tModLoader GabeHasWon's Mod

Note: the Void is being moved into another mod, so you won't get the Void back in the next update.
I'll also update the Swamp. :guidesmile:
Sorry, sorry. I guess I can release it now assuming v10.2 didn't change much. It'll be WIP though.

Uploaded to Mod Browser. If someone could find a download page I'd be grateful.
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Why are all of my plain biomes and underground with the Void biome music? I'm sick of it. FYI it's not in different biomes as jungle,ice,etc...
Playtesting report: Your granite armor is NOT balance at all, it gives 43 defence and 2 summons, prehardmode. The base granite armor gives that much defence with immunity to lava (whoopie do) and your character moves at 50% of normal speed.

Suggestion: Decrease the summon bonus and add character movement speed debuff to 50%
Apparently the Granite Chest had 29 defense (nerfed to 4)...otherwise it has 2 and 3 defense (head and legs). And that "base granite armor" you're talking about is from Thorium, I think.
Are you able to do something about some of the bugs? The biggest one is that ocean mimics spawn endlessly even in Hell.
Can you make it so the swamp doesn't convert more than half of the jungle to itself? Even within a LARGE world, I couldnt access any jungle without going into hell, and going up from there. TBH I'd like if I could just disable the swamp all together, and plant stuff myself.
Another bug as previously stated by xJake, with the whole Ocean Mimic things, they love to cover Calamity's biome-thing, as well as hell.
Any response would be appreciated! :dryadsmile:
The Ocean Mimics shouldn't even spawn anymore, but I'll check again, and I'll make the swamp smaller and make it spawn on the other side of the world.
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