IC Neo Transpirence

*Ganransu has a bottle of holy water in his hand and pours it over Star's head*
Ganransu "I'm not trying to baptise you"
Ganransu "I wonder if there is the possibility of purging the force in that crystal from your body"
Chen "I can cut it out" *he manifests a chain with a psychotic look on his face*
Ganransu *worried* "How about we don't do brain surgery"
"Guys, stop."
"If anything, we are making things worse."
"We need to just accept it."
"Like hell. If he kills everyone, then no one will kill him and I want his energy the most. I can't kill him though."
"Someone kill him please."
“Well, it’s not really a corruption. It just takes you over, allowing it’s own mind to take over yours.”
"Ghost are immune to mind control."
“So most of you here want to kill me. Huh.”
*He then breaks his cuffs using his watch, and trips Chen, pinning him down with a sword*
*Ganransu quickly reacts and holds both swords at Star's throat*
Ganransu "I'm in no mood to kill you, but it would be a good idea to see what is going on in that crystal"
*Ganransu quickly reacts and holds both swords at Star's throat*
Ganransu "I'm in no mood to kill you, but it would be a good idea to see what is going on in that crystal"
“And it would be a good idea to think before you act.”
*He presses a button on his watch, deploying a helmet on him*
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