1.3 For YOUR Timezone!

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Quality Assurance
Staff member

So loads of people have (quite understandably) been asking when exactly 1.3 will be released. The answer, as many of you will know, is 13:00 (or 1 PM) EST. But of course, not everyone lives in that timezone. So here is a table so you can read exactly when 1.3 goes live in your local time*.

This table has been corrected for DST (Daylight Saving Time), so all you need to do is to use CTRL+F and type in the name of the state or country (or timezone, if you happen to know it).

Time Zone|Location|Time of Release
UTC-12:00| Baker Island , Howland Island (both uninhabited, but I don't want to leave anyone out)|05:00
UTC-11:00| American Samoa , Niue |06:00
UTC-10:00| United States ( Hawaii ), Most of French Polynesia |07:00
UTC-09:30| Marquesas Islands , United States ( Aleutian Islands )|07:30
UTC-09:00| Gambier Islands |08:00
UTC-08:00| United States (most of Alaska )|09:00
UTC-07:00| Canada (northeastern British Columbia ), Mexico ( Sonora ), United States ( Arizona ), Canada (most of British Columbia ), Mexico ( Baja California ), United States ( California , most of Nevada , most of Oregon , Washington (state) )|10:00
UTC-06:00| Canada (almost all of Saskatchewan ), Costa Rica , El Salvador , Ecuador ( Galápagos Islands ), Guatemala , Honduras , Mexico (most), Nicaragua , Canada ( Alberta ), Mexico ( Chihuahua ), United States ( Colorado )|11:00
UTC-05:00| Brazil ( Acre ), Colombia , Cuba , Ecuador (continental), Jamaica , Panama , Peru , Canada ( Manitoba ), United States ( Illinois , most of Texas )|12:00
UTC-04:30| Venezuela |12:30
UTC-04:00| Bolivia , Brazil ( Amazonas , Rondônia , Roraima ), Dominican Republic , Canada ( Nova Scotia ), Puerto Rico , Barbados , Trinidad and Tobago , Canada (most of Ontario , most of Quebec ), Haiti , United States (most of Florida , Georgia , Massachusetts , most of Michigan , most of Indiana , New York , North Carolina , Ohio , Washington, D.C. ), Bahamas , Brazil ( Mato Grosso do Sul )|13:00
UTC-03:00| Argentina , Brazil ( Bahia , Ceará , Maranhão , Pará , Pernambuco ), Chile (continental), Paraguay , Brazil ( Mato Grosso ), Falkland Islands , Brazil ( Federal District , Minas Gerais , Paraná , Rio Grande do Sul , Rio de Janeiro , São Paulo ), Uruguay |14:00
UTC-02:30| Canada (island of Newfoundland and southern Labrador)|14:30
UTC-02:00| Brazil ( Fernando de Noronha ), South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands , most of Greenland |15:00
UTC-01:00| Cape Verde |16:00
UTC±00:00| Côte d'Ivoire , Ghana , Iceland , Senegal , Saint Helena , Mali , Portugal ( Azores ), Morocco |17:00
UTC+01:00| Algeria , Angola , Benin , Cameroon , Gabon , Niger , Nigeria , Democratic Republic of the Congo (west), Tunisia , Faroe Islands , Ireland , Portugal ( continental and Madeira ), Spain ( Canary Islands ), United Kingdom , Western Sahara , Namibia |18:00
UTC+02:00| Burundi , Egypt , Jordan , Malawi , Mozambique , Russia ( Kaliningrad Oblast ), Rwanda , South Africa , Swaziland , Zambia , Zimbabwe , Albania , Austria , Belgium , Bosnia and Herzegovina , Croatia , Czech Republic , Denmark , Germany , Hungary , Italy , Malta , Macedonia , France ( metropolitan ), the Netherlands , Norway , Poland , Serbia , Slovakia , Slovenia , Spain (continental), Sweden , Switzerland |19:00
UTC+03:00| Belarus , Djibouti , Eritrea , Ethiopia , Iraq , Kenya , Madagascar , Russia ( European ), Saudi Arabia , Somalia , South Sudan , Sudan , Tanzania , Uganda , Yemen , Bulgaria , Cyprus , Estonia , Finland , Greece , Israel , Latvia , Lebanon , Lithuania , Moldova , Northern Cyprus , Palestine , Romania , Syria , Turkey , Ukraine |20:00
UTC+04:00| Armenia , Georgia , Mauritius , Oman , Seychelles , United Arab Emirates |21:00
UTC+04:30| Afghanistan , Iran |21:30
UTC+05:00| Kazakhstan (west), Maldives , Pakistan , Uzbekistan , Azerbaijan |22:00
UTC+05:30| India , Sri Lanka |22:30
UTC+05:45| Nepal |22:45
UTC+06:00|Kazakhstan (most), Bangladesh , Bhutan , Russia ( Ural : Sverdlovsk Oblast , Chelyabinsk Oblast )|23:00
UTC+06:30| Cocos Islands , Myanmar |23:30
UTC+07:00| Western Indonesia , Russia ( Novosibirsk Oblast ), Thailand , Vietnam , Cambodia , Laos |00:00, July 1st
UTC+08:00| Hong Kong , Central Indonesia , China , Russia ( Krasnoyarsk Krai ), Malaysia , Philippines , Singapore , Taiwan , most of Mongolia, Australia ( Western Australia ), ( Eucla ) official, Macau , Brunei |01:00, July 1st
UTC+08:45| Australia ( Eucla ) unofficial|01:45, July 1st
UTC+09:00| Eastern Indonesia , East Timor , Russia ( Irkutsk Oblast ), Japan , North Korea , South Korea |02:00, July 1st
UTC+09:30| Australia ( Northern Territory ), Australia ( South Australia )|02:30, July 1st
UTC+10:00|Russia ( Zabaykalsky Krai ), Papua New Guinea , Australia ( Queensland ), Australia ( New South Wales , Tasmania , Victoria )|03:00, July 1st
UTC+10:30| Lord Howe Island |03:30, July 1st
UTC+11:00| New Caledonia , Russia ( Primorsky Krai ), Solomon Islands , Vanuatu |04:00, July 1st
UTC+11:30| Norfolk Island |04:30, July 1st
UTC+12:00|Kiribati ( Gilbert Islands ), Fiji , Russia ( Kamchatka Krai ), New Zealand |05:00, July 1st
UTC+12:45| Chatham Islands |05:45, July 1st
UTC+13:00|Kiribati ( Phoenix Islands ), Tonga , Tokelau , Samoa |06:00, July 1st
UTC+14:00|Kiribati ( Line Islands )|07:00, July 1st
*Please bear in mind that 13:00 EST is a goal, it's not scripted to be released at that time or anything. There is no guarantee that it will actually happen on that moment. If any delays are announced, I'll be sure to update the table.

Does not work outside the Earth's orbit.
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If people didn't already love Kazzy, here is one more reason to do so, thanks bud. People underestimate the formatting, editing, and effort, that goes into things like these. Worthy of a pin.

Them Wikipedia fellers split the countries that use DST with the countries that don't. Copy pasting saved the day, though!
EXACTLY 12:00 here

Funny, thats exactly when I wanted to start my stream
It'll be better than HERO, I promise!
Thank you for making this, not just for the effort you put into this copy pasting it... because SO many people were making threads about this as well as spamming chats on everything that has to do with Terraria. <3
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