PC terraria play trough


Hello terrarians I'm here to show you my play trough server a mini game server is in the making don't worry. so basically I made server where we do play troughs and have fun this is a team server but if you want I can make a pvp one as well. THE RULES: no grieving/bullying/hurtful messages. DO NOT SHOW NUDITY OR SEND HOMOGRAPIHC MESSAGES THIS WILL RESULT IN A PERMANT BAN!!!!!
be a team no pvp this will result in a day ban.

The IP address is:
The server port is 7777
put your preferred classes below and info about your terraria character to help me decide if u can be a moderater or be A ULTRA MOD the ultra mod can do speacial events and do almost everything if you want to be a mod I have to know you well enough I can trust you with the server.

just write a reply about your experience the ip is this is a dedicated server which means that its always open I will choose moderators to watch the server over night and tell me if anything bad happened
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