[Competition] Platinum afk farm

i think you might want to put in rules about external hacks then
mm. Also, i will upload a 3 hour terraria marathon in about 2-4 hours depending on my internet speed. my microphone stuffed up. , though
[doublepost=1524432878,1524380793][/doublepost]Heres 3 hours of unnarrated, raw unedited gameplay.
i guess ill get this ball rolling

only recorded for about 1.5 minutes, but gained 3 plat anyway. it's roughly 120 plat an hour

i guess ill get this ball rolling

only recorded for about 1.5 minutes, but gained 3 plat anyway. it's roughly 120 plat an hour

Dear Lemon-Neko

I noticed a few things that could improve your design

First off all of your damage comes from minions, so you should use more minion accessories instead of lava waders, shiny stone, hover board and architect gizmo pack.

Secondly ravens work better than for there higher damage and stay in place like slimes and get a good prefix on it, your slime staff was damaged.

And you might want to consider adding traps even if minor.

I don't understand your use of statues you don't sell the drops so why have them

Finally if you move your device deeper in the ocean mobs will have more space to spawn (maybe).
Dear Lemon-Neko

I noticed a few things that could improve your design

First off all of your damage comes from minions, so you should use more minion accessories instead of lava waders, shiny stone, hover board and architect gizmo pack.

Secondly ravens work better than for there higher damage and stay in place like slimes and get a good prefix on it, your slime staff was damaged.

And you might want to consider adding traps even if minor.

I don't understand your use of statues you don't sell the drops so why have them

Finally if you move your device deeper in the ocean mobs will have more space to spawn (maybe).

and if you get a full inventory during that run? Is it still AFK-farm if you need to sell those items to a npc or stack them in near chests during farming? How long should you be able to run the farm? e.g. you get full inventory in 10min, sell all, multiply the value by 6 to get an hour and with this you get a high Platinum / hour value. But if you let it keep going for one hour in real time without doing anything, you would miss 5/6 of those items and and result in a much smaller Platinum / hour value.
Or other example, you just recording farm a short time before picking up a valuable item and stop right after it. 1 sec farm times 3600 to get an hour will result in a very high Platinum/hour value.

Those are some extreme examples but nearly any AFK-farm has a maximum run time and to be significant there should be a minimal recording value and/or repetition.
So e.g. some fantasy values:
1) you should be able to farm afk for at least 42min (before inventory full), and 2) farm stats recording time need to be at least 13.53 min with 3 repetition (mean/median value) or 42min total.
Find some numbers which fit well, so all have the same test conditions.
i guess ill get this ball rolling

only recorded for about 1.5 minutes, but gained 3 plat anyway. it's roughly 120 plat an hour

Here is what you do... greedy ring, lucky coin, any other money accessories, and as mamy minion summoning things as possible, then summon a :red: ton of the weakest minion, and... other money making stuff. IT'S FOO- well, mostly kinda foolproof.

This is what I got

4 gold 21 silver per minute * 60 minutes = 2 plat 52 gold 60 silver per hour

Menacing on all accessories(not that it madders)

Did not use minions because they killed to fast

I did not use cheat sheet to boost the spawns (don't believe me, try it yourself)

Credit to zerogravities for his "overkill spear trap" battery


The main gimmick of my farm was to exploit the hit rate of the baby slime minion. All you really needed, equipment-wise, was a lucky coin, the slime staff and something to let you summon at least 2 baby slimes. It's possible to increase the output of the system with more minions, but 2 would be the minimum.

Other issues to correct:
the layout of the statue spawned monsters (some monsters don't drop down through the platforms to get closer to me)
moving the monsters into a "hit-chamber" (so no one runs away from the baby slime)
eliminating external monster spawns (there were slimes outside of the system taking up the spawn count)
doubling the speed of the "dummy-hoik" engine (I only had 1 pressure plate in this first design)

The intention of this design was never to kill the monsters for their drops.
So far as I know, money generating accessories don't stack effects, but it's been a while since I last checked.
The main gimmick of my farm was to exploit the hit rate of the baby slime minion. All you really needed, equipment-wise, was a lucky coin, the slime staff and something to let you summon at least 2 baby slimes. It's possible to increase the output of the system with more minions, but 2 would be the minimum.

