Hot Topic Terrarians, show us your "I must screenshot this" moment


........ANOTHER....... Solar Eclipse. #4 This playthrough.

That's two today alone.

And still no Moon Stone or Death Sickle, lol. I now have 8 BHS (11 Total this Playthrough), along with 2 Reaper and 2 Vampire Banners (plus a couple I threw away before I started saving them).

I didn't want an ocean or jungle anyway.

Merely dig a vertical shaft from the surface down to where you are in the screenshot, and then a horizontal shaft from where you are over to the edge of the map, make said shaft 5 blocks wide, and cap the Upper and Left surfaces of these two shafts with wood to prevent grass/corrupt thorn growth.

This will save the rest of your jungle (but you need to do it prior to hardmode).

The ocean? That's going to be toast. But thankfully, there are two of them and you can probably save the other one.
It wasn't worth the effort to save the jungle since the temple took up so much space and the rest was tiny caves not connected to anything else. But it wasn't my main world so I don't care too much.
Two Pirate Attacks, 2 Lucky Coins (1 from each), and 3 Cutlasses from the 2nd.


The coin I'm "wearing" came from the previous pirate attack and the coin in my inventory dropped from the second one.

What a perfect time to fishing.


I need to think what should I do with these giant feather. (maybe collect until I can make real giant wing)


"Salmon is common than bass."
Two Pirate Attacks, 2 Lucky Coins (1 from each), and 3 Cutlasses from the 2nd.


The coin I'm "wearing" came from the previous pirate attack and the coin in my inventory dropped from the second one.

Wow that is some good luck there. I did so many pirate invasions just to get one of those. When I did find one, I already had two coin guns.
How many Solar Eclipses can one world spit out in such a short time? Seems like every time I load the game up, I'm bound to get a Solar Eclipse each session lol.


Here we go again....


SIX Broken Hero Swords (5 in inventory, 1 on the ground)!? I now have 14 of them + the 3 I used in making my Terra Blade, bringing the total this Playthrough up to 17 in 5 Eclipses. But hey, at least a Moon Stone dropped. I am quite very happy with that. Still no Death Sickle, though. Oh well.
yes, i survived this...


my NPC's din't, but man, the final wave is crazy to do it alone :eek:

around 40 minutes of the pumpkin moon and only one Horseman's blade. >__>
Thanks server commands for expanding the DONG moon. :p
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