Console 1.3: A Progress Update on the Road to Certification

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They don't have a machine that turns out 1.3 updates if you put in some money. Unless you mean they should have hired more people, then your comment makes more sense.

Felt it was self explanatory. You seemed to catch my meaning well enough.

@Proto Persona
Why temporary? They have multiple projects coming up that they could use the extra personnel on. They have already expressed their intent to catch the consoles up to the p.c. they have mobile. They have the switch. They also have otherworld. These are all massive projects that investing in early would show dividents on the back end.
@Proto Persona
Why temporary? They have multiple projects coming up that they could use the extra personnel on. They have already expressed their intent to catch the consoles up to the p.c. they have mobile. They have the switch. They also have otherworld. These are all massive projects that investing in early would show dividents on the back end.
Who knows, they may have already done everything you suggest. They did announce multiple times they were hiring. Overhiring is a risk too.
Who knows, they may have already done everything you suggest. They did announce multiple times they were hiring. Overhiring is a risk too.

But by that same token they have multiple projects that are behind schedule they can funnel overflow into, clearly the staff they have on hand have not been sufficient complete the task they are scheduled for.

And I believe not everyone is working on Console, and not everyone is working on OtherWorld, there are seperate "teams" from the same company.

Thats correct, but any floaters left over can be redistributed towards these other projects. They also have the poker game. Multiple departments means that if they had hired more personel then needed (which the continuous delays across multiple games is a strong arguement against) they could be shifted to assist with projects that are lagging behind. They also have projects scheduled to begin in the future. Staff that have completed tasks and are needed can then begin retraining to start the upcoming tasks, or if these projects are already in motion, they can be folded in to assist. Programers must always be fluid. Any game project, by the very nature of the industry, has an experation date. No game (except maybe WoW, doesn't seem like it will ever die) stays active forever. They always have to be prepped to begin a new project or they become stagnant.
No game (except maybe WoW, doesn't seem like it will ever die) stays active forever. They always have to be prepped to begin a new project or they become stagnant.

Minecraft and Runescape have stayed afloat.

Runescape has been around since 2001 (or DeviousMUD was made in 1999)
But by that same token they have multiple projects that are behind schedule they can funnel overflow into, clearly the staff they have on hand have not been sufficient complete the task they are scheduled for.

Thats correct, but any floaters left over can be redistributed towards these other projects. They also have the poker game. Multiple departments means that if they had hired more personel then needed (which the continuous delays across multiple games is a strong arguement against) they could be shifted to assist with projects that are lagging behind. They also have projects scheduled to begin in the future. Staff that have completed tasks and are needed can then begin retraining to start the upcoming tasks, or if these projects are already in motion, they can be folded in to assist. Programers must always be fluid. Any game project, by the very nature of the industry, has an experation date. No game (except maybe WoW, doesn't seem like it will ever die) stays active forever. They always have to be prepped to begin a new project or they become stagnant.
Well there's another possibility too. It could be those millions of dollars are being invested in releasing a quality product with a small staff, and they don't care how long it takes because they don't need the money. Commitment to quality instead of commitment to a timely release.

Sure games have a life span, but really what is everyone going to move on to that captures Terraria's niche? When 1.3 finally drops everyone will happily start the game back up, much like how people resubscribe to WoW every expansion. I mean you seem more upset than most, and I seriously doubt you'll be taking your business elsewhere anytime soon.
Well there's another possibility too. It could be those millions of dollars are being invested in releasing a quality product with a small staff, and they don't care how long it takes because they don't need the money. Commitment to quality instead of commitment to a timely release.

Sure games have a life span, but really what is everyone going to move on to that captures Terraria's niche? When 1.3 finally drops everyone will happily start the game back up, much like how people resubscribe to WoW every expansion. I mean you seem more upset than most, and I seriously doubt you'll be taking your business elsewhere anytime soon.

Nah plenty of folk just as upset. Check out the comments on any of the youtube videos for confirmation. I'm just stubborn enough to come to the source and stick around despite all the backlash against my opinion. Seen quite a few people vent their frustrations, only to get run off almost immediately. People who are upset tend to stick to other mediums to vent their frustrations simply to avoid the being hassled. Not exactly a supportive group for alternate viewpoints. And no, i won't be buying anymore terraria products. I'm only willing to be burned by a company so many times. I'm only still here because i still haven't recieved something i've already paid for.
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Nah plenty of folk just as upset. Check out the comments on any of the youtube videos for confirmation. I'm just stubborn enough to come to the source and stick around despite all the backlash against my opinion. Seen quite a few people vent their frustrations, only to get run off almost immediately. People who are upset tend to stick to other mediums to vent their frustrations simply to avoid the being hassled. Not exactly a supportive group for alternate viewpoints. And no, i won't be buying anymore terraria products. I'm only willing to be burned by a company so many times. I'm only still here because i still haven't recieved something i've already paid for.

