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  • Red... I have a question if i could ask.
    What about Volume 3 of the Soundtrack?
    It could be a tracklist like this:
    1. Alt Underground
    2. Underworld
    3. Pumpkin Moon
    4. Frost Moon
    5. Pirate Invasion (if one is there)
    6. (New Track)
    7. (New Track)
    8. Martian Madness
    9. (New Track)
    10. Tutorial (Console)
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    Reactions: GoldenTerrabyte
    What I was thinking:

    1. Alt. Underground
    2. Underworld
    3. Underground Crimson
    4. (New Track)
    5. (New Track)
    6. Desert
    7. Underground Ice
    8. Pumpkin Moon
    9. Frost Moon
    10. (New Track)
    11. Martians
    12. (New Track)
    13. (New Track)
    14. (New Track)
    Oh yeah! Thanks for answer, Red :) I am looking forward for this update. My exictedness is over 8693658520.. OVER 9000!!!!! %
    An updated list:

    1. Underworld
    2. Underground Ice
    3. Alt. Underground
    4. Pumpkin Moon
    5. Goblins
    6. Desert
    7. Pirates
    8. Underground Crimson
    9. Frost Moon
    10. Martians
    11. Final Boss
    It's probably too late for this but.. "Solar Wrath" looks really awesome! but.. I can't help but think the name should be "Solar Storm"? As Solar Storms do happen on the Sun :P
    Ummm... What? I assume this is a joke but if I really need to I would pay $80 for the update... But saving the money would take some time...
    i am NOT gonna give you 80$. i'd rather give you 28938356789785759872890247592805890127457891239579127350912405901279045 zillion dollars and 21 cents
    i'm short of those 21 cents. feck. No 1.3 for me i guess... *goes in the corner of depression*
    DeadlySprinklez rolls a 51!
    Welp, looks like I'm giving Red all my money. So, where's my actual sized Eye of Cthulhu again?
    Nah, but seriously now, thank you so much, Red, Cenx, all of the other devs, for everything you've given us. You are an amazing and under-appreciated people.
    I know your joking about the "paying for 1.3 thing" but now that I think about it the collectors addition could do with a little sprucing up (cough cough better box art and that pickaxe thumb drive from the console version cough cough)
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    Reactions: OFF
    They're good early on, but Wings can replace them. As long as you're in the air, you can reach hermes boot speed.
    But being on the ground is still far more convenient. Plus, at that stage, you'll have them tinkered into Spectre/Lightning/Frostspark, and the wings' flying distance is actually kinda lackluster without that extra rocket boost.
    Yeah, if I remember correctly, with any class of Rocket Boots, it ups your flight distance by a few blocks, plus the speed makes you fly faster
    Oh,For :red:ing god sake.What means collector edition!
    Im so confused.If i already buy terraria before 1.3,thats means i ned to re-buy old version?
    Hie the Badger
    Hie the Badger
    You know it's funny. There are many people on this forum who may actually pay 80 bucks for terraria.
    Kyouko Tsukino
    Kyouko Tsukino
    If there's people who's willing to pay the same money for a nice trailer, then of course there's people who'd paid that for Terraria.
    Redigit 1-0 Terracrime

    Gotta refill my vault with a fullhand of cash that in my wallet XD
    I can't throw the money at my computer fast enough!!
    fo' cthulhU's sake, keep throwing money! WE NEED MORE MONEY!
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