What would you bring from other games to terraria?

vex mythoclast
And the Vex themselves. Those guys are creepy. Basically everything in Destiny would be good in Terraria. Possibly even the Storm Rifle from Halo 4.
The legendary weapons from the Borderlands series,, the Nanogun from Iji as weapons (The former include such things as a gun that shoots swords which explode into more swords, and the latter basically is a gun that can turn into other guns), and possibily the Holorifle from Fallout: New Vegas, if it weren´t to become either weak or even more OP than in the game it´s from.
If I were to make an event, I would take the missile ponies from Iji (They don´t appear, but they get mentioned a lot if you activate that game´s silliness switch), along with a bunch of the animatronics from the FNAF series, but giving them the attacks they have in the FNAFB series (The ones I´d add, of course. That would mean that said event would involve things ranging from tophat lasers and SpringBelmontrap to ponies that unleash missile barrages that would make anything related to rockets blush).
I always vouch for "randomly" strong enemies like in diablo 2. AKA champion/elite enemies. They always add some challenges you aren't always ready for and test your ability to adapt to a situation. The closest thing Terraria tests for adapation is random mech night spawns. I mean, Terrible situations for certian enemies would suck, like a randomely strong tortoise or other hated enemy, but.... Terraria is not really punishing on death in general unless you don't play softcore, and in that case you are prepared for unfortunate situations
I always vouch for "randomly" strong enemies like in diablo 2. AKA champion/elite enemies. They always add some challenges you aren't always ready for and test your ability to adapt to a situation. The closest thing Terraria tests for adapation is random mech night spawns. I mean, Terrible situations for certian enemies would suck, like a randomely strong tortoise or other hated enemy, but.... Terraria is not really punishing on death in general unless you don't play softcore, and in that case you are prepared for unfortunate situations
Dude. I made a suggestion like that. I didn't finish it yet though.
Dude. I made a suggestion like that. I didn't finish it yet though.

I started working on a tAPI mod that randomely adds Champion-type monsters. Its actually awesome, i Have 6 random "affixes" that make stuff crazy. You havent seen hell til a boss spawns with passive awful stuff. I would continue and be more community friendly with it, but as it exists its only a single player thing because I cannot find a certain bug in the tAPI code that screws up net issues with health-mismatched enemies. I can spawn some champions just fine but when ti comes to some strange exceptions that I do not udnerstand, their health increase just messes up net syncing. Second issue is that I need to add actual rewards for the enemies. I lazied it up and make the fishing crates spawn at the proper rare-rate and stuff. Andd.. gasp hidden third issue... What if expert mode adds "champion" enemies? =/
Umm... let's see. How about a Pokémon reference? A magic weapon that looks like Pikachu could be cool (but cruel at the same time LOL).
It's not exactly an item that I would want to bring to Terraria. The mobs department is somewhat lacking as far as AI differentiation goes. You have several mobs that share the same attack pattern. Thus comes my thought. Back in the NES era, I had a game called Faxanadu. I still have it, actually. But I digress...

The hostile enemies of this 2d sidescrolling adventure game had simple but effective means of attacking you.
The first enemy you encounter is a spiked enemy that only travels on the ground, but sits too low for your dagger to hit them, so you have to kill them with magic or jump over them to avoid them.
The next enemy you run into tries to kill you by coming after you with an erratic jumping pattern. Low jump, low jump, high jump, repeat.
There's the enemy that damaged you every couple of seconds if you could see it on screen. Didn't matter if there were walls in between. It would hurt you all the same.
There was also the enemy that followed you around and stopped short of being able to strike you with their sword, waiting for you to walk up and try to attack them, only to be attacked instead for getting too close.

That's what I want to bring into Terraria. AI attack patterns from Faxanadu.

Faxanadu has a couple of items that could be brought into Terraria. The first one is the poison. In Faxanadu, touching the bottle of poison would instantly hurt you. The other item is the hourglass. Using the hourglass froze all enemies on screen for a set amount of time.
Huh, that's true. There aren't any electrical weapons at all, are there?
Except maybe Pulse Bow... but that's not very clear.
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