Steal the loot!

d00t stealling da l00t sneaking around cause this thread is dead and i stole da l00t and i put it in my n0n electronic terrarian safe
I simply hack into the game and give me the loot by making the safe with the cookie is in be moved to my character, file

I give the loot to pickle inspector(PI) and he uses temporal replisimmile causing a slightly smaller clone of him called past pickle inspector(PPI) to have appeared a while ago and an other one identical to PPI called future pickle inspector(FPI) to be going to appear in the future bot holding the loot, upon appearing PPI instantly used temporal replisimmile thus having created PPPI (Past Past Pickle Inspector) and having been going to create FPPI (Future Past Pickle Inspector) and FPI is going to do the same, creating PFPI and FFPI who each also do temporal replisimmile thus creating PPPPI, FPPPI, PFPPI, FFPPI, PPFPI, FPFPI, PFFPI and FFFPI and so on ad infinitum thus becoming all the particles in the universe at all points in time (yes even those making up the original PI, do not ask how)
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