Shyguy Nov 2, 2016 Honestly im not sure about a terraria crossover... not saying I would love or hate it... just... idk. :/
Honestly im not sure about a terraria crossover... not saying I would love or hate it... just... idk. :/
Shyguy Oct 23, 2016 Got a question. My bro, sis, and I want to play terraria together on wii u. Do we need multiple accounts, or can we play splitscreen with 1?
Got a question. My bro, sis, and I want to play terraria together on wii u. Do we need multiple accounts, or can we play splitscreen with 1?
Shyguy Oct 19, 2016 When I was just starting to think that the Dev team were taking a long hard break, they give a pretty nifty "Spoiler", nice!
When I was just starting to think that the Dev team were taking a long hard break, they give a pretty nifty "Spoiler", nice!
Shyguy Oct 9, 2016 Every time the Spirit mod goes off topic, Otherworld is restarted from scratch.. :/
Shyguy Oct 1, 2016 This "Super Terraria World" mod looks pretty cool, is it out for single player yet?
Shyguy Sep 22, 2016 Wow... one cat dies in march, another last month, and now one of the vets gave our kitten an overdose... burying a dead pet is NOT fun... :/
Wow... one cat dies in march, another last month, and now one of the vets gave our kitten an overdose... burying a dead pet is NOT fun... :/
Shyguy Sep 11, 2016 A thought. Fighting the Solar Pillar would be a hellish experience in a sandstorm..
Shyguy Sep 11, 2016 Desert update is AWESOME! I was a bit sad while fighting the destroyer, found out the tornado has a damage limit before it goes away. GREAT!
Desert update is AWESOME! I was a bit sad while fighting the destroyer, found out the tornado has a damage limit before it goes away. GREAT!
Shyguy Sep 10, 2016 Giving terraria a quick reinstall in hopes of less frame skips... hoping for the best!
Shyguy Sep 9, 2016 I honestly don't know what I'm more hyped about... the upcoming desert update or the release of the Spirit Mod...
I honestly don't know what I'm more hyped about... the upcoming desert update or the release of the Spirit Mod...
Shyguy Sep 8, 2016 I have a feeling that there will be many other juicy things in the desert update than what they have spoiled...
I have a feeling that there will be many other juicy things in the desert update than what they have spoiled...
Shyguy Aug 29, 2016 Welp, it feels like i'm just watching my cat die... and I can't do anything... life sucks. :/
Shyguy Aug 27, 2016 Got a toe infection, hurts like hell. Also one of my cats got a lung infection and tested + for AIDS... not fun :/
Got a toe infection, hurts like hell. Also one of my cats got a lung infection and tested + for AIDS... not fun :/
Shyguy Aug 17, 2016 When you choose to watch the Spirit Mod, but it doesn't alert you of new posts...
Shyguy Jul 28, 2016 It's gonna be strange when I first play TOW. Going from a pretty good Terraria player to probably an absolute noob in TOW...
It's gonna be strange when I first play TOW. Going from a pretty good Terraria player to probably an absolute noob in TOW...
Water biome mod, Thorium (aquatic depths), and the Crystallium mod. (Though that last one is abit annoying with the constant elementals)