The Last Post Wins!

Seriously I had the full weight of an MSI gaming laptop, DSi with case, charger, and several more things on my back and I still managed to sprint all the way to the bus
it was not fun doing this

btw Illuminar
did you see the notes I posted yesterday for Agent Null?
I'll most likely start making Splatoon weapon concepts tomorrow when I have more energy to draw
tomorrow is gonna be a chaotic day for me
I'll most likely start making Splatoon weapon concepts tomorrow when I have more energy to draw
tomorrow is gonna be a chaotic day for me
-Making concept designs for splatoon weapon ideas
-Trying very desperately to keep up with a Niet + Sei day on PFQ during a Type Race with full boosts
-Grinding out Salmon Run on my Switch despite half the weapons being ones I suck with (Goo Tuber and S-Blaster; I am absolute trash with chargers and blasters aren't great either), while I'm only mildly competent with the other two (I can work with stringers, Dapple Dualies are far from my best dualies (I'm better with tetra and splat) but I can still work with them)
Random idea for an alternate fallen timeline: one where instead of Arila accidentally giving the timeline hope, it was Sere (I can post her description if asked, but be warned that some information has been redacted for reasons unknown) and she intentionally did it purely because she didn't like Malis despite not even knowing him
as in she would have passed by, noticed Malis about to kill Esther, and thought "I don't like this guy, I'm gonna mess with him" before catching a piece of Esther's shattered soul (causing the chain of events mentioned in the Fallen Timeline info section of my lore thread (In the other stuff area))
Not even stopping him from using the shockwave, just catching a soul shard and then leaving because her work there was done
Agent Null:
-Also known as Agent 0, which they add after introducing themselves ("You can decide which to use, I honestly don't care that much.")
--Also accepts just being called Null
-Their real name is unknown
-Is not involved with the New Squidbeak Splatoon; it isn't known where they got their codename, but it's implied they didn't give it to themselves
-Can survive in water for a limited time, mostly long enough to get back out of the water
-Barely cares about anything around them, and is honestly in a constant mood
--Would unironically get along with Kino because of their constant mood
-Mains the Forge Splattershot Pro
--Only uses the special (Booyah Bomb) in emergencies because they dislike relying on teammates much
-Usually wears a dark (mostly black with colored accents) version of the Splatoon 3 Hero gear, with the Splatoon 2 Hero Headphones
Here they are
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