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  • Terraria against Skyrim and TF2 for the test of time award...? You are gonna have one hell of a time with that award! XD
    Well since Overwatch came out, I theorize that may hinder its success. TES:V is a whole other animal, though.
    *cough* *cough* OtherWorld Spoilers *cough* *cough*
    *cough* *cough* It going dark means its not up to the devs standards *cough* *cough*
    Anyone else having problems with tmodloader? Projectiles don't work, grenades, magic, etc. and the music resets to 0% after mod reload...
    Haven't seen any issues with projectiles. Music stopping on mod reload, I have noticed, but I thought it was mainly because I usually turn music off and each reload was resetting it.
    E X P A N S I O N P A C K
    E X P A N S I O N P A C K
    I don't think so? Except I do use melee usually on Tmod
    Glad to see the Avalon Mod is picking back up in development, kinda feared it was completely dead, was a great tconfig mod!
    Awesome, steam is glitching out, having launch from client errors, guess im just gonna have to wait it out :/
    isn't steam convenient
    Tunnel King
    Tunnel King
    Not sure where you are, but Tuesday evenings are their standard time for regular maintenance on their servers. That might be part of what you're seeing.
    Ya, must've been it, everything is fine now. Time to wait for for mod updates!! :guidegrin:
    So ,cat now has a 98% chance of having FIP, so survival is slim.. but there's still a chance.. hopefully.. :/ Brightside ~ 2 weeks till Xmas
    Why is this year so bad?? Another cat sick, if his meds don't work, it's PIR, (I think) , and that's a death sentence... can only hope!!
    Hope your cat gets better man, that really sucks
    Kinda hoping the next update focuses on Hell, Space/Sky, and or the forest biomes..
    Also each vortexian enemy has at least 10,000 hp... and Im not even post moonlord... help me plz... ;_;
    A wise dragon once told me "aim high in life but watch out for flying boxes".
    TTSp00k the Invincible
    TTSp00k the Invincible
    A wise dragon once told me "Stop swinging that sword at me you brain-dead fool!"

    I'll always remember those kind last words.
    Good thing to note is that you can still use the mining mount while the event is going on, so you can dig under each portal for a trap :guidewink:
    You shouldn't have said anything! xD
    Not sure what i'm more hyped about, Terraria 1.3.4 or the Spirit Mod release... good stuffs :guidegrin:
    • Like
    Reactions: Vaikyia
    More hyped for the Spirit Mod, even though the Terraria update is more refined..

    This mod actually adds things to improve the overall game experience, i'm not one for cheap forced crossovers anyways.
    I hope that the event will be an all year event, also were those turrets next to that crystal thing??? I might enjoy this after all. :guidesmile:
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