Speaking of plants, the Dryad now sells a boquet that allows you to add more plants(Ghost Reed, Cryovine, Death Cap) to the world!
- Modded fish can now be caught at the ocean.
Here are some spoilers, too.
View attachment 202360 View attachment 202359 View attachment 202361
Dungeon Spirit
- Fixes a major bug in which all consumable tiles consume when you use them, regardless of whether they should or not (like blocks consumed even if they're not placed)
Mediafire: http://www.mediafire.com/file/r43pxbfj3d4nvhp/Critters.tmod
Also on Mod Browser, and here's a file.
- Fixes a major bug in which all consumable tiles consume when you use them, regardless of whether they should or not (like blocks consumed even if they're not placed)
Mediafire: http://www.mediafire.com/file/r43pxbfj3d4nvhp/Critters.tmod
Also on Mod Browser, and here's a file.
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