Yeah, after looking at stats in game and seeing cooldowns of stuff I can safely say some of them (not all, just a few of them) are just a bit to high for their own good. Even with the option of the CD accessories. Now, mind you, I also have Fargo's installed. So I already have to choose what enchant/essence/soul/whatever to swap out just for the class accessory(ies) as is. Having to also try and squeeze in the CD Amulet, even though it is a nice damage up for the ability(ies), is a bit hard to do when choosing from... Say "you gain the effects of 2+ accessories along with these bonuses".
So far, though, I have been using the Summoner one with the Calamity Statigel set (summoner helm) and it has been pretty rad. I like things that allow for more damage of a specific type, because honestly there aren't a lot of options that are "omg this is to good *NOT* to have". The summoner class giving summon slots, damage, hp, and defense is amazingly nice (albeit I can also admit a bit begrudgingly that it's a bit overpowered for a summoner... I like that though XD) though I have to kinda question why it also gives mp. Summoners don't typically have to use much mp other than to initially summon the swarm. There are a few items that are magick drainers that go off summon damage, but I have yet to find/remember them in my current run with my buddy. Mainly been running Summons with Guns, may switch it around a bit later.
That's my generalized, initial view of this mod thus far. A few of the cooldowns could be dropped by a fraction or so (my opinion), and maybe add in some combo options. It gets increasingly harder to choose between accessories the further into the game you get, and I can already safely say I have thought of a silly "immortal" combo with a few of the class accessories... It's just hard to choose what to keep equipped...
On that note, I do have a question: have you ever thought of adding a multiclass combo option? Maybe drop some stats, but allow for multiple classes on one accessory? I will admit I ask because I tend to like running an everything build if I can get away with it. I can deal with some dropped stats here and there, especially if you get some perks that are specific to that class. (A good example is Kingdom of Amalur: Reckoning. You could go down the Str (Warrior), Dex (Rogue), or Int (Wizard) base trees, or kinda combine them in various ways that dropped stats but added individual perks therein. Also allowing for the omni class, which was kinda weaker in stats but made up for it in perks. And, as is, I can already see a few entertaining combos with your classes already in place
Things like "Plague Mage" for a super glass cannon setup with absurd mana and magick damage capability, but they die if they get sneezed at XD.
(I apologize for this wall of text... Just had lots of inspiration thanks to how awesome this mod is ^^;