All of us have been children at one point (Young Children, by that I mean around 4-8 years old). And there are things that we believed about the world that as we got older learned were not true. Things like Santa Claus being real, Babies coming from Storks, and the Toothfairy.
This is the place to share these things you thought were true when you were young.
To start it off, I'll share some of the things I believed when I was very young:
This is the place to share these things you thought were true when you were young.
To start it off, I'll share some of the things I believed when I was very young:
- Teachers lived in Schools (They Slept and Ate there)
- Adults knew everything and they were always right
- That Cruel actions like Terrorism, Bank Robberies, and Torture by people only existed in Movies
Well, to name off a few...

- That the Tooth Fairy was real. I never believed in Santa Claus, but I always believed in the Tooth Fairy.
- That going outside when it's cold out would give you a cold.
- That adults knew everything and were always right (sorry I stole this one but I believed it too
- That letting your mom make you a FaceBook account was a good idea.
- That anime was stupid.
- That repeating jokes over and over was funny.
- That ESRB played the games they rated.
- That I was smart and all the other kids were dumb. I later found out that it was just the opposite.
Lunatic Cultist
That I had a problem that was completely unfixable and would be miserable for the rest of my life.
That every normal family had parents that got drunk and screamed at each other every night.
That I'd never get bored of certain things.
That I would be an artist when I grew up.
That every stranger was a lovely person deserving of my hugs..
That astrology had some meaning.
That magic was real.
That my imaginary friend would stay with me forever.
That every normal family had parents that got drunk and screamed at each other every night.
That I'd never get bored of certain things.
That I would be an artist when I grew up.
That every stranger was a lovely person deserving of my hugs..
That astrology had some meaning.
That magic was real.
That my imaginary friend would stay with me forever.
I thought that the word 'interesting' was 'inch-resting'.
That there was a pool atop of our schools roof. Seriously, everyone in my elementary school thought all of the teachers went up there to party when we were gone.
That bashing a PC makes it load faster (learned from my dad, turns out it doesn't)
That Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy, and Easter Bunny were real. (I stopped Easter first, figured out that my grandparents had all the eggs, then Tooth Fairy when I stayed up late and felt my dad reach under my pillow, and Santa last, when I found my Christmas present in my mothers walk in closet)
That you have to hold your breath near a graveyard
I also (not a belief, but still odd) would repeat every sentence I said twice, but the second time, I would say it in a whisper. I never knew why.
That bashing a PC makes it load faster (learned from my dad, turns out it doesn't)
That Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy, and Easter Bunny were real. (I stopped Easter first, figured out that my grandparents had all the eggs, then Tooth Fairy when I stayed up late and felt my dad reach under my pillow, and Santa last, when I found my Christmas present in my mothers walk in closet)
That you have to hold your breath near a graveyard
I also (not a belief, but still odd) would repeat every sentence I said twice, but the second time, I would say it in a whisper. I never knew why.
Bob was a common name
Getting caught on fire was a common thing that happened in life
I was going to encounter alot of bullies
TV was spelled TeeVee
Psychic could really see the future
Getting caught on fire was a common thing that happened in life
I was going to encounter alot of bullies
TV was spelled TeeVee
Psychic could really see the future
MegaMage314 🌳
Living Tree
I used to think it was okay that I hated school, and that education was supposed to be boring or stressful to me.
I used to think it was okay that I hated school, and that education was supposed to be boring or stressful to me.
That's the funny thing, I still think it's ok that I hate school. It is boring and stressful, but I know it's not supposed to be.
MegaMage314 🌳
Living Tree
I guess I mean more that it's not okay that school is something most students hate.That's the funny thing, I still think it's ok that I hate school. It is boring and stressful, but I know it's not supposed to be.
Bob was a common name
I thought Bob is still a common name to this day. I guess in the newest generation it isn't as common, but it still seems pretty frequent.
For some more things I used to believe when I was very young:
- Furnaces were alive, and the furnace room extended down forever.
- That if you didn't get As on everything you would fail school. (This might be part of why I was motivated to not have bad grades during school)
- Marriage caused people to have Children
- Santa Claus
- Tooth fairy
- Easter bunny
- TTg was funny
- Bad jokes were funny
- Puns were funny
- Tapping the Wifi icon on a Nintendo DS would make it connect faster
- Adults were always right
- Liking Mario games was childish and immature
Marriage caused people to have Children
- Words like "poop", " butt", etc were "bad words"
- What the middle finger means (unfortunately)
Oh yeah, when I was a child, I used to think kissing made a child somehow.
Ah the joys of innocence…
Ah the joys of innocence…
Saliva=sem-- *gets shot*Oh yeah, when I was a child, I used to think kissing made a child somehow.
Ah the joys of innocence…
I'm gonna steal some of these from others. Sorry!

I was going to encounter alot of bullies
Words like "poop", " butt", etc were "bad words"
kissing made a child somehow
That bashing a PC makes it load faster (learned from my dad, turns out it doesn't)
ThatSanta Claus, the Tooth Fairy,and Easter Bunnywere real.
Commander Crocket
Old Man
"Coconuts are bear eggs."
What even.

What even.
I used to think sitting too close to a TV while it's on gave you square eyes.
The ice cream trucks played music when they were out of ice cream.
That my toys could actually come alive, like in Toy Story.
The ice cream trucks played music when they were out of ice cream.
That my toys could actually come alive, like in Toy Story.
Is it bad that I've never really believed in anything when I was young aside from the generic stuff like Santa Claus?
Wait, wait, wait, I got one.
I used to believe there was hope, and that the world was a happy place.
Wait, wait, wait, I got one.
I used to believe there was hope, and that the world was a happy place.
My dad always told me that if I crossed my eyes for long enough they would stay that way forever. I was so gullible....
Same here, but I never believed it.My dad always told me that if I crossed my eyes for long enough they would stay that way forever. I was so gullible....
That pointing at a cemetery would make a ghost haunt you.
That whistling at night would also make a ghost haunt you.
That dogs can see ghosts, who are are probably haunting you.
It's silly how I used to believe all of these things.
That whistling at night would also make a ghost haunt you.
That dogs can see ghosts, who are are probably haunting you.
It's silly how I used to believe all of these things.
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