Terraria Community Forums

Terraria State of the Game - September 2024

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Greetings Terrarians!

Fall is almost here, and we can't wait. For several members of the team, this is their favorite time of the year - Halloween decorations are already starting to go up! Speaking of, we hope everyone is already coming up with ideas for cool Terraria pumpkin carvings, costumes, and art because we always love to see them. In the meantime, the teams remain hard at work on adding/tweaking/fixing content for Terraria 1.4.5. The finish line is starting to take shape, though we admittedly do have a couple of decent-sized ideas we want to discuss internally and decide if we should take those on before we can say for certain. How's that for vague? All that said, we are pretty excited for what is in Terraria 1.4.5 already, what we know is still to be added, and what may or may not be yet to come. Just a little while longer...

All that said, let's see what's going on in the world of Terraria...

Terraria State of the Game - August 2024

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Greetings Terrarians!

Back to school already? That may have set the record for the fastest-feeling Summer of all time. We hope everyone at least got a chance to grab some fun times with friends and family over the past few months - before we all plunge headlong into what Fall has in store. On the Terraria front, we are full speed ahead in the second half of the year, with development of 1.4.5 still going quite well (we are nearing the 50th beta of this dev cycle!). Each month sees the addition of even more cool stuff - we are particularly excited for what was added this month, though we are only going to spoil one of the more "shocking" tidbits for now. We know everyone wants that juicy release date still, but we are patiently working through our list of "to do's", and we do not want to ever cut any corners... so it will still be a bit longer, I'm afraid.

With that out of the way... let's take a look at a particularly intriguing State of the Game!

Terraria State of the Game - July 2024

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Greetings Terrarians!

What a ridiculously hot month July has been for pretty much everyone, and we are not just talking about the temperatures outside. Can you believe that it has been a year since the Great War of Axes & Trees? Of course, this year, it's been the the Terraria CEO Standoff - which way did you fall on how Terraria should be pronounced? What did you make of Temporary-CEO Chippy's ideas for the game? Anything there you'd like to see become a reality?

All that said, let's get into the latest and greatest of all things Terraria!

Terraria State of the Game - June 2024

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Greetings Terrarians!

June has been an exciting month, to be sure! Alongside the steady forward march of Terraria development, we saw the Terraria Board Game crowdfunding campaign go completely nuts and we also were able to finally reveal the special vanity set designed by a huge Terraria fan, Frank, via Make-A-Wish®. Suffice to say, it was an eventful month - and July looks to be just as hot. Speaking of heat, it seems to be ridiculously hot everywhere this summer - so no better time to keep cool, stay inside, and start that next Terraria playthrough!

Now, let's dive into some refreshing Terraria news...

Terraria Graphic Novel - Issue 6 Available Soon & Book One Preorders Open!

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We have been hard at work filling all outstanding orders and preparing things for a couple big announcements. Let's not waste any time and get right to it!

We will be reopening our web store on Wednesday June 26! Thanks for your patience while we took the time needed to fully integrate our brand new logistics and fulfillment system. We are confident that you will have a better experience moving forward. Lower international shipping costs and more reliable and timely delivery should be the expectation with our new logistics partners.

Check out all of the Terraria Graphic Novel Issues over at 50ampproductions.com!

As of now, every item we make from Issues 1 - 6 is ready to go, and all orders will ship within 5-7 days of you placing your order! If you have been holding out to avoid the wait that comes with preordering, this...​

Making a Wish Come True in Terraria

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Greetings Terrarians!

As you all know, we cannot say enough about how much we appreciate the members of our community. In addition, we have always tried our best to be a charity-minded company. With that as background, we are beyond thrilled to share that we are partnering with the Make-A-Wish® Foundation to make a young Terrarian's wish come true!

Make-A-Wish® New Jersey contacted us a few months ago to share that they had a huge Terraria fan whose biggest wish we could help make a reality. Of course, we jumped at the chance to make this happen and we were quickly introduced to Frank. Frank is a 17-year-old teenager from Rockaway, New Jersey who is battling a critical illness. Frank declared to Make-A-Wish® New Jersey that his one true wish was to have his own Vanity Set in Terraria.

Since then, we have been working closely with Frank to bring this Vanity Set to life - from initial concepts to...

