Video Hallow pylon, and the world download.

Here ya go
Corruption world:Greybrynn
Crimson world:Yeah derp
Also, I have a twitter profile, it’s greybrynn like here, and if you want to share your progress on my world, go ahead.
Also the crimson world(mainly the underground and mushroom builds) I copied and pasted, and it caused some problems with the gen(mostly a minecart system with the mushroom pylon)
I can't seem to access the Google Drive link that you've provided here- is there a setting that needs to change?
I believe that I sent a request for access using my email. In my prior experience, normally this kind of thing works really smooth, but I just wanted to ask because that world of yours sounds neat. I'd really like to try it out. :merchantsmile:
I can't seem to access the Google Drive link that you've provided here- is there a setting that needs to change?
I believe that I sent a request for access using my email. In my prior experience, normally this kind of thing works really smooth, but I just wanted to ask because that world of yours sounds neat. I'd really like to try it out. :merchantsmile:
Hmm, are you just clicking the link? There should be something that says download, a screenshots would Be nice, and help me
Edit: fixed it had link sharing of.... :redspin: :redspin: :redspin:
Okay, just tried it out, and all I have to say is that I'm thoroughly impressed. Unfortunately, I could only see the forest pylon, because my character was brand-new and there weren't enough NPCs near the forest pylon yet.... Amazing work! This is everything I hoped for with my world file sharing thread. Thanks!
Okay, just tried it out, and all I have to say is that I'm thoroughly impressed. Unfortunately, I could only see the forest pylon, because my character was brand-new and there weren't enough NPCs near the forest pylon yet.... Amazing work! This is everything I hoped for with my world file sharing thread. Thanks!
YEah sorry about that, I just wanted to make it so you can progress through it.
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