Other Literature Yello's Lore Collection!


Queen Bee
Welcome to my lore collection, a place where I'll update my WIP lore project for my OCs and their world, Asterra. Expect them to be slightly low quality. Comments and feedback are appreciated!

This section covers some things to know about Asterra, be it sorcery, skills or the world's system in general.
In the world of Asterra, sorcery (or in our terms, magic) and mana never even existed, much like Earth. It was only introduced after an eldritch being invaded the planet, which was then sealed away by the gods. This event is thus known as the Calamity.
Sorcery itself is a term that covers numerous branches, but there are a few number of branches that are considered dark magic and those who practice them will have their souls tainted forever.
  • Offensive sorcery, which is commonly known as spellcasting, refers to the practice of manipulating the numerous elements of the world to inflict physical damage to the target. Those who specialize in spellcasting are known as Casters.
  • Supportive sorcery refers to the practice of using mana to support their target with beneficial effects. These may vary from healing spells, buffing spells and clearing out debuffs. Those who specialize in supportive sorcery are known as Healers.
  • Summoning sorcery is the rare art of using mana to summon and materialize objects and/or living beings to help those who summoned them. Summoning spells are always prepared beforehand by summoners in groups of 3, 5 or 8 and are kept in scrolls for practical reasons. Each spell may take a few minutes, hours or even days, depending on the grade of the summoned object and/or being. A smaller scale summoning spell would be teleportation spells. Quick and straightforward to bring an adventuring party across towns, but still requires preparation to teleport an entire army.
Note: Each and every spell cast, regardless of the branch practiced, requires a chant beforehand. The complexity level of the chant is affected by the sorcerer's skill and the spell's difficulty.

As with other magic systems, Asterra has numerous elements that can be produced and manipulated through magic. Basic elements for beginners at sorcery include Water, Fire, Earth and Wind. Those who are talented may immediately start at their advanced forms; Frost, Lightning, Nature and Tempest. Sometimes, natural-born geniuses appear and may start from expert level elements; Serenity, Stardust, Genesis and Singularity. These four elements are incredibly complex and are considered to be the pinnacle of mortal sorcery.

For those who are fated to be Semi-Divine tier sorcerers, the four expert level elements can be combined to form brand-new types; Abyssal (Serenity + Stardust), Light (Stardust + Genesis) and Dominion (Genesis + Singularity) types. These, in turn, can be fused together once more, resulting in two types; Chaos (Abyssal + Light) and Justice (Light + Dominion) types. These are no longer referred to as "elements", but as "types" belonging to the Semi-Divine tier. These are the limits a mere mortal may hope to reach.

And finally, those who have ascended to godhood (or those with the Seraph of Salvation and Harbinger of the End Origin Skills) can merge the Chaos and Justice types into the almighty Divinity factor, giving the user unmatched control and mastery over all the elements and the ability to merge any and all of the existing elements and types.
Basic Elements:
  • Water: Allows manipulation of water (in liquid form and the vapors in the air) and some liquids
  • Fire: Allows manipulation of fire and temperature to an extent
  • Earth: Allows manipulation of the earth and produce earth structures
  • Wind: Allows manipulation of the wind, often used for aspects related to mobility
Advanced Elements:
  • Frost: Allows manipulation of ice and cold temperatures. As an extension of the Water element, it can freeze most liquids.
  • Lightning: Allows manipulation of electric charges in order to produce lightning bolts.
  • Nature: Allows the summoning and rapid growth of vines and plants
  • Tempest: Allows greater and more destructive manipulation of the weather and wind
Complex Elements:
  • Serenity: Allows the manipulation of life force around the user to enhance their instincts, speed, regeneration, offense and defense
  • Stardust: Allows the manipulation of ultra hot stardust, which can be further enhanced to create miniature suns
  • Genesis: Allows the creation of objects from existing materials, with a limit on what it can produce. Similar to FMAB's alchemy
  • Singularity: Allows the manipulation of gravitational forces and can produce weaker black holes
Semi-Divine Types:
  • Abyssal: Allows manipulation of space and the use of the void pseudo-element, capable of erasing matter on touch
  • Light: Allows manipulation of the holy light, purifying most tainted objects and/or living beings. Extra dangerous to unholy lifeforms
  • Dominion: Removes the limit on Genesis and allows Singularity to produce true black holes. Also improves all party members' stats and abilities when the user is the party's official leader
  • Chaos: Allows the user to manipulate the world's laws in a small radius, such as gravity, time, biology, chemistry, etc.
  • Justice: Allows the permanent summoning of two guardian spirits, each one having immense strength. Improves Genesis' powers, allowing the user to create objects from their imagination with no limits
As with everything else in this world, light may not exist without shadow. This principle also applies to the practice of sorcery, resulting in the forbidden arts of dark magic. Those who practice this are often banished from society and have their souls tainted, removing their rights to move on to the afterlife – but some may keep their souls intact. Dark magic itself is based on the Three Great Sins, equivalent to our "Seven Deadly Sins". Their abilities are also themed after the sins they belong to, each being powerful beyond imagination. These include:
  • Desire (Lust + Gluttony + Greed):
    • Soul reaping or instant kills, often used to gain the target's powers
    • Memory/thought control or altering, used in tandem with Tyranny's mind control.
    • Pocket spaces/dimensions made by devouring space and time
  • Tyranny (Sloth + Pride):
    • Stopping the flow of time completely, be it for their body or the world in general
    • Mind control and total domination over a target's body and soul used in tandem with Desire's memory control. Often used to control high-ranking influencers
    • Necromancy, the art of reviving those from the dead. Often used by desperate sorcerers to meet their loved ones once more
  • Hate (Envy + Wrath):
    • Possession/body snatching, used to steal a person's identity and powers. Often aimed at the Pentalunes' descendants or those with political/actual powers.
    • Mind breaking and amplifying negative emotions. Often used to start conflicts and wars.
There exists a cursed spell that uses all three sins at once to cast unparalleled destruction, fittingly named "Destruction". Stronger than the Abyssal type's void pseudo-element, it can completely erase any and all things within its area of effect with no exceptions. This is the reason why the Calamity wrecked havoc in the past. Those who regularly practice dark magic are no longer referred to as "sorcerers" or "sorceresses", but as "wizards" and "witches". A combination of the words "wicked" and "bastards" or "liches", respectively.
In order to maximize and amplify the sorcerers' potential, a handful of specialized equipment sets were produced and is used up to this day. These include staves, wands, special jewelry and so on. Equipment are generally specialized for each of the four elemental paths; Water, Fire, Earth and Wind. Naturally, the materials used for these equipment types need to be sensitive and react to mana. Such an example would be the Crysomine plant, specifically their stems. When dried and crushed into fine powder, it can be mixed into melted metals to improve the resulting products' mana sensitivity.

