Hot Topic Post your Terraria hours!

How many hours do you have in Terraria?

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Holy moly. I think you need to go to Terrarian AA
Myself I have 135 hours on Terraria, when i saw this post i expected to be where in the middle but i see you guys take this game very seriously. What do you guys do to find this game so entertaining after the first few hundred hours? Also even though i have 135 hours on Terraria i haven't beat it solo once.
Hi, my name is dresden, and I'm a terraria addict..

also, "One does not simply BEAT terraria". it can not be done unless playing an adventure map, but then you're technically not playing terraria anymore, you're playing someone else's game and using terraria mechanics :p
Hi, my name is dresden, and I'm a terraria addict..

also, "One does not simply BEAT terraria". it can not be done unless playing an adventure map, but then you're technically not playing terraria anymore, you're playing someone else's game and using terraria mechanics :p
But what do you do after so much time on these worlds. I'v gotten to end game twice but i cant really find much else to do beside build and im not very creative so i dont do that
you work on setting records once you manage to kill everything while half-asleep, then you build a warehouse to stash all your top-tier baws lewt. after that, you build gigantic deathmatronic killywhirls and murdermajigs to annihilate anything foolish enough to get under or inside of them. the things you can do are virtually endless :p

i'm still working on reaching wave 20 of the frostmoon solo on my craptastic netbook, sooo there's an example of "the work is never done"
you work on setting records once you manage to kill everything while half-asleep, then you build a warehouse to stash all your top-tier baws lewt. after that, you build gigantic deathmatronic killywhirls and murdermajigs to annihilate anything foolish enough to get under or inside of them. the things you can do are virtually endless :p

i'm still working on reaching wave 20 of the frostmoon solo on my craptastic netbook, sooo there's an example of "the work is never done"
Yeah now that i think about it I've never beaten a moon solo. Recently my hard drive failed on me so i lost all my save data so i have to start from ground zero. And i had finally gotten all the items from the biome chests in the dungeon.
800 hours currently, been playing it a little bit too much recently (logged about 200+ hours in the last two weeks). :D
terraria 420 hours.PNG

am i cool yet
Unfortunately, only 51 hours. But that's just on the PC version! I've spent lots of time on the xbox version too. I'm definitely going to increase the hours on the PC version c;
Wow this thread died. Wow almost no one has over 1000 hours. I guess those who are over 1000 can be considered the "elites." Anyways, 2583 hours on PC, and that does not even include console, mobile, and my modded experience. Mobile I would add about 25 hours, console about 500, and when I played exxo avalon, I played about 50 hours in the time frame of 6 days. I got the game on PC the 3rd of October 2013, and hit 2000 hours in February. I hit 2500 in June, which is quite insane. In total, a little over 3000 hours. Quite ridiculous, and 1.3 will add at least another 1500 HOURS guaranteed. I freakin' love this game.
I currently have a little over 1100 hours myself, but i don't think that makes me elite or anything... I´m just a scrub with way too much time on his hands
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