Terraria Community Forums

Terraria Graphic Novel Series - Issue 4 Orders Now Open!

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Greetings, Terrarians!

Here we go - the conclusion to Book One of the Terraria Graphic Novel Series! All of the preparations have been made and it is time for our heroes to do battle with the dreaded Eye of Cthulhu. How will they fare? What will happen in the aftermath? Read on to find out!

In case you missed our earlier announcement about the series as a whole, you can check out those details HERE, and you can still get your orders in for the initial shipment of Issue Three for a little bit longer. We have been really impressed with the array of packages and options 50 Amp has put together for this release... and we hope you agree!

Terraria 04 Cover.jpg
As a reminder, we are planning to roll out Issues 1-4 (Book One) over the next few months...

Official The Labor of Hallow's Eve

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Update: Contest deadline has been reached. Form Submission has been closed. Thank you to all Participants!
Update 1: November 1st, 2022 The Labor of Hallow's Eve Contest has concluded. The Judging process has started and will take roughly 3 weeks. Shortly after that period, a new thread will be posted to share the Winners & Runner Ups. No announcement date confirmed for certain at this time.

Update 2: November 8th, 2022 Phase 1 of Judging has concluded. Over 900 entries were submited. Phase 2 has begun and will involve moderators from TCF, Discord, and Reddit in scoring. Phase 3 will narrow the number of entries down to the best 125 (25 from each category) and Re-Logic Developers will vote on those.

A Thread showcasing many...

Terraria: Labor of Love is Out Now!

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Happy launch day, Terrarians!

A Terrarian Love Letter 4.PNG

We are celebrating the occasion with some fun surprises as well!

The team will be out and about today, hanging out, collecting bugs and feedback, etc. Be sure to catch us at any of the locations below!

Terraria Community Forums
Terraria Discord
Terraria Twitter
Steam (Launch Post)

And we will likely be dropping in on any live streams of the new content that are going on!




Terraria Graphic Novel Series - Issue 3 Orders Now Open!

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Greetings, Terrarians!

We are back again - this time with the juicy details around the release of Issue 3 of the Terraria Graphic Novel Series! Issue 3 is all about the journey and getting to know some of our party of heroes a bit better - just as our friends are doing the same as they enjoy a quick meal while camped out at an oasis. In case you missed our earlier announcement about the series as a whole, you can check out those details HERE, and you can still get your orders in for the initial shipment of Issue Two for a little bit longer (details below - but don't fret if you miss the first shipment or if you missed out on Issue One, see here for details!). Our team is once again thrilled with the packages that 50 Amp Productions has put together in support of the Graphic Novel rollout - and we hope you will feel the same way!


Terraria Graphic Novel Series - Issue 2 Orders Now Open!

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Greetings, Terrarians!

We are finally ready to reveal the details for the second issue of the Terraria Graphic Novel Series! Our story starts to ramp up in this issue, as you can probably tell by the cover art shown below! In case you missed our earlier announcement about the series as a whole, you can check out those details HERE, and you can still get your orders in for the initial shipment of Issue One for a little bit longer (details below - but don't fret if you miss the first shipment, see here for details!). Our team is once again thrilled with the packages that 50 Amp Productions has put together in support of the Graphic Novel rollout - and we hope you will feel the same way!

Terraria issue 2 cover v1 RGB.jpg
As a...

Terraria State of the Game - August 2022

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Greetings Terrarians!

Alas, Summer is drawing to a close. Back to School, work, or just whatever your daily grind may be - we hope your Summer was a fun and relaxing one! As we head into the Fall - probably our favorite season - the development teams are making huge strides towards getting the Labor of Love update into your hands. This is a State of the Game that you will not want to miss, because we are at long last going to be able to dive into some details around the launch of this fantastic Terraria update. So, sit down, buckle up, and let's get this month's SOTG underway!

Terraria Graphic Novel - Book One, Issue One Orders Now Open!

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Greetings, Terrarians!

The day is finally here - orders for the first Issue of Book One of the Terraria Graphic Novel Series are now open! In case you missed our earlier announcement about the series as a whole, you can check out those details HERE. The team at Re-Logic in conjunction with our partners at 50 Amp Productions is very excited to be able to roll out the first part of Book One at long last to all of you. The 50 Amp team has also gone above and beyond the Graphic Novel itself and put together a few additional collectibles that fans can pick up as well should you feel so inclined.