Very rare yet extremely powerful materials include the Crystallized Phoenix Tears (Water path), Phoenixflames (Fire path), Phoenix Ashes (Earth path) and Phoenix Feathers (Wind path). These drastically improve the mana sensitivity for equipment, making them over 10x stronger compared to those without Phoenix-grade materials.
Mana, the essence of sorcery, comes from the natural life force produced by living beings. It is naturally produced by the body when it goes through the metabolism cycle and is stored and controlled by the soul. Everyone and everything has mana, but not all of them can manipulate the mana within to perform sorcery.

As stated above, even plants can produce mana, but only the Crysomine flowers can produce mana in such a high concentration that it matches the production rate, quantity and quality of sorcerers. As a result, these valuable flowers are able to be turned into crimson-red mana potions. Like most other things, the mana concentration inside the body needs to be balanced. Having too little mana may weaken the body, while having too much will intoxicate the body and is somewhat lethal. As such, having no control over mana (e.g. losing part of your soul) is incredibly dangerous and may cause the victim to violently explode or disintegrate.

When sorcerers use their spells, regardless of their practiced branch, they will leave a small amount of residual mana in the atmosphere around them. These aren't dangerous on its own and will eventually be absorbed by the planet, but large concentrations of it will turn the area into a very dangerous mana wasteland. A known example of one is the crater caused by the Stellar Nova, Narissa Camelia's strongest spell, to defeat and seal the Calamity's second coming, lasting even after several millennia.
The use of offensive sorcery will always involve casting spells, whether or not if it's directly used to harm opponents. Direct spells are much more common, while indirect ones are gimmicky and situation-reliant.

