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  • okay i was just looking stuff up in the wiki and i discovered the Phasic Warp Ejector that is currently unobtainable...... What is it ! ;D
    Red, u should make a feature granting the ability to play/download older versions.
    This technically exists in the form of the modded game launcher. Which lets you play downgraded versions. But I agree it would be cool to have.
    So this is a thing that just happened... My 14 year-old son was asking about getting Red's clothes, and my 5 year-old daughter asks what they look like. I pulled it up on the wiki and showed her and she says "Oh, from Terraria, he's my favorite person. He's the best person in the world!"
    Red fix it
    That's nothing compared to this:
    lol, that happened to me a couple days ago... XD
    I'm pretty sure both are the same thing. Sometimes the eyes and mouth move upward leaving an invincible wall in hell and the weak spots moving up to the top of the world.
    This message is for the whole team: (1/4)
    Thank you for all your outstanding work in Terraia.You guys are developers that rock this world!
    You guys aren't sick for money or fame,you just want to make us happy!You really do care about us terrains!
    I mean look how many suggestions actually made it into the game!You really do
    (2/4) Follow by our thoughts just to make us happy which makes you guys the best team ever!Don't follow by the haters groans and complaints,they will only slow you down.
    Just remember that there is a tiny group of people that actually appreciate your game!
    (3/4) Thank you for showing your love out to us so we can experience the best game we ever played.You spend countless hours and push your sanity to the brink just to improve a perfect game!Keep it up and thou shall succeed!Remeber that your game will always at least make on person happy!
    (4/4) Just remember that you guys and gals are AMAZING and bring a smile on my and many peoples faces.
    You guys are the best team of developers ever! :D
    This comment is mainly for Red, but also for Cenx and the team.. THANKS A LOT for your AWESOME GAME, you are a developer that isn´t greedy, you REALLY want to make the player happy, and I saw that there are many people that don´t appreciate that, but know that they are a small number (everyone else is enjoying 1.3 instead), THANK YOU very very much for supporting your game long long after release,
    it is VERY APPRECIATED and month to month, year to year (1.1, 1.2, and now the awesome 1.3), you achieved to make A PERFECT GAME, and you also care about us with the fast hotfixes (in days that you deserve a BIG break), it can be seen that you put your mind, heart and soul in this incredible game. You gave us so much and we are really grateful! Please know that, and don´t change ever because of
    some ungrateful people that can´t see what you did, do and keep doing for us, you are the greatest developer (and your team of course) and THANKS for so much, Terraria is one (if not THE) GREATEST game that I ever played! And I´m not the only one who thinks like this :)

    PD: Sorry if my english isn´t perfect (I speak spanish) and congratulations to you to (Red and Cenx) for your wedding and your coming baby!
    Ik you're no longer dev for Terraria but can you implement an equivalent to cannabis that you can grow/smoke/hotbox. That would be cool.
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