tModLoader Tremor Remastered [discontinued]

Do you like Tremor Mod? (If "No" please tell why)

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    Votes: 1,490 86.1%
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    Votes: 241 13.9%

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Sooo, i came back. My problem is that the mod randomly disable other mods, and the TModloader display these texts:

Index was outside the bounds of the array.
at Terraria.Player.FindBuffIndex(Int32 type)
at Tremor.NPCs.TremorNPC.SetDefaults(NPC npc) in c:\Users\zadum4ivii\Documents\My Games\Terraria\ModLoader\Mod Sources\Tremor\NPCs\TremorNPCInfo.cs:line 10
at Terraria.ModLoader.NPCLoader.SetupNPC(NPC npc)
at Terraria.NPC.SetDefaults(Int32 Type, Single scaleOverride)
at Terraria.NPC.SetDefaultsKeepPlayerInteraction(Int32 Type)
at Terraria.NPC.CloneDefaults(Int32 Type)
at LegendOfTerraria3.NPCs.PHM.Rare.Dan.SetDefaults() in c:\Users\Saph\Documents\My Games\Terraria\ModLoader\Mod Sources\LegendOfTerraria3\NPCs\PHM\Rare\Dan.cs:line 15
at Terraria.ModLoader.Mod.SetupContent()
at Terraria.ModLoader.ModLoader.do_Load(Object threadContext)

Index was outside the bounds of the array.
at Terraria.Player.FindBuffIndex(Int32 type)
at Tremor.NPCs.TremorNPC.SetDefaults(NPC npc) in c:\Users\zadum4ivii\Documents\My Games\Terraria\ModLoader\Mod Sources\Tremor\NPCs\TremorNPCInfo.cs:line 10
at Terraria.ModLoader.NPCLoader.SetupNPC(NPC npc)
at Terraria.NPC.SetDefaults(Int32 Type, Single scaleOverride)
at Terraria.NPC.SetDefaultsKeepPlayerInteraction(Int32 Type)
at Terraria.NPC.CloneDefaults(Int32 Type)
at SpiritMod.NPCs.Town.LoneTrapper.SetDefaults() in c:\Users\colton\Documents\My Games\Terraria\ModLoader\Mod Sources\SpiritMod\NPCs\Town\LoneTrapper.cs:line 18
at Terraria.ModLoader.Mod.SetupContent()
at Terraria.ModLoader.ModLoader.do_Load(Object threadContext)

Insufficient memory to continue the execution of the program.
at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Helpers.GetExceptionFromResult(UInt32 result)
at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.Texture2D..ctor(GraphicsDevice graphicsDevice, Stream stream, Int32 width, Int32 height, XnaImageOperation operation)
at Terraria.ModLoader.Mod.Autoload()
at Terraria.ModLoader.ModLoader.do_Load(Object threadContext)

And also, the game crashed and displayed this:
Tremor doesn't work fine with Spirit right now :( We're looking into this, don't worry!

How do I post pictures like not in a file?
Use Imgur, host the file, copy the URL of it, press Image button on top of the Message and enter URL there!
I don't think the food logo should wave liek that in the desert.
[doublepost=1488812054,1488812033][/doublepost]Did it work? :eek:
Tremor doesn't work fine with Spirit right now :( We're looking into this, don't worry!

Use Imgur, host the file, copy the URL of it, press Image button on top of the Message and enter URL there!

It doesn't seem to be working with Thorium, Joost, TLoT3 too, at least here. The mod disabled these mods before i got to the Main Menu of the game.
Also, Happy Birthday! Thanks for your hard work in this mod! I'm looking forward to see the new items and bosses! :happy:
It doesn't seem to be working with Thorium, Joost, TLoT3 too, at least here. The mod disabled these mods before i got to the Main Menu of the game.
Also, Happy Birthday! Thanks for your hard work in this mod! I'm looking forward to see the new items and bosses! :happy:
Wait, it's his birthday? I didn't know lol
Thorium works with it, but a problem with having a lot of mods is that the game is sadly only 32-bit (which really should be patched by the devs btw, it's 2017), so it can only use up to 4GB memory. When Modloader loads the mods, it uses a lot of memory to do that. Then when it finds an incompatible mod, Modloader tries to load every mod -again-, causing a memory overflow, thinking that other mods that it cannot load due to this (usually large mods like Thorium or Calamity) are incompatible too. Then this repeats over and over until there's enough memory to load the game in.
Thorium works with it, but a problem with having a lot of mods is that the game is sadly only 32-bit (which really should be patched by the devs btw, it's 2017), so it can only use up to 4GB memory. When Modloader loads the mods, it uses a lot of memory to do that. Then when it finds an incompatible mod, Modloader tries to load every mod -again-, causing a memory overflow, thinking that other mods that it cannot load due to this (usually large mods like Thorium or Calamity) are incompatible too. Then this repeats over and over until there's enough memory to load the game in.
That's pretty unfortunate :(
But at least if this is true, now we know why this is happening!
Thorium works with it, but a problem with having a lot of mods is that the game is sadly only 32-bit (which really should be patched by the devs btw, it's 2017), so it can only use up to 4GB memory. When Modloader loads the mods, it uses a lot of memory to do that. Then when it finds an incompatible mod, Modloader tries to load every mod -again-, causing a memory overflow, thinking that other mods that it cannot load due to this (usually large mods like Thorium or Calamity) are incompatible too. Then this repeats over and over until there's enough memory to load the game in.

So, i can't use various big mods together? That's kinda sad, i love all of them and getting one of them left out doesn't seem that fun, all of them have fun weapons to use. :(

[doublepost=1488812530,1488812505][/doublepost]Right click that and then press the open in another page or something lol.
Right now you can play Tremor Only, like at least one Tremor-only run is advised!
Really, when there's big content mods like that(calamity, spirit, thorium and tremor), the best thing is to not use them together, as it's too easy to get tiers of items worthless just because of overlapping content.

That means you would miss out on a lot of good content just because the modders didn't think of the balance between the mods(which is impossible, let's say it.).

So yeah, don't overspoil yourself with tons of huge content mods because it's a waste of cool things.
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