Spells need some sort of chant; the more difficult/stronger the spell is, the longer the chant will be. Experienced users will be able to shorten or even skip the chant entirely.
Direct spells are a form of mana manipulation to send it in the form of an elemental attack. By condensing it at the user's palm or sorcery equipment, they can release it in various shapes:
  • Single projectile types: By condensing mana into a single yet strong projectile, it is the spell of choice to initiate or end a battle swiftly. Examples include the Water Bubble, Fireball, Stalactite and Wind Blade
  • Multiple projectile types: Condensing mana and sending them in waves is a method to attack fast-moving enemies. Examples include the Bubble Stream, Fire Arrows, Earthen Bullets and Wind Cutter
  • Constant types: Used to pressure and constantly hold back enemies, these spells focus on steadily sending out mana without breaks. Examples include the Tidal Wave, Flamethrower, Stalagmite and Spring Breeze
  • Long range types: Perfect for sniping enemies at long ranges, long range spells are condensed into incredibly compact mana attacks and released with high velocity. Examples include the Hydro Jet, Fire Beam, Crystal Spike and Gust Bullet
  • Area of effect types: Used to destroy an environment or thin out enemy groups, these consume large amounts of mana for equally large destructive power. Examples include the Flood, Eruption, Earthquake and Tornado
Alchemy and Sorcery are the world's basic building blocks, controlling each aspect to reach a perfect equilibrium where living beings can live without any troubles. Alchemy itself focuses on the manipulation of "physical" traits or objects, unlike Sorcery's creation and use of elements from mana. There are three branches of Alchemy practiced in Asterra, each governing over a different aspect.
  • Natural Alchemy (Floralogy): Practiced by the elves and beastmen of Briscion, natural alchemy focuses on brewing antidotes, cures and potions from herbs and plants found in nature, hence the name. Those who practice natural alchemy are referred to as Floralogists.
  • Synthetic Alchemy (Runology): Used by the dwarven blacksmiths and craftsmen of Nakardia, it allows materials and objects to be enhanced and enchanted via the use of alchemical runes. Items engraved with runes last longer and are triple in strength and durability when compared to normal items.
  • Ethereal Alchemy (Aetherology): Practiced by the Aetherologists of Celestia, ethereal alchemy focuses on changing a material or object's composition, size and characteristics to that of another. It can also transmute a material to another when provided with mana.
There also exists a forbidden Alchemy branch, combining each of the three alchemical branches' aspects into one, known as Bioalchemical Transmutation. It tampers with the living body and soul, creating wonderous possibilities with consequences and side effects that are equally dangerous. These are examples of what the transmutations can do:
  • Growing or removing limbs and organs by force
  • Enhancing the body beyond its limits by engraving a rune into the heart
  • Changing the characteristics and function of a limb, organ or the entire body. (e.g. an arm literally as strong as steel, lungs being able to function like gills, etc.)
  • Damaging the soul directly via transmuted attacks
For those who aren't proficient in sorcery, or just want additional talents just in case their sorcery skills have failed them, the non-magic combat system exists alongside the sorcery system. This includes both melee and ranged systems.
The easiest yet most dangerous branch of the non-magic system, the close ranged combat class: Warriors. These brave souls wield numerous types of weaponry to fight their opponents head on. Each weapon type is specialized and serve different purposes.
  • Swords: A balanced weapon; lightweight and deals considerable damage, this weapon type makes up most of the Warrior class. These Warriors are also known as Swordsmen
  • Greatswords: A larger, two-handed sword that is capable of dishing out immense damage but is heavy and inefficient. Warriors who wield greatswords in battle are known as Cleavers
  • Warhammers: A large and destructive two-handed hammer used to crush shields and enemies alike. The fearsome goliaths using these weapons are known as Destroyers
  • Spears: A thin pole with a sharp tip at the end, these are often used to safely hit opponents at a safer distance compared to other melee weapons. Warriors using these weapons are known as Strikers
  • Scythes: A derivative of the spear, scythes use curved blades instead of a sharp tip, capable of dealing damage in a wide arc. Warriors wielding these weapons are known as Reapers
  • Whips: Unlike whips used for horse riding, these are covered with sharp spikes/blades and can strike with a surprisingly high speed. Warriors who use these loud weapons are known as Punishers
A much safer alternative to Warrior class, Hunters utilize ranged methods of dealing damage to opponents. With limited weapon types to choose from and the need to calculate the distance, wind and gravity makes Rangers have less members compared to the mainstream Warrior class. As of now, there are only two weapons in this class:
  • Bow: A simple weapon to wield, Rangers can quickly shoot numerous arrows to cover the sky and bring down enemies in the blink of an eye. Bow wielders are known as Archers
  • Crossbow: A heavier and lethal alternative to the classic bow, crossbows shoot piercing bolts to crush shields and armor alike. Rangers wielding these menacing weapons are known as Marksmen
The manifestation of a soul's strength and desire, Skills are formed when the soul has the need and drive to have one, protect others and so on. Skills are formed based on the individual's thoughts, emotions, personality and so on.As with other systems, there are numerous ranks/tiers of Skills.
  • Intrinsic Skill (Grade 0): These Skills are acquired at birth, either as a species-specifc Skill or as a hereditary one. As such, there is no set standard for its strength level. (Example: Jadeheart Blessing)
  • Basic Skill (Grade 1): These Skills are the baseline for most other Skills and are weak, yet easy to master. (Example: Passive Healing)
  • Awakened Skill (Grade 2): These are improved versions of Basic Skills, often being the product of numerous Basic Skills being combined. These are harder to gain and master, but are stronger. (Example: Rejuvenation)
  • Advanced Skill (Grade 3): As their name suggests, these Skills are advanced versions of Awakened Skills and are incredibly strong. These are often the hardest and highest tiered Skill one may ever obtain. (Example: Rebirth)
  • Unique Skill (Grade 4): Extremely powerful and rare, these Unique Skills are combinations of numerous Advanced Skills with improved abilities, with a matching difficulty rate as well. These are unique for each individual and may have the same name, but different effects or vice versa. (Example: Albedo Goldsteel's Overseer Skill)
  • Unique+ Skill (Grade 5): Unique ★ Skill, Unique+ Skill, Uber Skill, Heroic Skill. Those are all names given to Unique Skills that have gone through the last possible upgrade. These are unbelievably powerful, and as a result, only a handful have achieved these Skills. (Example: Narissa Camellia's True Heroine Skill)
  • Stellar Skill (Grade X): Otherworldly Skills only obtainable by sacrificing 100 Unique+ Skills, these are themed around the Seven Heavenly Virtues (Angelic Skills) and Seven Deadly Sins (Demonic Skills) with matching abilities. There is only one pair of Stellar Skills for each timeline.
  • Chastity: Gives massive immunity to mind-related powers and allows the user to erase certain parts of their memory to remove the burden on their soul.
  • Temperance: Allows the user to completely remove their thoughts and emotions, acting based on their primal instincts when fighting, increasing their speed and strength.
  • Charity: Regularly gives the user one Unique Skill per week and upgrades all existing Basic-Advanced ones to Unique tier.
  • Humility: Removes the use of all the user's non-Angelic Skills but boosts the strength of existing Angelic Skills.
  • Patience: Suppresses the user's negative emotions, boosts their thought speed and allows the soul to constantly reincarnate without losing any other Angelic Skills.
  • Diligence: Allows the user to leap between timelines and improves the user's powers scaling with their soul's age and the total amount of Skills they have acquired throughout their life.
  • Kindness: Boosts the strength of the user and their allies and allows the sharing of Skills between them.
  • Lust: Completely removes the opponent's will to fight the user and make them see the user as a romantic interest or a superior being. Very hard to resist.
  • Gluttony: Allows the user to create a pocket dimension and travel through timelines.
  • Greed: The ability to steal other individuals' Skills, up to Unique Skills.
  • Pride: The ability to drastically improve the user's raw strength, exponentially scaling with the opponent's own strength.
  • Wrath: Allows the user to gradually sacrifice their blood to gain immense strength.
  • Sloth: The ability to completely absorb any and all magic attacks aimed at the user, and send them back with 2x the original power.
  • Envy: Allows the user to temporarily imitate the opponent's Unique Skills or the user's own Unique Skills, in the case that they lost the original.
  • Origin Skill (Grade Null): The zenith of existence, these are obtainable when an individual has collected all seven Stellar Skills in the series.
  • Seraph of Salvation: All Angelic Skill abilities, removes the need to suppress Skills for the Humility Skill. Allows the user to see into the future and other timelines, and accurately leap between timelines.
  • Harbinger of the End: Gives access to any and all existing Skills (excluding Angelic ones) and gives unrivaled power and vitality in exchange for sanity and logical thinking.
Centuries ago, during the age when gods and goddesses walked and fought alongside men, countless items were left behind by the mighty deities as gifts for the mortals of Asterra. These came by to be known as Artifacts; items bestowed with the Gods' unimaginable powers. They come in various size and shapes, powers and purposes, and are also nigh-indestructible. When destroyed, however, the power and mana sealed within the Artifacts explode with enough force to completely destroy a fort.