Issue One Cover.jpg

With all that said, let's dive right in to how it will all work, what is available and...

Terraria State of the Game - July 2022

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Greetings Terrarians!

Summer is nearly over already?! My how the time flies when you are having fun - which we certainly hope has been the case for all of you out there! We have been having a TON of fun during the development of the Labor of Love update. Reading fan ideas, brainstorming other cool new stuff internally, seeing where the creativity takes us: it has been a real blast. That said, we can definitely see the light at the end of the tunnel. So, let's dive right into the late-summer State of the Game news shall we?

Terraria Graphic Novel Series Revealed!

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Greetings Terrarians!

We are beyond thrilled to be able to at long last reveal a project that has been going on behind the scenes for quite some time - the Terraria Graphic Novel series! We here at Re-Logic have been working closely with our partners at 50 Amp Productions on all aspects of the graphic novels - from script to lineart to coloring and more, we really feel like these are a perfect balance between staying authentic to the Terraria experience while taking enough creative license to be able to craft an engaging story within the Terraria universe.

We are nearly finished with Book One in the series, and we wanted to give you a sneak peek (well... beyond the one we gave you in June's State of the Game) at what is to come. Each Book will contain four parts... and this is the cover art for Terraria - Book One, Issue One.

Terraria 1 preview cover v1-1.jpg

(Cover art is...

Terraria State of the Game - June 2022

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Greetings Terrarians!

We don't know about you, but the heat this summer has been brutal so far to us! Sounds like a good excuse to grab some gaming time and catch up on the latest and greatest Terraria news, right? Development work on the Labor of Love update is in full swing across both the Re-Logic and DR Studios teams - and we are really excited for some of the juicy spoilers that we have in store for you this month (on top of those we have already shared this month in case you missed them on our socials). That said, grab a cold beverage, cool off, and settle in for this month's State of the Game!

r/terraria Subreddit Reaches One Million Terrarians!

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Wow, what a milestone for our amazing r/terraria subreddit! One of our longest-standing communities, r/terraria has always been a fantastic place to discuss news, share epic builds, ask for advice, and just generally hang out and shoot the breeze with other Terrarians. If you haven't taken the time to check out r/terraria, there is no better time to do so... over one million Terrarians can't be wrong, right!?


In celebration of r/terraria hitting this momentous milestone, we thought we would take a few minutes to ask everyone to share their favorite r/terraria threads of all time. Could be something awesome or funny or just plain bizarre. Anything goes - just share the thread link and why you think its one of...​

Terraria State of the Game - May 2022

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Greetings Terrarians!

May? It is seriously the end of May already? 2022 is certainly on an express train in terms of how fast time is flying by! That said, we hope you are as ready for Summer as we are... and it is shaping up to be an action-packed Summer indeed! What all do we have in store? Well, time will tell - but let's kick things off the right way with our final State of the Game update before Summer 2022 is here in earnest!

Terraria Turns Eleven - Town Slimes Are Coming to Celebrate the Occasion!

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11 years ago, Terraria was shared with the world for the first time, and 11 years later, Terraria remains our Labor of Love – a game that is like a child to us. We have enjoyed watching Terraria evolve and grow over the years and equally continue to enjoy the outpouring of support from all of you. Thank you all so very much!

We look forward to continuing the Terraria franchise journey with you for many more years to come!

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In celebration of Terraria’s 11th Anniversary, we are proud to introduce the latest addition to our Pet License roster: Town Slimes! This cast of characters is packed with personality and players will get the chance to have one Town Slime move into their towns when the Labor of Love update comes out later this year.

Which Town Slime are you hoping will move in with you?

Terraria State of the Game - April 2022

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Greetings Terrarians!

You know what they say... April showers bring Terraria news! Or something like that anyway. It is quite an exciting time in the world of Terraria right now, with all sorts of fantastic news happening as we speak - and with plenty more to come as the year moves on. Let's not waste any more time and instead spring right into the latest and greatest surrounding all things Terraria!

Terraria 1.4.1 - 1.4.3 Out Now on Console & Mobile!

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Happy launch day, Terrarians!

We are pleased to share that the Terraria 1.4.1 - 1.4.3 updates are now available for play on PlayStation, Xbox, Nintendo Switch, Android, and iOS devices! This has been a new experience for the team - trying to release across 5 platforms at once - and we have learned a lot that we will apply moving forward to make things even more efficient. After all, if we are someday able to pull off Crossplay, this will be the way that all updates will have to work, right?