Terraria State of the Game - May 2024

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Greetings Terrarians!

Summer is finally here - well for some of us at least. We are greatly enjoying the warmer temperatures and the chance to get outside a lot more. Of course, development work remains at a steady pace as we draw ever-closer to Terraria 1.4.5. In the meantime, we hope that you enjoyed the 13th Anniversary celebration (and re-release of 1.1) earlier this month... and that you are looking forward to the upcoming board game as much as we are! 2024 is nearly half-done, and we are quite excited about what the rest of the year has in store for Terrarians everywhere.

With that out of the way, let's dip our toes into this month's pool of Terraria news!

Terraria: The Board Game is now live on Kickstarter

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Greeting Terrarians!

The moment you have all been waiting for is finally here! We’re delighted to announce that official Terraria Board Game is now live on Kickstarter; find all of the details and join the campaign via the link below:

Back the game, listen to new Terraria music and join the community over on the campaign page.



You might have seen the teaser...​

Terraria Enters its Teens!

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You heard right, everyone - Terraria has officially entered its teenage years. Don't worry, we promise that we won't be any more moody and rebellious than we always have been! This time of the year is always special to the Terraria development team. It is a time of celebration, but moreso a time of reflection: on the journey we have taken thus far, what is coming soon, and what may lie ahead beyond that horizon. It is humbling to know that our small team has been able to release and support a game as successful as Terraria for all these years.

Even more humbling is the unwavering support that each of you have shown us throughout those thirteen years. Through the ups and downs that game dev and even life has thrown at us - and all of you - your support has been the one constant that we know we can rely on each and every day. In fact, we appreciate you so much that we got YOU a birthday...

Terraria State of the Game - April 2024

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Greetings Terrarians!

Spring is finally here - and with it, warmer weather, green plants, and colorful flowers. We noticed lots of speculation that spring would bring the release of 1.4.5 - sorry to say that those guesses were incorrect. The team still has quite a few things that we want to get to, and you never know what else might come up. Terraria development has always been sort of organic in that way. Rest assured that we share your desire to get this out just as soon as possible - but we have always stuck to the mantra that we will only put out an update when we feel it is fully complete and ready. So, hang with us just a bit longer, it should be well worth the wait!

That said, let's take a moment to meander through the garden of Terraria news and spoilers shall we?

Terraria: Undeluxe Edition - Out Now!

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We have heard the Terraria Community's cries to bring back the versions of Terraria from long long ago for many years now. Frankly, we appreciate the nostalgia as much as anyone, but to say that the daunting task of trying to remove 13 years of content from the game has held us back from doing so would be a massive understatement!

That being said, we are pleased to share with you all that starting today, the Terraria Undeluxe Edition is available for fans everywhere to enjoy!


Highlights of this massive downdate include:

  • 12 Biomes to explore - who needs locations like the Ice Biome... too darned cold!
  • Be careful not to trip as you leap over single-high blocks
  • Rope? Minecarts? Blocks and platforms will suffice.
  • The Crimson was deemed too nasty and the Hallow too sweet, so they both have been kicked to...

Terraria State of the Game - March 2024

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Greetings Terrarians!

Another month has flown by - seriously, 2024 feels like it is moving along at warp speed. The development teams have continued to make great progress on Terraria 1.4.5, and we are back this month with some fresh spoilers that we hope everyone will enjoy. The team has recently been diving into some multiplayer testing that has triggered a few ideas within the team that we are planning to explore in the near future. Beyond that, we are seeing lots of good progress on the Board Game and Graphic Novel fronts. Really feels like as the weather is starting to heat up, so are all of the things in the world of Terraria. We may even have a little special something to share with everyone next week.

All that said and without further ado... let's get to it!

Terraria State of the Game - February 2024

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Greetings Terrarians!

We hope that 2024 has been treating you right so far. Terraria development progress has ramped back up quickly, with productivity improving by leaps and bounds. We certainly do not want to jump to any conclusions here, but we still maintain that 2024 may be the best year for Terraria yet! Yes indeed, the team has a real spring in their step you might say. Well, I suppose we should hop right to it and dive into this State of the Game, right? Otherwise, before you know it, spring will have sprung.

Let's jump right in head-first, shall we?

Terraria Makeship Series - Silver Armor

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Greetings Terrarians!