Some Artifacts have extremely dangerous abilities and are to be handled and sealed away by the Templar Corps, such as the Staff of Hades.

Relics, on the other hand, are enchanted items made by mankind as an attempt to replicate the Artifacts given by the gods. Naturally, these are easier to handle and produce but are far weaker. Relics also lose their abilities after several years, so they are to be used immediately.

Note: Items made by the Seraph of Salvation and the Harbinger of the End are categorized as Artifacts.
  • Staff of Hades: A dark-colored staff lined with crimson runes and a gem attached to its end. When wielded, souls of the dead surround the user and emit deathly screams. The Staff gives the ability to resurrect the dead and bind their souls to the user.
  • Nimbus Pendant: A pendant adorned with a sapphire in the middle to reflect the image of the skies above. Gives the user a near-endless supply of mana.
  • Heaven's Bracelet: A bracelet made out of pure gold with arcane runes engraved throughout its surface. Allows the user to use Elements and Factors one level above their current limit. (Refer to Elements of the World)
  • Soul Records: A ring made by Raven Jadeheart with the Seraph of Salvation's powers, the Soul Records stores an unlimited amount of weapons in its database and can simulate them when the need comes. However, storing more weapons will effectively reduce the overall power of all the weapons in the database.
The Soul Records can only simulate one weapon at a time, with the Aegis as an exception; it can be simulated alongside the Durandal
  • Phoenix Slayer: A black and orange colored greatsword with occasional flames bursting out of the blade. Can drain the user's life force (not lethal) to increase the blade's destructive power
  • Durandal: A legendary sword forged from the heart of a star in the depths of a volcano, this razor-sharp sword can shift its shape and size according to the wielder's will and is capable of emitting deadly concentrations of the Light type element
  • Reaper of Eight Winds: A scythe as dark and reflective as obsidian, this fearsome weapon literally rips the air and sends pieces of piercing air bubbles at the enemy
  • Spear of the Twin Dragons: A sacred weapon stored by the Divine Empire of Phoenix, this fiery-red spear can strike and pierce through any materials with no exceptions
  • Twilight Tear: A spiked whip forged for the Calamity's second coming and infused with Calluna's blood, this dark weapon can automatically home in and take down the wielder's target
  • Aegis: One of the shields used by the Goddess of War, the Aegis is rumored to be unbreakable and capable of deflecting any form of offense in existence. When thrown, it will attempt to behead one or more targets before returning to the original wielder
  • Solar Flare: A crystalline bow forged from the shattered pieces of a meteorite that crashed just before the Calamity happened. The name comes from a depiction of an arrow shot from the bow, reaching ridiculous speeds that could pierce through 500 armored men without slowing down.
  • Dreamcatcher: These net-shaped Relics were manufactured by the law enforcers to easily "catch" thoughts, used to extract confessions from the evil without much effort.
The ever-improving civilization requires a form of currency, used in paying and selling items and manpower. The five great nations agreed to use Shards as the one and only accepted form of currency in the world of Asterra. Shards are the crystalized forms of mana, each having a unique identification spell engraved into their surface. These are shaped like coins, with a four pointed star symbol on each side. Each of them also have different colors to represent their worth in the market:
  • Bronze Shards: Colored like the bronze metal, these are the lowest in the hierarchy of Shards. When converted to our currency system, they are worth around 10 US cents. These are often referred to as B-Shards.
  • Silver Shards: Silver and reflective in color, these are worth more than B-Shards. Worth around 5 US dollars, these are usually found in the markets and bazaars. These are often referred to as S-Shards.
  • Gold Shards: A rich man's Shard; these are worth around 50 US dollars each and are often used for paying priced items. These are often referred to as G-Shards.
  • Diamond Shards: These are incredibly rare and are only owned by those in the higher-ups of society. Worth around 1,000 US dollars, one of these would be able to afford five years' worth of groceries. These are often referred to as D-Shards.
  • Stellar Shards: Looks like the starry night skies, these are worth around 10,000,000 US dollars. Only used for extremely priced transactions, exporting and importing items and as a status of a nation's wealth. As such, these are only found in the government's treasuries and are only referred to as Stellars.
As the Shards are made out of mana, they can be shattered in case of an emergency, casting a one-use spell to defend the user. The spell scales in strength, with the D-Shards being the strongest. Stellars do not have this ability as they are extremely valuable.
The strong rule over the weak, that is the absolute law of this world. Naturally, with that mindset comes the understanding that humanity rules over every other species. It isn't entirely true, as gods and goddesses exist above humanity too. These beings are divine powers controlling a certain aspect of life and existence itself. A few examples would be the God of Time, God of Creation and so on. Every God has their own period of ruling as a deity, and they will normally point a successor to their position. When an individual is chosen to be a God's successor, they will go through two weeks of trial period, where they will immediately reach the Semi-Divine sorcery tier and receive a weaker version of the Divinity factor.

When a god candidate completes their trial period, they will ascend to their divine position and leave their mortal life behind; that is, everything about their life will be removed. Everyone who had memories with/about them will forget who they are, objects that they own/created will be changed (including photos, where their face will be blurred), and so on. It is a form of removing worldly attachments and test their emotional stability, as a god requires a calm and tranquil heart, along with an objective mind. If they aren't able to withstand the pain and immediately break down, they will be replaced.

Gods are not immune to death, however. They still share their mortal vulnerabilities and will die if they are killed, as they are not truly immortal. In the event of a god's unexpected death, the aspect they control has a chance to go out of hand, especially if it was a God of Time. A new successor will be found in no less than 3 days, and will instantly become a candidate without going through the normal procedures.
Mere mortals in the world of Asterra can be prestigious, talented or even valorous in battle, drawing the gods' attention to them. These mortals may then receive a small gift from one or more gods in the form of blessings and authorities.