Today's update will bring all currently-developed Terraria platforms up to content parity, which has been a very rare occasion. The team is, of course, aware that the upcoming Labor of Love update for PC will break content parity once again... but the team is standing by to make that gap as small and as fast as possible. Once any needed fixes are done for the 1.4.1 - 1.4.3 updates, the team will launch...

Terraria State of the Game - March 2022

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Greetings Terrarians!

March already... well almost April really?! 2022 is flying by - but we are sure glad to see Spring starting to come into full bloom and with it, a lot of the plans we have been discussing in earlier States of the Game are close to coming to fruition! 1.4.3 for Consoles and Mobile (parity... at least for a time!) is right around the corner, Labor of Love draws ever-closer, and we have a lot of exciting things to come on the community and merch fronts as well. So much has already happened this year, but we are just getting warmed up.

Let's see what is in store shall we?

New Official Terraria Wiki Launches Today!

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Greetings Terrarians!

The Terraria Wiki has been a valuable resource to players everywhere over the nearly 11 years(!) of Terraria's history. With so much content to explore, having such a comprehensive summary of everything at your fingertips is simply fantastic. The Wiki has undergone quite a few changes over the years from its beginnings alongside Terraria Online all the way to the current iteration run by Fandom. Throughout that time, we have been so fortunate to work with a lot of awesome partners in order to evolve and maintain a strong wiki for our fans.

The time has come for the next step on the Terraria Wiki evolutionary journey! Starting today, Re-Logic is proud to announce that we are launching a new location and partner for the Official Terraria Wiki!

New Wiki frontpage 3.png

Moving forward, we...

Terraria State of the Game - February 2022

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Greetings Terrarians!

In case you missed it, 2022 is certainly turning into a lovely year for Terraria! From starting the year with a pair of awards to last month's reveal of the big "parity" update for Console & Mobile Terrarians to this month's surprise sneak peek into the upcoming - and aptly named - Labor of Love Update for Terraria, how can you not love all that is going on in the world of Terraria right now? Of course, we couldn't do any of this without the love and support that you show us each and every day. So thank you, once again and we love you all!

Now... on with the show!

Terraria - Steam Deck Optimization Update Release Notes

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Greetings Terrarians!

As we have mentioned over the past few months, the team has been hard at work on an update to further optimize Terraria for Steam Deck play - inclusive of performance and controls. With the Steam Deck officially shipping out to players starting today, we are pleased to be able to push this update out to everyone just in time! For Terrarians that are not playing on Steam Deck at this time, dont fret, as we have some quality of life, balance, and bug fixes for you as well. Without further ado, let's dive right in!

Please note that this update also includes an update to the Terraria Dedicated Server application. You can always find the latest version of this at the bottom of Terraria.org, but we have included a link below for today's version as well:

CC Creation Compendium #87

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Hello one and all, and welcome - to CC #87! Wow, what a huge number of these we've had.
There's been a great selection of entries submitted over the last couple of months, and we'd love to see more!

Here's a guide on how to enter - please send them to @Khaios next month!

1) All entries must be submitted to the hosting member's profile NOT via PM (See the previous CC to determine who is next on the rotation).

2) All entries must be Terraria related in some way or another, whether that is in-game, art, music literature or any other form of creativity. Fanart of modded content will be accepted at the discretion of the CC team after review of the entry.

3) Each user may only submit one entry per month. Group entries are allowed, but all members who worked on the project must be credited and proof of consent from each member must be given. Group entries do count as a user's single entry.

4) Plagiarism is strictly not tolerated. Any evidence of such matters should be sent to a member of staff privately as soon as possible. The CC operates on a 'two strikes and you're out' system; after two offenses a user will be permanently banned from entering into all future Creation Compendiums.

5) Content such as memes, image macros, and other such content that does not contribute to the Compendium's message of expressing your creativity will be rejected. These "low-effort entries" will be taken out at the CC team's discretion.

6) Entries must be of decent quality. Blurry images, distorted sound files, and entries of obvious minimal effort will not be accepted. Entries will be reviewed by the CC team, and may be removed at their discretion.

7) The CC is a showcase, not a contest. All entries submitted (that are within the rules) will make it into the post.

If you have any further questions, feel free to ask @darthmorf @Khaios or any TCF Staff member.

Now, the entries!










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