Empress of Light
What font are you using in the screenshots?Hey everyone! Today, I'd like to introduce you to my new enhancement pack for Terraria, TTE!
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What is TTE?
Glad you asked. TTE is a texture pack that focuses on enhancing the UI of the vanilla game. This pack will also feature custom sound tracks, and other things that enhance game play in the future!
Before I talk about the features of TTE, I would like to give some background. This pack has been inspired by many UI packs back from 2014, such as Svard's Interface Mod, and Testing_1_2's UI textures. Taking inspiration from these texture packs, I decided to create my own texture pack, combining elements of my own, and elements used by the old packs. I eventually released this new project as Techdude's Terraria UI, which you can still see here on TCF, (it is currently named KATTUI) but was eventually discontinued. (I will explain later) Anyways, when I launched Techdude's Terraria UI, the creator of the old texture pack, Svard (now known as Kiddles) was impressed by my work, and decided to help me. We got to work, striving to create the best UI pack out there, and after a few months, Techdude's Terraria UI was rebranded to KATTUI. At this point, version 1.2 had just been released, and development took a break, as we had just added a TON of new content to KATTUI. However, as I decided to return to development in early 2017 (Techdude's Terraria UI was initially released in August of last year), I realized that Kiddles was losing interest in the project. I took this into account, and decided to continue the project without him. I am taking all of the content from KATTUI, and completely starting fresh, with TTE. And here we are today, with TTE v1.0, formally known as KATTUI v1.3. I have spent the last few weeks fixing bugs, polishing, and much more. There is still work to be done, but that's where you guys, the community come in!Now that I have explained the history behind TTE, lets talk features! TTE offers three unique UI options. What is an option? TTE uses options to change the look of the Terraria UI! This includes things such as signs, NPC vendors, inventory, chests, settings menu, key bindings, and more! In addition to options, TTE adds a variety of custom cursors and fonts! More details are included in the download link, including an installation guide, and images! In addition to this, there are some provided screenshots below!Screenshots are in order of option. Option 1, then 2, then 3. More screenshots to come in the future!View attachment 179039 View attachment 179044View attachment 179040 View attachment 179041View attachment 179048View attachment 179046View attachment 179045 View attachment 179065View attachment 179064 View attachment 179066 View attachment 179069 View attachment 179068View attachment 179070 View attachment 179072 View attachment 179073
View attachment 179074Version 1.0 download: TTE (Techdude's Terraria Enhancements)Click this link to join the official TTE discord! Here, you can get the latest news regarding updates, and other things TTE! Join the TTE (Techdude's Terraria Enhancements) Discord Server!Techdude594 - Creator, spriter, and lead developer of TTE.
Kiddles - Inspiration, and helped out with previous versions of KATTUI (now TTE)
Re-Logic - Thanks for creating the original sprites, and this incredible game!TTE version history:Code:[URL='https://forums.terraria.org/index.php?threads/tte-techdudes-terraria-enhancements.60630/#post-1433528"'][IMG]http://i.imgur.com/4gndv0d.png[/IMG][/URL]
V 1.0: 8/2/17
Future plans: Bug fixes, polish, more options, fonts, and cursors. Add support for other texture packs.
If you guys are interested in joining the development team, join the discord server, and head to the #applications channel! Please consider joining, I am a one man team currently, and any talented spriters are appreciated!
Enjoy TTE, there is much more to come in the future! -Techdude