Divine blessings can be considered as additional Skills given by the gods, where their abilities correspond to the god who gave it. Divine blessings can also have slight differences or have totally different abilities compared to the same type of blessings. These are also permanent and can only be retracted by the same god or their successor.

Authorities, on the other hand, are improved versions of blessings that are only given out by the gods to those that show great proof of being a noteworthy individual. These are permanent, unique per individual and cannot be retracted. Their main abilities still correspond to the god that gave it, though.

Divine Blessings:
  • Blessing of the Skies – Aether (Yuuki Syeronne): A Blessing gifted by the God of Nature, it allows Yuuki to control the surrounding climate and weather. Alongside his bloodline's Oracle, it allows him to easily produce solid water bubbles to form a makeshift spyglass
  • Blessing of Time – Eterna (Trisha Rosemary/Chronoa): A Blessing gifted for the first Champion, it allows Trisha to temporarily slow down, speed up and stop time in a localized area. She can also cancel other non-Blessing or Authority time manipulations
  • Authority of Time – Chronos (Albedo Goldsteel): An Authority granted by the Goddess of Time, it allows Albedo to restart/reverse time to the start of the day, week or month with no side effects to the Tree of Origin (erases the original timeline's path then restarts it)
This section holds the various nations and organizations that exist in Asterra, from the highest peaks to the lowest valleys, the coldest tundras to the scorching heat of the sun.
Most of these are WIP
The everlasting winters of the northern hemisphere paints the nation of Grazienne in various shades of white. The Arctic Stronghold of Grazienne is famously known for its freezing climates, breathtaking mountainous views and other, heartwarming local cultures.

  • Official Name: The Arctic Stronghold of Grazienne
  • Capital City: Grazienne
  • Governmental System: Patriarchy
  • Based After: Japan
  • Territorial Size: Roughly the size of Australia
  • Community kitchens: Every morning, villages will host a community kitchen for everyone to partake in. As food materials are scarce in the coldest of environments, these kitchens are held in order to help share ingredients and increase the villagers' bonds.
  • Public hot spring baths: Also known as Onsens, these hot spring baths are found throughout the nation and are commonly used in the evening to relax and warm up after a day's worth of work. Providing sought-after warmth and is also beneficial to one's skin, onsens are a must when travelling to Grazienne.
  • Snow Fairy Festival: Held at the end of every year, Grazienne locals gather at a large, frozen pond to host fighting tournaments on top of it. Participants fight in a 1v1 system and are equipped with icicles to act as weapons. This festival is used as a form to worship and give their feelings of gratitude to the gods
  • Blazefruit: A small, tomato-like fruit that emits a weak orange glow and is warm to the touch. When consumed, it gives a numbing and spicy sensation along with increasing the body's temperature.
  • Frostweed Ale: A local alcoholic brew made by fermenting Frostweed for at least five years. Frostweeds are small and translucent herbs with snowflake-shaped leaves. The resulting ale has a fruity scent and has a hint of mint and honey flavors. It is also crystal clear and is almost colored like the clear sky.
  • Glacial Water: These incredibly crystal clear and pure water springs are only found in Grazienne. As it is low in temperature, there are less microorganisms inside and more nutrients and minerals. It is very nutritional and is nearly as pure as Celestia's holy water.
The nation of light, housing the Gods' Shrine of Light, is home to the bards and is a centerpiece in Asterra's trading as it is located in the center of the world. The rolling hills, colorful floral patches and winding rivers make for a beautiful scenery.

  • Official Name: Celestia
  • Capital City: Lumina City
  • Governmental System: Theocracy and democracy
  • Based After: Italy and France
  • Territorial Size: Roughly the size of Ukraine
  • Wine & Song: When eating at taverns or outdoors, you will always be accompanied by a glass of Celestian wine (or grape juice) and a bard's performance. This is a form of promotion for Celestia's local economy and a way to promote a positive tourist environment.
  • Traveling Merchants: As the center of the map, both literally and figuratively, Celestia is also home to the largest trading port in Asterra. Therefore, you'll be able to see merchants selling antiques or other items throughout the rivers and streets.
  • Celestian Wine: Literally fit for a god, wines produced from local Celestian grapes are much more fragant and fruity compared to those in other nations, due to the unique environment they are grown in. It is also a major export item and is a main source of income, apart from taxes.
  • Holy Water: Water drawn from the Angel's Spring, the fountain located inside the Shrine of Light, it is extremely pure and is capable of banishing demons.
A part of the several international organizations that oversee and control certain aspects of civilization. The Asterran Adventurer Association (also known as the AAA, or the 3A) handles the common activity known as adventuring and those who adventure out in the wild, a.k.a. adventurers.

