Casual Random facts about yourself

  • I love anime and watch a bit of anime.
  • Draw a anime girl in school.
  • Got a lot of Lego bricks and sets.
  • Pirating games and movies.
  • Making stuff at school.
  • Drinking 7up a lot.
  • I had Autism.
  • Play games a lot like my Ps4 or my brother Xbox360.
  • Got on reddit a bit.
  • Read Creepypastas and had a file on creepypasta stories and scary stories.
I'm diagnosed with Autism.
Same i do had Autism.
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I am arguably a published author - my poem was accepted into a book of poems and i still possess a copy. c:
I consider most games I play to be too easy/OP.
I love puzzles.
undertale creeps me out.
I prefer werewolves over vampires.
I like writing.
I read a lot.
  • I'm currently studying Japanese. I have learned how to read and write in Hiragana and Katakana (2 of the 3 Writing Systems in Japanese, the 3rd being Kanji based on 1,000's of Chinese characters) and have learned the Polite form of Past and Non-Past sentences. Still not fluent enough yet though.
  • According to my Anime Planet Account I've watched over 200 Anime series throughout my life. (My MyAnimeList Account is out of sync with my Anime Planet which is more updated).
  • I've been watching Anime since I've been 13 years old. (I don't consider Pokemon and Dragon Ball Z to count since I didn't understand what they were and didn't see a lot of episodes from them.)
  • Then I greatly fear rejection (in terms of friendships/relationships), to the point where imagining someone rejecting me causes me to feel sick, like a knife has been put into my chest.
  • I'll also share that I've been diagnosed with High-Functioning Autism since others here have had the courage to do so.
  • One more is that I seem to have an overall fascination with Demons/Giant Mutants/Aliens (Not the Generic Green People kind) in Fantasy/Sci Fi Stories.
Well, I guess it won’t hurt to share that I also have been diagnosed with altism.

Anyway, I think I’ll make a bigger list again:
- My favourite genre of games is RTS, followed by RPG.
- My least favourite is FPS.
- I started to learn witchcraft last year, but had to stop because of school, I might go back to it some day.
- I really enjoy RPing.
- I used to write nihilistic poetry, dunno why I stopped.
- I plan on writing a book, maybe a romance (not a romantic romance)
- I guess I could say this out (again): I’m transgender, MtF.
- Really love wearing black.
- Also love jewellery made out of brute stones (no fancy stuff like cut diamonds and :red:, I'm talking about brute gemstones, more natural looking ones, y'know what I'm saying)
- Even though I used to learn witchcraft, I'm not actually superstitious, actually, I hate superstitions.
Well, I probably made one way back when, but might as well make a new one.
  • I have been diagnosed with Autism. How many does that make it?
  • My two favourite games, at least at the moment, are Pokémon and MH4U.
  • I tend to play a game obsessively for a little while then die off of it and find something new to obsess over, meaning the previous point may actually be nul quite soon.
  • I am not quite a completionist, but often complete as many quests/objectives as I can, even optional ones.
  • My favourite type of game is RPG.
  • My least favourite is FPS.
  • I play Terraria on Mobile, even though I have steam.
  • As much as I think Terraria is cool, I have never made it past the Wall of Flesh, and thus, never made it to hard mode. My first thread on TO was based around a WOF "glitch"- unfortunately, I don't know where it is now.
  • I am, you guessed it, the second on the Most Posts list. This, unfortunately, means that new people like to PM me or BlueSwordsman about Terraria about help sometimes, which most of the time I can't give. I am also accused of spamming sometimes, which is kind of disheartening but I live with it.
^That was most of my life at that age. I guess college did change some stuff in me, eh?

Anyway, I actually don’t play Terraria for ages and think the game is rather boring.
HOW DARE YOU!!! Well I guess you COULD have a different opinion... But then why are you on the TERRARIA FORUMS!!?!??!
I study languages and literature in the University of São Paulo;
I really like dyed hair in unnatural colours;
I almost always wear black;
I like gemstones;
I'm Learning to read tarot.
what is "tarot"?
Here's another random one-
I'm terrified of being ticked.
Call me strange but once it was only threatened of it and I screamed.
So yeah. There's that.
  • I can stay underwater for more than 2 minutes, (I actually stayed down for 2 minutes exactly, but i was more than happy to stay down there for longer).
  • My GT (Dharak Colossus) is spelled that way because i tried to spell 'Dark' at like 4 or 5 years old
  • I cannot draw people, WHATSOEVER
  • For some reason I draw perfectly at times, but others... *points finger down throat with disgusted expression*
  • I tend to be extremely indecisive, Example: 'This is extremely accurate, but this reloads sooo fast'
  • I have an odd taste in music, I'd listen to ANYTHING but 99% of Trance/Dance songs
  • While im not Claustrophobic or Socially anxious, I tend to feel awkward and or uncomfortable in closed spaces or while talking to people. Or even worse, in a close, large crowd of people.
~I have a weird fetish on where I love chubby females.
~I love cancelling plans when it is about to happen
(because I'm evil as heck)

~Editing (terraria) is LIFE
  • I can stay underwater for more than 2 minutes, (I actually stayed down for 2 minutes exactly, but i was more than happy to stay down there for longer).
  • My GT (Dharak Colossus) is spelled that way because i tried to spell 'Dark' at like 4 or 5 years old
  • I cannot draw people, WHATSOEVER
  • For some reason I draw perfectly at times, but others... *points finger down throat with disgusted expression*
  • I tend to be extremely indecisive, Example: 'This is extremely accurate, but this reloads sooo fast'
  • I have an odd taste in music, I'd listen to ANYTHING but 99% of Trance/Dance songs
  • While im not Claustrophobic or Socially anxious, I tend to feel awkward and or uncomfortable in closed spaces or while talking to people. Or even worse, in a close, large crowd of people.
I cant draw people even if it meant I die if I dont! :guidegrin:
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