We hope that everyone that was interested had a chance to pick up the Terraria x Makeship Hallowed Armor Plush late last year. Those should be shipping out just as soon as Makeship completes manufacturing, etc. In the meantime, we are pleased to reveal the second in our plush armor series with Makeship - Silver Armor!

The subject of Terraria's box/cover art for many years, Silver Armor has always been an iconic set - since the very early days of Terraria itself!

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Casting a shimmer all around from the sun glinting off of its polished surfaces, Silver Armor is the best way to adventure in style early on in the world of Terraria!

Taken straight from the iconic Terraria cover art, the Terraria Silver Armor plush includes a Silver...

Terraria State of the Game - January 2024

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Greetings Terrarians!

2024 is here at last and we feel like it has the potential to be a huge one in the world of Terraria! Just looking at the existing plans for Terraria development on 1.4.5 and then looking one step beyond that into (hopefully) the world of Crossplay, this year has the potential to be the most impactful year for the game and community since the release of Journey's End. Of course, there is lots to do between where we are today and reaching that potential, but our team is fired up and ready to make it happen. We hope each of you enjoy following along with us this year and here's to making 2024 one of the best years for Terraria yet!

Let's get started, shall we?

Terraria State of the Game - December 2023

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Greetings Terrarians!

Happy Holidays everyone! 2023 has been a rollercoaster of a year, but we feel we are ending it on a high note. The team is feeling confident and cohesive, excited for what awaits for us and for Terrarians everywhere in 2024. By this point, most all of our team is on holiday break enjoying some time with family and friends - and we hope that each of you find the time over the next little while to do the same. Don't worry, we have left a few presents under the tree for you all to enjoy in this month's State of the Game. Of course, the greatest gift that we receive each year is your immense and unwavering support. Thank you all so much for everything, Happy Holidays, Happy New Year, and let's make 2024 the best Terraria year yet!

Now, let's get to unwrapping those packages...

Terraria State of the Game - November 2023

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Greetings Terrarians!

Thanksgiving has come and gone, but our thankfulness for all of you - your support, passion for Terraria, and so much more - will never fade. As we look to close out yet another year of Terraria development, it is a great time for us to reflect on what has been a challenging, but productive 2023 thus far. With Crossplay and 1.4.5 on the horizon, 2024 is shaping up to be a big one - thanks for coming along with us on this amazing journey.

Without further ado, let's jump right in to what you came here for!

Terraria Halloween Contest - 2023 - Winners!

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Hey, fellow Terrarians! We hope that you all had a killer Halloween and joined in on the contest fun.

We were almost overwhelmed with 650+ entries, so our squad teamed up with the awesome folks from the Terraria Discord to help Re-Logic pick out the top dogs. Let me tell you, it was tough, but we've locked in our winners and are ready to share them with you all!

While the winners will be receiving prizes, they are not the only ones that have produced fantastic spooktacular creations. We're sharing some of them in the latest State of the Game thread, so make sure to swing by and check them out! There sadly were too many great entries to be able to show them all off, so make sure to post yours here too so that everyone can marvel at your skills!

Drumroll, please! Here come the...

Terraria Graphic Novel Series - Issue 5 is here!

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The day is finally here! The first issue in Book Two of the TERRARIA Graphic Novel Series is available for pre-order starting today! Read on for all of the details on how you can get your hands on the next installment of this unique Terraria adventure...

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What dangers will our friends face in the next chapter of their Terraria Journey? Click the cover above to pick up your copy of Issue 5 to find out!


In order to celebrate the release of Issue 5 (the first issue of Book Two) of the Terraria Graphic Novel Series, 50 Amp worked with Singularity Computers to create a one-of-a-kind Terraria PC that they are...​

2023 Terraria Holiday Shopping Guide

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Here you go, Terrarians: the 2023 Terraria Holiday Shopping Guide! Take a look at the merch hub as well as all of the new stuff and pick up something cool for yourself or a loved one today. Happy Holidays!



Throughout the year, best place to be able to see all of the available Terraria merchandise listed in one place is our Terraria Merchandise Hub (terraria.org/store). This is constantly updated, with all current Terraria merch collected in one place to make shopping for gifts (or gifts for yourself) easy. Click the banner above to check it out...​







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