This organization has numerous branches spread out in all the nations, with a main branch at each of the nations' capitals. These branches arrange and give out tasks, explanations, rewards and much more. Those who would like to start their career as an adventurer would have to sign up at any of the branches and get their badge, corresponding to their current rank, where each rank, excluding the Lion, is separated into three levels (I, II, III):
  • Grasshopper: The beginning of the journey, all adventurers start here. Symbolizing their endless spirit and their eagerness to explore the world is the grasshopper. Badge color is green
  • Sparrow: A step higher than the Grasshoppers, Sparrows are those who are experienced in the life of adventuring, symbolized by the free-flying sparrows. Badge color is white
  • Eagle: With the eye of an eagle, these veteran adventurers have keen eyes and sharpened instincts for adventuring. They are respected for their wise knowledge and valuable experience. Badge color is yellow
  • Lion: The majestic king of the jungle, the handful of adventurers blessed with this rank know no fear and have gone through countless life-or-death experiences. Badge color is red
There are tasks that the AAA give out every day, ranging from numerous tiers:
  • Safe: Safe missions have little to no danger involved and are generally just day-to-day errands or physical labor. May include monster hunting every so often. Intended for Grasshopper adventurers. (10-100 B-Shards)
  • Caution-Advised: These missions are slightly dangerous and involve tasks that require extra attention and caution. Includes monster hunting, escorting or resource gathering at dangerous locations. Intended for Sparrow adventurers. (1-50 S-Shards)
  • Dangerous: These missions are only given out to adventurers with the experience and knowledge, as these may be life-threatening if done carelessly. Includes monster hunting, specifically those that are very dangerous (e.g. dragons). Intended for Eagle adventurers. (1-30 G-Shards)
  • Catastrophe: Emergency missions that are generally extremely important and dangerous. These are labels for out-of-this-world events, and are only to be accepted by Lion adventurers. (At least 5 D-Shards)
The Champion Committee (ACC) handles the organizing and hosting of the Champion Tournament, where a victor can be titled as Champion or keep their title if they are already one. To be qualified to enter the tournament, one must fulfill a number of requirements:
  • Must be under 50 years old. Only applies to humans and beastmen
  • Must be able to use at least one Semi-Divine element
  • Must be an adventurer with at least Eagle III ranking
  • Has no physical or mental illness
  • Is not involved in the Necromancer's faction
  • Is a Grandmaster of at least one weapon type
Those who meet the requirements will be placed in a 1v1 bracket of 16, where the victor will have to face four of the previous Champions and the current reigning Champion consecutively with no breaks given in between. Due to the harsh requirements, there have only been a handful of Champions selected, most notably Trisha Rosemary (a.k.a. Chronoa) as the first Champion. The Gods and Goddesses will also give a Divine Blessing to the newly selected Champion as a form of approval.
This section lists a few notable species that thrive in the planet and information about them
This section includes things related to the world of Asterra that do not fit into any of the other categories or are in a placeholder category for now.
Everything on Asterra was created by the first God of Creation, one of the many existing deities in existence. As a result, they all have their strengths and weaknesses, but are generally equal and balanced. However, this power balance was disrupted when the second God of Creation, fell in love with a human maiden. She would then give birth to quintuplets, each one having unique birthmarks. Being the God of Creation's direct offspring instead of his creation, each of them had an unbelievable amount of mana and godlike abilities.

They would all be named after flowers, representing each of their beautiful appearances. In order of age, along with their birthmarks:
  • Cecilia: Flower-shaped birthmark on her nape
  • Camellia: Butterfly-shaped birthmark on her left thigh
  • Carmina: Four-leaf clover birthmark below her left collarbone
  • Calluna: Diamond star-shaped birthmark on her left arm
  • Carolina: Heart-shaped birthmark on her midriff
Note: The birthmarks also appear on each of their descendants. Their descendants are always female, and therefore the bloodline has no male members.

Due to their unmatched beauty and godlike powers, they are often the target of envy and lust. The Pentalunes and their descendants are often targeted by those corrupted by their impure thoughts, leading to the extinction of all but one of the bloodlines in the present day.
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Hey there! Welcome to my lore collection, a place where I'll periodically upload/update my lore project for my OCs and their world, Asterra. I'm no professional writer and most of these are WIP anyways, so expect them to be slightly low quality. Comments, feedback and suggestions are well appreciated!

Anyways, here's the stuff:
This section covers some things to know about Asterra, be it sorcery, skills or the world's system in general.
In the world of Asterra, sorcery (or in our terms, magic) and mana never even existed, much like Earth. It was only introduced after an eldritch being invaded the planet, which was then sealed away by the gods. This event is thus known as the Calamity.
Sorcery itself is a term that covers numerous branches, but there are a few number of branches that are considered dark magic and those who practice them will have their souls tainted forever.
  • Offensive sorcery, which is commonly known as spellcasting, refers to the practice of manipulating the numerous elements of the world to inflict physical damage to the target. Those who specialize in spellcasting are known as Casters.
  • Supportive sorcery refers to the practice of using mana to support their target with beneficial effects. These may vary from healing spells, buffing spells and clearing out debuffs. Those who specialize in supportive sorcery are known as Healers.
  • Summoning sorcery is the rare art of using mana to summon and materialize objects and/or living beings to help those who summoned them. Summoning spells are always prepared beforehand by summoners in groups of 3, 5 or 8 and are kept in scrolls for practical reasons. Each spell may take a few minutes, hours or even days, depending on the grade of the summoned object and/or being. A smaller scale summoning spell would be teleportation spells. Quick and straightforward to bring an adventuring party across towns, but still requires preparation to teleport an entire army.

As with other magic systems, Asterra has numerous elements that can be produced and manipulated through magic. Basic elements for beginners at sorcery include Water, Fire, Earth and Wind. Those who are talented may immediately start at their advanced forms; Frost, Lightning, Nature and Tempest. Sometimes, natural-born geniuses appear and may start from expert level elements; Serenity, Stardust, Genesis and Singularity. These four elements are incredibly complex and are considered to be the pinnacle of mortal sorcery.

For those who are fated to be Semi-Divine tier sorcerers, the four expert level elements can be combined to form brand-new types; Abyssal (Serenity + Stardust), Light (Stardust + Genesis) and Dominion (Genesis + Singularity) types. These, in turn, can be fused together once more, resulting in two types; Chaos (Abyssal + Light) and Justice (Light + Dominion) types. These are no longer referred to as "elements", but as "types" belonging to the Semi-Divine tier. These are the limits a mere mortal may hope to reach.