Other issues to correct:
the layout of the statue spawned monsters (some monsters don't drop down through the platforms to get closer to me)
If I may ask, are you certain that the statue-spawned enemies drop coins via the Lucy Coin effect? The wiki claims that they don't, but if they didn't, I'm not sure how you could have managed such a high coin output (unless you were just absurdly lucky).

Also, how is it that you can spawn so many statue enemies in such a small space? Surely the spawn limit would quickly be reached, yes? If you aren't actually killing them (or at least not very quickly), then they should have stopped spawning almost immediately.
If I may ask, are you certain that the statue-spawned enemies drop coins via the Lucy Coin effect? The wiki claims that they don't, but if they didn't, I'm not sure how you could have managed such a high coin output (unless you were just absurdly lucky).

Also, how is it that you can spawn so many statue enemies in such a small space? Surely the spawn limit would quickly be reached, yes? If you aren't actually killing them (or at least not very quickly), then they should have stopped spawning almost immediately.

Some of the statue monsters were getting killed off. I think the spawn limit is something around 200-250 monsters at a time. I stayed under 100 in the video out of pure coincidence.

Statue monsters DO NOT drop coins via the Lucky Coin, but for some reason they drop coins in multiplayer play. So the underlying secret to my riches is that I was hosting an online game. ;)
I tested my farm and it gave me 38.4 platinum per hour. I used 1 battle potion at the start but I also did a test run without the potion wich gave me 37.2 platinum.
I also sold the items to a npc.
Sorry if I'm a little late. I went on a school trip for a few days so I couldn't test it.

(I did not use any glitches! For example: I did not use host and play to get money from mobs that shouldn't drop any money)
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MK 2 (now with map download!!!)

redesigned the whole thing mostly
statue monsters are now spawned some distance away from the player and then teleported to a hit-chamber (doing this allows for an increase in the spawn limit from statues)
no more dummy-hoik engine, but probably could've used it to spawn sharks faster(they're hooked up to a 1 second timer along with the unicorn)

11 platinum in 2.5 minutes = 264 plat/hour

unicorn requires a specific opening in order to spawn properly (it was producing smoke instead of spawning
i think there's a known bug about accidentally spawning shop NPCs with certain statues(during testing it never happened, so gonna have to look into that one...)

as for earning money without hosting an online game, i think there's a faster way than using a lucky coin, but i haven't looked into it yet

it should be noted that the map i made the farm in is my secondary map, so it contains a handful of other projects but i think all the main ones are connected via teleporters



MK 2 (now with map download!!!)

redesigned the whole thing mostly
statue monsters are now spawned some distance away from the player and then teleported to a hit-chamber (doing this allows for an increase in the spawn limit from statues)
no more dummy-hoik engine, but probably could've used it to spawn sharks faster(they're hooked up to a 1 second timer along with the unicorn)

11 platinum in 2.5 minutes = 264 plat/hour

unicorn requires a specific opening in order to spawn properly (it was producing smoke instead of spawning
i think there's a known bug about accidentally spawning shop NPCs with certain statues(during testing it never happened, so gonna have to look into that one...)

as for earning money without hosting an online game, i think there's a faster way than using a lucky coin, but i haven't looked into it yet

it should be noted that the map i made the farm in is my secondary map, so it contains a handful of other projects but i think all the main ones are connected via teleporters

This is incredible. You definitely dropped a nuke in this thread, @Lemon-Neko!

As for the pre-existing AFK coin farm before this thread, The Secret Level has pretty efficient one, which generates 50 plat/hour. As far as I know this was the best AFK farm before Lemon-Neko.
I'm also interested in the competition. Let's see if I can drop another nuke. :D
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With the off screen statue spawning approach is the ocean part of the farm even needed anymore? I feel like you could build that anywhere with just the statue hit box and it would work fine. I also bet there's a cap on the effect of adding additional statues. If you put all your slime summons in the statue hit box, and ensure theres always a monster they can immediately strike, adding additional statues shouldn't matter.

Just some thoughts on how we could optimize the build, in terms of resources, even further.
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