is it possible to fish in space?
yes but only for specific angler requests and damnselfish which is used to make the calming potion (reduce enemy spawn).is it possible to fish in space?
I can see that you're right. I just got so caught up in the idea of having a forest crate finally that I didn't think it through. I wonder if one day someone will put in one of those, but then put in a special balloon or something? Eh, it's an idea. Thank you, though. I love your mod. It's now on my top 6.I could depending on what It would have. I think you would find most of the items on the other crates though.
yes but only for specific angler requests and damnselfish which is used to make the calming potion (reduce enemy spawn).
I have a certain bug to report. I keep fishing some Desert Crates in the Ocean but whenever I open it, it drops nothing.. Not sure if the Desert Crate itself doesn't drop anything, or if the Ocean shouldn't be giving Desert Crates in the first place
if is possible please put after any updates on the 1 page for those who arrive to this mod.There was an Issue with the Desert crates that i fixed in the new version. I dont know why the Beach is also read as desert maybe due to the sand but I tested and you are able to fish both there. I also "fixed" the code a bit because I noticed that the code for fishing some crates were a bit messy and would cause sometimes to have a better chance than intended to fish a crate.
Changelog: Bugfixes + Some sprites made by @Anubscorpiak
The forums are not letting me upload the file so use mega for now. I'll put it as an attachment when I'm able to.
if is possible please put after any updates on the 1 page for those who arrive to this mod.