And finally, those who have ascended to godhood (or those with the Seraph of Salvation and Harbinger of the End Origin Skills) can merge the Chaos and Justice types into the almighty Divinity factor, giving the user unmatched control and mastery over all the elements and the ability to merge any and all of the existing elements and types.
Basic Elements:
  • Water: Allows manipulation of water (in liquid form and the vapors in the air) and some liquids
  • Fire: Allows manipulation of fire and temperature to an extent
  • Earth: Allows manipulation of the earth and produce earth structures
  • Wind: Allows manipulation of the wind, often used for aspects related to mobility
Advanced Elements:
  • Frost: Allows manipulation of ice and cold temperatures. As an extension of the Water element, it can freeze most liquids.
  • Lightning: Allows manipulation of electric charges in order to produce lightning bolts.
  • Nature: Allows the summoning and rapid growth of vines and plants
  • Tempest: Allows greater and more destructive manipulation of the weather and wind
Complex Elements:
  • Serenity: Allows the manipulation of life force around the user to enhance their instincts, speed, regeneration, offense and defense
  • Stardust: Allows the manipulation of ultra hot stardust, which can be further enhanced to create miniature suns
  • Genesis: Allows the creation of objects from existing materials, with a limit on what it can produce. Similar to FMAB's alchemy
  • Singularity: Allows the manipulation of gravitational forces and can produce weaker black holes
Semi-Divine Types:
  • Abyssal: Allows manipulation of space and the use of the void pseudo-element, capable of erasing matter on touch
  • Light: Allows manipulation of the holy light, purifying most tainted objects and/or living beings. Extra dangerous to unholy lifeforms
  • Dominion: Removes the limit on Genesis and allows Singularity to produce true black holes. Also improves all party members' stats and abilities when the user is the party's official leader
  • Chaos: Allows the user to manipulate the world's laws in a small radius, such as gravity, time, biology, chemistry, etc.
  • Justice: Allows the permanent summoning of two guardian spirits, each one having immense strength. Improves Genesis' powers, allowing the user to create objects from their imagination with no limits
As with everything else in this world, light may not exist without shadow. This principle also applies to the practice of sorcery, resulting in the forbidden arts of dark magic. Those who practice this are often banished from society and have their souls tainted, removing their rights to move on to the afterlife – but some may keep their souls intact. Dark magic itself is based on the Three Great Sins, equivalent to our "Seven Deadly Sins". Their abilities are also themed after the sins they belong to, each being powerful beyond imagination. These include:
  • Desire (Lust + Gluttony + Greed):
    • Soul reaping or instant kills, often used to gain the target's powers
    • Memory/thought control or altering, used in tandem with Tyranny's mind control.
    • Pocket spaces/dimensions made by devouring space and time
  • Tyranny (Sloth + Pride):
    • Stopping the flow of time completely, be it for their body or the world in general
    • Mind control and total domination over a target's body and soul used in tandem with Desire's memory control. Often used to control high-ranking influencers
    • Necromancy, the art of reviving those from the dead. Often used by desperate sorcerers to meet their loved ones once more
  • Hate (Envy + Wrath):
    • Possession/body snatching, used to steal a person's identity and powers. Often aimed at the Pentalunes' descendants or those with political/actual powers.
    • Mind breaking and amplifying negative emotions. Often used to start conflicts and wars.
There exists a cursed spell that uses all three sins at once to cast unparalleled destruction, fittingly named "Destruction". Stronger than the Abyssal type's void pseudo-element, it can completely erase any and all things within its area of effect with no exceptions. This is the reason why the Calamity wrecked havoc in the past. Those who regularly practice dark magic are no longer referred to as "sorcerers" or "sorceresses", but as "wizards" and "witches". A combination of the words "wicked" and "bastards" or "liches", respectively.
In order to maximize and amplify the sorcerers' potential, a handful of specialized equipment sets were produced and is used up to this day. These include staves, wands, special jewelry and so on. Equipment are generally specialized for each of the four elemental paths; Water, Fire, Earth and Wind. Naturally, the materials used for these equipment types need to be sensitive and react to mana. Such an example would be the Crysomine plant, specifically their stems. When dried and crushed into fine powder, it can be mixed into melted metals to improve the resulting products' mana sensitivity.

Very rare yet extremely powerful materials include the Crystallized Phoenix Tears (Water path), Phoenixflames (Fire path), Phoenix Ashes (Earth path) and Phoenix Feathers (Wind path). These drastically improve the mana sensitivity for equipment, making them over 10x stronger compared to those without Phoenix-grade materials.
Mana, the essence of sorcery, comes from the natural life force produced by living beings. It is naturally produced by the body when it goes through the metabolism cycle and is stored and controlled by the soul. Everyone and everything has mana, but not all of them can manipulate the mana within to perform sorcery.

As stated above, even plants can produce mana, but only the Crysomine flowers can produce mana in such a high concentration that it matches the production rate, quantity and quality of sorcerers. As a result, these valuable flowers are able to be turned into crimson-red mana potions. Like most other things, the mana concentration inside the body needs to be balanced. Having too little mana may weaken the body, while having too much will intoxicate the body and is somewhat lethal. As such, having no control over mana (e.g. losing part of your soul) is incredibly dangerous and may cause the victim to violently explode or disintegrate.

When sorcerers use their spells, regardless of their practiced branch, they will leave a small amount of residual mana in the atmosphere around them. These aren't dangerous on its own and will eventually be absorbed by the planet, but large concentrations of it will turn the area into a very dangerous mana wasteland. A known example of one is the crater caused by Narissa Camelia's strongest spell to defeat and seal the Calamity's second coming, lasting even after several millennia.
For those who aren't proficient in sorcery, or just want additional talents just in case their sorcery skills have failed them, the non-magic combat system exists alongside the sorcery system. This includes both melee and ranged systems.
The easiest yet most dangerous branch of the non-magic system, the close ranged combat class: Warriors. These brave souls wield numerous types of weaponry to fight their opponents head on. Each weapon type is specialized and serve different purposes.
  • Swords: A balanced weapon; lightweight and deals considerable damage, this weapon type makes up most of the Warrior class. These Warriors are also known as Swordsmen
  • Greatswords: A larger, two-handed sword that is capable of dishing out immense damage but is heavy and inefficient. Warriors who wield greatswords in battle are known as Cleavers
  • Spears: A thin pole with a sharp tip at the end, these are often used to safely hit opponents at a safer distance compared to other melee weapons. Warriors using these weapons are known as Strikers
  • Scythes: A derivative of the spear, scythes use curved blades instead of a sharp tip, capable of dealing damage in a wide arc. Warriors wielding these weapons are known as Reapers
  • Whips: Unlike whips used for horse riding, these are covered with sharp spikes/blades and can strike with a surprisingly high speed. Warriors who use these loud weapons are known as Punishers
This section includes things related to the world of Asterra that do not fit into any of the other categories or is in a placeholder category for now.
Everything on Asterra was created by the first God of Creation, one of the many existing deities in existence. As a result, they all have their strengths and weaknesses, but are generally equal and balanced. However, this power balance was disrupted when the second God of Creation, fell in love with a human maiden. She would then give birth to quintuplets, each one having unique birthmarks. Being the God of Creation's direct offspring instead of his creation, each of them had an unbelievable amount of mana and godlike abilities.

