Terraria: Otherworld Changing of the Guard: An Update from Otherworld

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I am glad we can be sure the game is really not canceled :) (I know that ReLogic never said anything about cancelling it, but it was still a strong feeling through the community)
Besides, I understand that you don't want to give any estimation about the length of the future "silence", but I would really like to know if you think about it in term of weeks, month (or years ? :p). I have no idea how long it could take for PW to produce enough advancement to justify leaks of informations.
Anyway, thanks for the news. It make it worth to check this forum daily ! :)
I am excited for otherworld and everything, but I have a feeling that when TOW releases, regular Terraria updates will slow.
We are not working on Terraria 2 yet.

I think I already knew this but I guess Terraria 2 is planned then. Could change who knows. Kinda hard to think of a possible Terraria 2 when O.W. might/ probably will take a few years still.

I am excited for otherworld and everything, but I have a feeling that when TOW releases, regular Terraria updates will slow.

They'll probably switch from patching Terraria and console to patching O.W. and working on Terraria 2 if that's going to be a thing,
In my opinion, Terraria is now as good as it can be.
With modding community, every kind of content is there and (maybe im wrong but) I dont see anything significant Relogic can bring into Terraria. Ive seen some new tables or whatever, but it isnt something, that needs to be in the game. Only thing I see that would be great in Terraria, is ingame modbrowser.

By that, I want to say, I wouldnt mind, if you stopped working on new Terraria content, and moved more of your working power to TOW. I Love T1, I want to love TOW.
They are still bringing new stuff to the table, which I am very grateful for. Don't really care what it is either, anything is really nice, the support for Terraria, even nearly 6 years later, is amazing!
BTW, there will be loads of stuff from the community in the future, including texture packs, maps, and mods! There is still plenty of stuff that the devs, and the community can do with Terraria! We have even more time to wait now before TOW, which is a bit unfortunate (but will be worth it!), however, there is still PLENTY to do with the original game!
I am excited for otherworld and everything, but I have a feeling that when TOW releases, regular Terraria updates will slow.
Terraria updates are already some-what infrequent, and they aren't as larger as before. Its still nice that we will have updates to look forward to from the devs while we wait for TOW. There is loads of content that the community will bring to the table though, including texture packs, mods, adventure maps, and more!
They are still bringing new stuff to the table, which I am very grateful for. Don't really care what it is either, anything is really nice, the support for Terraria, even nearly 6 years later, is amazing!
BTW, there will be loads of stuff from the community in the future, including texture packs, maps, and mods! There is still plenty of stuff that the devs, and the community can do with Terraria! We have even more time to wait now before TOW, which is a bit unfortunate (but will be worth it!), however, there is still PLENTY to do with the original game!
Terraria updates are already some-what infrequent, and they aren't as larger as before. Its still nice that we will have updates to look forward to from the devs while we wait for TOW. There is loads of content that the community will bring to the table though, including texture packs, mods, adventure maps, and more!
well, if your on pc, anyway.
I think I already knew this but I guess Terraria 2 is planned then. Could change who knows. Kinda hard to think of a possible Terraria 2 when O.W. might/ probably will take a few years still.

They'll probably switch from patching Terraria and console to patching O.W. and working on Terraria 2 if that's going to be a thing,

TOW is "Terraria 2", Terraria doesnt have any story, so sequel isnt even possible, just another game with terraria-ness and passion in heart by Re-logic
TOW is "Terraria 2", Terraria doesnt have any story, so sequel isnt even possible, just another game with terraria-ness and passion in heart by Re-logic
Not true. They are separate projects. Otherworld is like an alternate Terraria and Terraria 2 is a sequel. Doesn't need a story for a sequel, either. (Though Terraria does have plot elements in it and to an extent a lore)
Guys at the end they said

"Impact on other work: Pipeworks will staff up appropriately so that the Otherworld workload does not have any impact on the timing/quality of the Terraria 1 Console/Mobile/Switch launch"

Now u probably skimmed over the bit that matters but they said terraria 1, indicating, that there is a terraria 2. It's confirmed TOW is terraria 2, and is in fact a sequel to terraria 1, even tho they said otherwise.

Hahahha busted :cool:
Lol ;):D:passionate:
Guys at the end they said

"Impact on other work: Pipeworks will staff up appropriately so that the Otherworld workload does not have any impact on the timing/quality of the Terraria 1 Console/Mobile/Switch launch"

Now u probably skimmed over the bit that matters but they said terraria 1, indicating, that there is a terraria 2. It's confirmed TOW is terraria 2, and is in fact a sequel to terraria 1, even tho they said otherwise.

Hahahha busted :cool:
Lol ;):D:passionate:

After further inspection of the comments, it turns out this has already been pointed out and touch on.
Lol feels bad man ;(
Now u probably skimmed over the bit that matters but they said terraria 1, indicating, that there is a terraria 2. It's confirmed TOW is terraria 2, and is in fact a sequel to terraria 1, even tho they said otherwise.

Hahahha busted :cool:
Lol ;):D:passionate:

Terraria Otherworld is not Terraria 2.

Terraria Otherworld is being treated as a spin off from Terraria. And Terraria 2 is a completely separate project for which there is not much info on. As stated by Cenx earlier in this Thread as well, Terraria 2 has not begun development yet.

Impact on other work: Pipeworks will staff up appropriately so that the Otherworld workload does not have any impact on the timing/quality of the Terraria 1 Console/Mobile/Switch launch

The statement above was edited to what it is now earlier today to make it more clear how it was referring to how Pipeworks taking on the load of Developing Terraria Otherworld would not impact how they are already planning on releasing 1.3 for the original Terraria game (being Terraria 1) for the latest generation consoles in the near-mid term future.

We are not working on Terraria 2 yet.

It is possible you were joking about this, but wanted to clarify this in this Thread for other members, because statements like this can lead to rumors which are inaccurate from what's been confirmed by the developers.

Though Terraria 2 has been mentioned as a thing that will happen. It is not the same as Terraria Otherworld.
Change the guard, walk the dog, trim the hedges. All the same to me.

I resent you abusing my long-term dedication to the Terraria product- I have spent hundreds on extra games and merchandise. I enjoy very little of what is produced in the form of entertainment because 90% of it exists as worthless, time-wasting crap.

What I do embrace is usually exceptional- that is, until my rare devotion is trampled on those who are capable of exceptional work. And please know you firmly buried the boot of your indifference deep into the heart of my joy concerning this product. I suggest not letting this happen again or divorce will be swift.
Change the guard, walk the dog, trim the hedges. All the same to me.

I resent you abusing my long-term dedication to the Terraria product- I have spent hundreds on extra games and merchandise. I enjoy very little of what is produced in the form of entertainment because 90% of it exists as worthless, time-wasting crap.

What I do embrace is usually exceptional- that is, until my rare devotion is trampled on those who are capable of exceptional work. And please know you firmly buried the boot of your indifference deep into the heart of my joy concerning this product. I suggest not letting this happen again or divorce will be swift.
That's okay, we signed a prenup. ;)
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