That wont help. Are you aware what the ISP is? ALL traffic goes trough ISPs.If worse comes to worse there's always the intranet (dark web) for us.
That wont help. Are you aware what the ISP is? ALL traffic goes trough ISPs.If worse comes to worse there's always the intranet (dark web) for us.
That wont help. Are you aware what the ISP is? ALL traffic goes trough ISPs.
If these laws get passed, I am going to disappear until (or if) they are repealed. I simply don't know what to think of human greed and stupidity. This has been fueling my misanthropic view of humanity to the point where I simply do not think that humans will grow any further, but will get swallowed into greed. There will be a point where the world will be thrown into chaos because of this, and all those half-assed excuses for a better future will be so void that they will be as invisible as the air itself. We are starting to become a haphazard excuse for a race.
No. The traffic goes trough them. They know what type of content you're accessing no matter what. Most likely you'll be greeted with a message "You do not own a darknet packet subscription, click here to select a subscription.".Maybe. They would have to actively seek specific web sites though, which I suppose is the purpose of the no-neutrality.
Historically, it seems whatever they try we will find ways around it, what can be done can be undone. Look at the Pirate Bay, there once was one site that they took down, after taking it down hundreds of mirrors have popped up lol.
Sign up and stop it happening but if they do do it we will probably find a way around it one way or another.
This is quite a big issue indeed. Fortunately, we won in 2015 so I'm sure we can again! Also I got linked this statement of support from the FCC, but I'm unsure how significant it is or relevant at all.I'm pretty sure that the filing part only applies to US citizens.Actually, anyone can file.
The issue applies world-wide, though, to varying degrees. Even in so-called 'free' countries, business and political concerns have sought to leverage the power of the internet for their purposes and impose some level of control to what people can access.
Humanity is getting better and better in every possible way.
They may not be able to change the laws of your country. The impact however, is worldwide. If a website can't afford to pay a premium to be seen by consumers, they will shut down or go out of business. Then NO one will receive the benefits of that page or web address, whatever it may be.
Imagine it this way. MMORPG games hosted in the US could be blocked from consumers unless they subscribe to the "gaming" internet package. Fewer people would play their games, they would make less money, then the servers shut down world-wide as the game company goes out of business.
This is only a single example, the overall impact is far greater
So would I...until these countries take the United States' example and do the same thing.Yes the impact would be pretty great worldwide, it would actually hurt the US market for internet services, these companies would move to places like Europe or Japan to do business.
The guy you really need to hate is Ajit Pai. Trump has his own ordeal in there too, (not sure about Pence) so let's not let him off the hook. The best we can do is to do our part in the protest and hope that the government is not stupid enough to actually do this. Oh, and kicking trump out is much more complicated than that.The stupid gubbermint are at it AGAIN! All in the name of money and power. Makes me hate Trump and the rest of the douchebags down in the White House a whole lot more. Really hope Trump AND Pence get kicked out.
What if other countries follow the US's lead? I'm just saying I don't think you should be so quick to dismiss this as not your problem.And what to do if I'm not from US? Or it doesn't concern me?
I know but Trump appointed that dweeb to the FCC so it is kinda Trump's fault.So would I...until these countries take the United States' example and do the same thing.
The guy you really need to hate is Ajit Pai. Trump has his own ordeal in there too, (not sure about Pence) so let's not let him off the hook. The best we can do is to do our part in the protest and hope that the government is not stupid enough to actually do this. Oh, and kicking trump out is much more complicated than that.
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