They would all be named after flowers, representing each of their beautiful appearances. In order of age, along with their birthmarks:
  • Cecilia: Flower-shaped birthmark on her nape
  • Camellia: Butterfly-shaped birthmark on her left thigh
  • Carmina: Four-leaf clover birthmark below her left collarbone
  • Calluna: Diamond star-shaped birthmark on her left arm
  • Carolina: Heart-shaped birthmark on her midriff
Note: The birthmarks also appear on each of their descendants. Their descendants are always female, and therefore the bloodline has no male members.

Due to their unmatched beauty and godlike powers, they are often the target of envy and lust. The Pentalunes and their descendants are often targeted by those corrupted by their impure thoughts, leading to the extinction of all but one of the bloodlines in the present day.
The ever-improving civilization requires a form of currency, used in paying and selling items and manpower. The five great nations agreed to use Shards as the one and only accepted form of currency in the world of Asterra. Shards are the crystalized forms of mana, each having a unique identification spell engraved into their surface. These are shaped like coins, with a four pointed star symbol on each side. Each of them also have different colors to represent their worth in the market:
  • Bronze Shards: Colored like the bronze metal, these are the lowest in the hierarchy of Shards. When converted to our currency system, they are worth around 10 US cents. These are often referred to as B-Shards.
  • Silver Shards: Silver and reflective in color, these are worth more than B-Shards. Worth around 5 US dollars, these are usually found in the markets and bazaars. These are often referred to as S-Shards.
  • Gold Shards: A rich man's Shard; these are worth around 50 US dollars each and are often used for paying priced items. These are often referred to as G-Shards.
  • Diamond Shards: These are incredibly rare and are only owned by those in the higher-ups of society. Worth around 1,000 US dollars, one of these would be able to afford five years' worth of groceries. These are often referred to as D-Shards.
  • Stellar Shards: Looks like the starry night skies, these are worth around 10,000,000 US dollars. Only used for extremely priced transactions, exporting and importing items and as a status of a nation's wealth. As such, these are only found in the government's treasuries and are only referred to as Stellars.
As the Shards are made out of mana, they can be shattered in case of an emergency, casting a one-use spell to defend the user. The spell scales in strength, with the D-Shards being the strongest. Stellars do not have this ability as they are extremely valuable.
The strong rule over the weak, that is the absolute law of this world. Naturally, with that mindset comes the understanding that humanity rules over every other species. It isn't entirely true, as gods and goddesses exist above humanity too. These beings are divine powers controlling a certain aspect of life and existence itself. A few examples would be the God of Time, God of Creation and so on. Every God has their own period of ruling as a deity, and they will normally point a successor to their position. When an individual is chosen to be a God's successor, they will go through two weeks of trial period, where they will immediately reach the Semi-Divine sorcery tier and receive a weaker version of the Divinity factor.

When a god candidate completes their trial period, they will ascend to their divine position and leave their mortal life behind; that is, everything about their life will be removed. Everyone who had memories with/about them will forget who they are, objects that they own/created will be changed (including photos, where their face will be blurred), and so on. It is a form of removing worldly attachments and test their emotional stability, as a god requires a calm and tranquil heart, along with an objective mind. If they aren't able to withstand the pain and immediately break down, they will be replaced.

Gods are not immune to death, however. They still share their mortal vulnerabilities and will die if they are killed, as they are not truly immortal. In the event of a god's unexpected death, the aspect they control has a chance to go out of hand, especially if it was a God of Time. A new successor will be found in no less than 3 days, and will instantly become a candidate without going through the normal procedures.
Wow. That's quite a lot of stuff, and now I kind of understand your characters a bit more.

Also, some stuff does remind me quite a bit of a few anime things, most specifically RWBY as that's one I've actually seen.
Wow. That's quite a lot of stuff, and now I kind of understand your characters a bit more.

Also, some stuff does remind me quite a bit of a few anime things, most specifically RWBY as that's one I've actually seen.
In fact, some of the things there were inspired by RWBY, it's just that it's probably not too obvious
In fact, some of the things there were inspired by RWBY, it's just that it's probably not too obvious
The backstory of the world somewhat reminds me of RWBY's backstory, and those Pentalune people remind me of the maidens from the series.
The backstory of the world somewhat reminds me of RWBY's backstory, and those Pentalune people remind me of the maidens from the series.
I'm surprised you got that without asking me in the first place, and yeah, the Pentalunes were supposed to be like the Maidens considering that both can only be female
Maybe make a private document to write WiP stuff down? It's what I do on my laptop, I just use a word document to write down lore until I finish a section
I recommend doing that so you can work little by little and have a place to keep WIP stuff
I've added something I forgot to: Grazienne's Snow Fairy festival and some of its information as a nation

P.S.: The festival's name was taken from the song "Snow Fairy" because I'm so original
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Update: Added "Alchemy", updated Celestia's contents and also added the Asterran Champion Committee

This is what FMAB and Pokemon can do. Floralogy/natural alchemy also inspired by @Esther's Floralis for some reason idk. As usual, feedback and suggestions are welcome.
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