TTT The Terrarian Times: The One Just Before 1.3

I don't think a mini-world would be implemented in 1.3, but I do hope they add an Easter egg like that. Maybe something as simple as shooting one on the moon would make an animation of air rushing into the portal, something as simple as that would make me happy.
I feel like I wanna make Aperture Science in Terraria :p
The 1.3 feature I am most excited about is - you guessed it - the Portal Gun!
I want to see how the Portalgun in Terraria thing went and came to life.
Red: O lord Gabe, bless my game with thy mountain dew and Doritos aswell as adding a gift from above, the portalgun.

Gabe: K.

Meanwhile in the Terraria haterz HQ,

#$%* this #&$$%.
I have an idea

Made from 2 terrablades, 2 broken hero swords, 2 true night´s edges, 2 true excaliburs and 2 true copper shortswords.
0-99 damage(all kinds of Dmg or only melee)
0-99% crit chance
random speed
random knockback

Now, before you say: DeeR! That´s insane
Yes, it is......

but..........Who cares?!
Wow. Only a week to the highly anticipated update. I also really like how you write "The Terrarian Times."
A lovely article, quite fitting to make one more exciting for the upcoming update!
As for the best memory, I gotta say Yrimir's Olympic Contest he did years ago, it was really fun trying out all the different challenges.
Most Anticipated Feature...Hoping like hell it's in 1.3 would be an alternate to the hollow like how the corruption has the crimson.
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