PC Crafting speed oversight?


Skeletron Prime
Steam or GOG
Single Player/Multiplayer
Operating System
Windows 10
Terraria Version
Controls Used
I thought about posting this in the Journey's End balance feedback thread, I decided it would be more appropriate to post it here though. I'm not too sure where this issue belongs though.

Anyways, in the speed of splitting stacks within the inventory, and when buying items from npcs was greatly increased to accomodate the new item stack limit, a great change.

I've noticed that this does not apply to crafting items though. Is this an oversight or intentional behavior?
I don't know but there's a suggestion for this. If this is changed it should also include Journey Mode duplication, if it isn't sped up already (it would be convenient for some situations even if you can already pick up 9999 of an item).
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I thought about posting this in the Journey's End balance feedback thread, I decided it would be more appropriate to post it here though. I'm not too sure where this issue belongs though.

Anyways, in the speed of splitting stacks within the inventory, and when buying items from npcs was greatly increased to accomodate the new item stack limit, a great change.

I've noticed that this does not apply to crafting items though. Is this an oversight or intentional behavior?

The two values are not the same and not necessarily meant to be the same. Increasing the crafting speed would, IMO, be an entirely new request/discussion. Unlike pulling from inventory, crafting has material consequences, and a slower, finer control may be ideal.

I don't know but there's a suggestion for this. If this is changed it should also include Journey Mode duplication, if it isn't sped up already (it would be convenient for some situations even if you can already pick up 9999 of an item).

Journey duplication with right click has been sped up to match inventory management speeds, it appears. You can also left click to instantly pull a full stack as well.
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