Hmm, this can be done in Omnipatcher by modifying shootSpeed, only time this way won't work is if a weapon has multiple projectiles. Can also give yourself the Archery Buff as persistent.
Tiberium can of course correct this, but Projectile Velocity isn't a stat the player has, and only gets added by Archery for arrows and I believe the game simply checks if you have the buff, and if you do, and you're holding an arrow projectile style weapon then it will buff the velocity of it.
Boosting projectile velocity on the players stats will, I think, either do absolutely nothing, or it will do it on every single projectile, and there's lots of things that count as projectiles.
Spears, yoyo's, flails, most, if not all magic weapons, all minion/pet spawners, tombstones even... and well, more haha.
Can actually try this by increasing shootSpeed on.... Spears maybe? They have the most interesting effect.
And if you mean increasing Velocity for projectiles everywhere, as in, not a player stat, then, you will get sniped by skeleton archers, hornets, well, all enemies that shoot projectiles.
Enemies use the same projectiles/aiStyles as the player does. xD
Screenwide+ Place/Break Range can be modified by pressing the "Edit" button to make range lower, for example, setting Radius to 160 will increase range to 10 tiles.