omegalulstop nerfing everything, removing useful items and screwing up the mod's lore please, you fuxking motherfuxkers.
Get used to it. That’s how Calamity Mod works.stop nerfing everything, removing useful items and screwing up the mod's lore please, you fuxking motherfuxkers.
This post was made awhile ago, but it’s drastic enough that it needs to be addressed even though it’s been laying around dormant for awhile.stop nerfing everything, removing useful items and screwing up the mod's lore please, you fuxking motherfuxkers.
I also get this error in multiplayer. The error started appearing after using the Clentaminator and continues to appearSystem.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: CalamityMod.NPCs.CalamityGlobalNPC
at CalamityMod.Graphics.Drawers.MiracleBlightDrawer.ValidToDraw(NPC npc) in CalamityMod\Graphics\Drawers\MiracleBlightDrawer.cs:line 61
at CalamityMod.Graphics.Drawers.MiracleBlightDrawer.DrawToTarget(SpriteBatch spriteBatch) in CalamityMod\Graphics\Drawers\MiracleBlightDrawer.cs:line 70
at CalamityMod.Graphics.Drawers.DrawerManager.DrawToTargets(orig_CheckMonoliths orig) in CalamityMod\Graphics\Drawers\DrawerManager.cs:line 93
at Hook<System.Void CalamityMod.Graphics.Drawers.DrawerManager:rawToTargets(Terraria.On_Main+orig_CheckMonoliths)>()
at SyncProxy<System.Void Terraria.Main:CheckMonoliths()>()
at DMD<System.Void Terraria.MainoDraw(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.GameTime)>(Main this, GameTime gameTime)
at SyncProxy<System.Void Terraria.MainoDraw(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.GameTime)>(Main , GameTime )
at Terraria.Main.Draw_Inner(GameTime gameTime) in tModLoader\Terraria\Main.cs:line 52853
at Terraria.Main.Draw(GameTime gameTime) in tModLoader\Terraria\Main.cs:line 52834
at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.Tick() in D:\a\tModLoader\tModLoader\FNA\src\Game.cs:line 562
at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.RunLoop() in D:\a\tModLoader\tModLoader\FNA\src\Game.cs:line 878
at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.Run() in D:\a\tModLoader\tModLoader\FNA\src\Game.cs:line 419
at Terraria.Program.RunGame() in tModLoader\Terraria\Program.cs:line 266
Randomly keep getting this error after playing a few mins of multiplayer
Does anyone know what this is or how to stop it
Hi all, just find that after the mod update few days ago, when killing Crimulan Blight Slime will have a chance crash the game and show these error, and tested only happen in multiplayer server, solo game will not have any problem after the kill.System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: CalamityMod.NPCs.CalamityGlobalNPC
at CalamityMod.Graphics.Drawers.MiracleBlightDrawer.ValidToDraw(NPC npc) in CalamityMod\Graphics\Drawers\MiracleBlightDrawer.cs:line 61
at CalamityMod.Graphics.Drawers.MiracleBlightDrawer.DrawToTarget(SpriteBatch spriteBatch) in CalamityMod\Graphics\Drawers\MiracleBlightDrawer.cs:line 70
at CalamityMod.Graphics.Drawers.DrawerManager.DrawToTargets(orig_CheckMonoliths orig) in CalamityMod\Graphics\Drawers\DrawerManager.cs:line 93
at Hook<System.Void CalamityMod.Graphics.Drawers.DrawerManager:rawToTargets(Terraria.On_Main+orig_CheckMonoliths)>()
at SyncProxy<System.Void Terraria.Main:CheckMonoliths()>()
at DMD<System.Void Terraria.MainoDraw(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.GameTime)>(Main this, GameTime gameTime)
at SyncProxy<System.Void Terraria.MainoDraw(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.GameTime)>(Main , GameTime )
at Terraria.Main.Draw_Inner(GameTime gameTime) in tModLoader\Terraria\Main.cs:line 52853
at Terraria.Main.Draw(GameTime gameTime) in tModLoader\Terraria\Main.cs:line 52834
at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.Tick() in D:\a\tModLoader\tModLoader\FNA\src\Game.cs:line 562
at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.RunLoop() in D:\a\tModLoader\tModLoader\FNA\src\Game.cs:line 878
at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.Run() in D:\a\tModLoader\tModLoader\FNA\src\Game.cs:line 419
at Terraria.Program.RunGame() in tModLoader\Terraria\Program.cs:line 266
Randomly keep getting this error after playing a few mins of multiplayer
Does anyone know what this is or how to stop it
just tested in new map with only calamity mod before beat the wall of flesh, no error. After beat the wall of flesh it crash when killing Crimulan Blight Slime.that is the fourth crash related to a "miracleblightdrawer"... which is VERY weird because that debuff isn't supposed to exist at all until the very end of the game!
are y'all using other mods? i wonder if there's a potion id conflict somewhere.
observatorlatam: did you defeat the wall of flesh in multiplayer?
There mod there balance choicesstop nerfing everything, removing useful items and screwing up the mod's lore please, you fuxking motherfuxkers.