tModLoader The Thorium Mod

It functions as...
Hell Forge
Adamantite Forge
Mythril Anvil
Demon Altar
Alchemy Table
Tables & Chairs
Heavy Workbench
Tinkerers Workbench
It does NOT function as any modded crafting stations, for a couple reasons. Mainly from a design standpoint.

Dis still amazing though, me base gonna like it !
Okay, fair enough, I can see your point. I still would prefer it be a bit longer but both of your arguments are understandable. Though, @Chime , I'm not sure what you mean by can be cast multiple times; the Titanium Staff can only be cast once, placing the blade portal. @General Milky , I guess I expected turret too much. Too used to playing Mage and casting eight billion turrets everywhere, lol. You have a good point.
I guess what I mean is unlike the nimbus rod which if you cast it multiple times it loses power. The Titanium doesn't as it nearly always attacks.
Hello. I am new to Terraria modding and i've encountered a problem and i'm not sure what it is or how to fix it. When I "reload" my mods I get an error with this message:

Sequence contains no matching element
at System.Linq.Enumerable.Single[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source, Func`2 predicate)
at Terraria.ModLoader.AssemblyManager.InstantiateMods(List`1 modsToLoad)

As I said, i'm new to modding and i'm not sure if this is a user error or an error with the mod.
(the only mod I have installed is the Thorium Mod.)
Hello. I am new to Terraria modding and i've encountered a problem and i'm not sure what it is or how to fix it. When I "reload" my mods I get an error with this message.

As I said, i'm new to modding and i'm not sure if this is a user error or an error with the mod.
(the only mod I have installed is the Thorium Mod.)
I cant say I've ever seen that error before. I would try the guys over on the tModLoader thread, they're a lot more familiar with the possible error messages.
Well, after a little 77hours playing on thorium mod, finally beaten Ragnarok. Had fun making big open rectangle underground for farms (thanks for that, got the rod of discord), making a okay looking village, teleporters to all useful waypoints. Let's say this mod kept me on the game for a little while !o/

Thanks Diver !o/
Strange bug with the life's gift item in multiplayer, if someone not using the staff hovers their cursor over themselves when the caster uses it, they will heal double the original amount as if casted twice at once.
um so i just updated, and the blacksmith is bugged out like crazy, he despawns when i save and exit my world, so he has to move back in every time i load the world, and the end of his name always has my player name on it for some reason...
I love this mod, i've already kill the Coznix boss, but when I tried the Twins is really imppossible to me, simply i can´t.

I have the forst armor and the clockwork repeater, i have too loadstone/valadium armor and weapons, but i can't kill him.

Please i need help xD
I love this mod, i've already kill the Coznix boss, but when I tried the Twins is really imppossible to me, simply i can´t.

I have the forst armor and the clockwork repeater, i have too loadstone/valadium armor and weapons, but i can't kill him.

Please i need help xD
I destroyed the expert Twins with Frost Armor and Daedalus Stormbow w/Holy Arrows
I've been playing the mod for a few hours now and I'm not noticing any thorium ore generation (or any mod-exclusive ores in general) no matter how far down I go, should I make a new world or is it just that rare?
I've been playing the mod for a few hours now and I'm not noticing any thorium ore generation (or any mod-exclusive ores in general) no matter how far down I go, should I make a new world or is it just that rare?
Is you world New? or is it an old world? I figure if it's an old world, the new ores won't retroactively generate within the world. meaning you need to start a completely new world.
I've been playing the mod for a few hours now and I'm not noticing any thorium ore generation (or any mod-exclusive ores in general) no matter how far down I go, should I make a new world or is it just that rare?

In large world Thorium ore generated in lava-caves level. Other ores deeper.
Bug(?): i'm late game with "Life Bloom" armor, and instead of giving me 4 more minions, it only gives me 2. (Update
Tell me, what minion are you summoning?
Strange bug with the life's gift item in multiplayer, if someone not using the staff hovers their cursor over themselves when the caster uses it, they will heal double the original amount as if casted twice at once.
Yep, I'm currently fixing the healer items for real this time. Next patch they should be 100% working as intended!
I've been playing the mod for a few hours now and I'm not noticing any thorium ore generation (or any mod-exclusive ores in general) no matter how far down I go, should I make a new world or is it just that rare?
The larger the world, the deeper the ores spawn.
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