Is this the correct place for reporting errors, or is there a repository somewhere? I love the concept and what I have played of it so far, which admittedly isn't much.
Anyway, I just found a crash. Whenever I try to place a bonfire, I get the following popup and then crash.
When I log back in, the campfire is not there or in my inventory, and the resources used to make it are still there. This only happens when the spirit mod is also installed, so it might be their fault, but I thought I'd mention it.
Trees drop a dirt block when felled (only when more than one block is effected and it plays the felling animation)
Probably intentional but unmentioned: Stone background objects drop 6 stone. The broadsword swing, even if not charged up, will launch you forward a tiny bit and cancel your momentum. The minimap shows your character's head where the camera is, not where the character is. Zombie Eskimos (at least, probably more) seem to get stuck traversing slightly ragged terrain until they get line of sight to you.
Got this error when trying to add Overhaul and Thorium at the same time when Spirit is already loaded. Same error when adding Thorium when both Spirit and Overhaul are already loaded, or adding Spirit with Overhaul and Thorium are loaded. No problems in any other combination, though I did notice that removing one and adding another in the same reload had the same issue. Not all combinations of that are tested currently though, just let me know if that would be useful.
I also crashed once with thorium and spirit also on when trying to save & exit the game. Went to a "Windows has encountered an error" message, I don't know if it actually saved because I only tested campfires on that world, and I cannot reproduce it. Probably a fluke.
Now this one seems to happen randomly after a bit of time, no clue what could be causing it. Now that I'm looking at it, it seems to be the same error message as the campfire placing one. This is with all 3 mods.
Someone already mentioned this I believe, but ropes are very glitchy; It is easier to glitch into a wall than to not, and when aiming at the rope above or below you (straight up or down) causes the sprite to spaz out between the left and right facing inward sprites. That last one unfortunately doesn't show up on screenshots.
And finally, there are some camera/lighting issues when spawning in, where the camera zooms in from the left and shadows aren't applied for a moment, so you can see every block on screen, even underground.
Sorry for the error spam, hope it helps though! This mod looks amazing, thanks for making it!