Hot Topic Post your Terraria hours!

How many hours do you have in Terraria?

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939. It would be more, but I've been holding off since November last year so I can play it fresh when 1.3 comes. Yeah, probably could've played some more.
Hello all!!

I was just reading some of the posts and I thought to myself "Hey! Why not ask about everyone's total play time. Good idea Rin! Let's do that!" So here I am! (Yes, I do talk to myself in the third person) :guidetongue:

What kind of player are you? Grinder/builder/explorer/other?
What's the total amount of time played in Terraria?

(Rather large question incoming!) Tell us about your favorite moment Terraria if you can narrow it down to one.

My answers to the questions are: I'm a builder/explorer and I have around 2000 hours playing. (rounding up) I think my most memorial times in game is when I build something that really surprises me.

Have a great day!

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I've played for nearly 4 years now.
And through all the time, I didn't buy Terraria.
Now I've got 100 hours in the game.
Steam says I got 700+ hours.
I've been playing since just before 1.0.6 though.
Meaning, that's about 4 years.

I could've had more hours, but my Team Fortress 2 playtime just so happens to be at 5463 hours at the moment...
I only have about 300 on steam, but last year I didn't have internet (but I had Terraria) so that time I played offline wasn't recorded. I would estimate about 450 Total on PC, and maybe 120 on Xbox 360.
~500 in Steam, with many, many more on iOS. I would estimate 700 total hours, but sadly iOS doesn't keep track of playtime so I don't know for sure :guidesigh:
I have 1372 hours of Terraria. At least 500 of that came from a time before wall of flesh was implemented. I play the game in bursts, akin to when you play Skyrim. I play until all the bosses are beaten. Then I get rather bored and don;t have the willpower to start another run, so I usually find another game to play until Terraria seems interesting again.
I bought the game the day it released on Steam and have been playing it off/on (usually when new updates come out). I currently have 1679 Hours played. I also got my friend into Terraria and we do multiplayer playthroughs together. He has 747 hours logged.
I have 450. Not including mods or another account I used to own before it got hijacked and steam didn't want to help me get it back. In total I probably have about 1,500-1,600.

I've seen people with 5k and even 10k... Like how does one waste so much time?
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