When it feels like you are trying to bring every single person who views this thread with you, is when you get "run off"
You certainly are, my friend.

They didn't get run off due to venting frustrations, they either didn't care or were told off by mods for toxic behavior.

Come on now. I hopped on here for the first time in over a week, dropped two comments, and it ended up creating a debate that so far has spanned 2.5 pages worth of content. All i did was give an answer in response to a question @N1NJ4W4RR10R asked, and show agreement with @Stillwaiting 's post. This isn't an isolated incident. This has spanned several different threads. How many folks have have chimed in to argue with those that shown suppport for the devs? Now compare that to those who have shown frustration. Anyone who visits this thread is going to see how hard folks are working to dismiss those who show a negative opinion of the situation. Who's gonna want to do more then dip their toes in that kinda environment. @MoeHolyGhost and @demvic1 are in pretty much the same boat. Outliers aren't exactly shown a warm welcome.
Sometimes you've gjoe obootta release what you've got.
I must say I disagree here. How many people said "just release it without split-screen". Well, if they were to, they would have no control over the time it takes to go through cert, and then split-screen isn't available anymore. Also, if they were to do that, they would have to send it to cert again, taking another month before some cozy couch gameplay is possible. If you just think "well I never use splitscreen anyways" then 1. Your not the only person in the world with console terraria and many people enjoy split-screen, and 2. you never know who might wish to play terraria with you (family, friends etc.)
Outliers aren't exactly shown a warm welcome.
I will agree that there are some over-zealous people on both sides, and the normal, reasonable ones like yourself are likely seen as dissenters in the eyes of others. I find no problems with your arguments, many are well founded, and require me to think a while before responding, so that I may have an argument in which I attempt to persuade you to see things my way.
I will agree that there are some over-zealous people on both sides, and the normal, reasonable ones like yourself are likely seen as dissenters in the eyes of others. I find no problems with your arguments, many are well founded, and require me to think a while before responding, so that I may have an argument in which I attempt to persuade you to see things my way.

I supppose a big part is that those who are upset tend to jump over here right after finding out about the delay. Angry folks aren't the best at communicating their frustrations in a calm (or at times coherant) manner. Hard to hold a discussion when your upset. Harder still when your concerns seem to be dismissed almost immediately by multiple members of the community.
I supppose a big part is that those who are upset tend to jump over here right after finding out about the delay. Angry folks aren't the best at communicating their frustrations in a calm (or at times coherant) manner. Hard to hold a discussion when your upset. Harder still when your concerns seem to be dismissed almost immediately by multiple members of the community.
Very true. Maybe there should be some sort of guideline that says something like: "If you are upset, write what you want to say, as angry as you want, save the draft, go calm down for 5-10 minutes, and sit back down and revise it." I think that would give your 'side' (side used for lack of a better word, we are all Terrarians) more voice in the community.
Going to try arguing both ways. Whether or not you feel this is directed at you is up to your own respective discretions.

People are going to disappointed when a delay is announced, of course they are. What's more, they have every reason to. Because disappointment is a neutral emotion: it's a response to a desire not being fulfilled. You can be disappointed when it rains on a field trip, when you miss your bus, or when a Terraria update is delayed. There's nothing whatsoever wrong with being disappointed, so telling people that "if they're disappointed, they're being entitled" is hogwash.

What is not a neutral emotion is indignation, and it depends on the context whether or not it's justified. Is it justified when it rains during a field trip? No, of course not, you can't blame the weather gods for that, because you don't have a right to good weather. Is it justified when your train arrives half an hour late? Yes, because you have a right to your train arriving on time and departing on time, as that's part of the service you are paying for. Is it justified when a release estimate isn't met? No, because you don't have a right to game developers correctly estimating when development is finished, the same way you don't have a right to meteorologists correctly predicting the weather or a company correctly estimating their annual profit (beforehand, of course): not just because you're not paying for them (that is not at all the argument I'm trying to make here), but because none of these three are in any way goals to be met, they're assumptions based on the current situation and what is still to happen.

The point is, indignation is justified when you are being treated unjustly. In the case of a release estimate being wrong, it isn't. Telling people that "if they're indignant, they're being entitled" does hold more value, but it's not the same thing as being disappointed. So don't be pissy at people for being disappointed. There's nothing wrong with that.

On the flip side of the coin, nobody here is being singled out for their stance towards Pipeworks. They're being singled out because their argumentation for their stance is being disagreed with. That literally is what civilised discussion is all about. Saying "People who are against Pipeworks are being run off" is simply twisting the reality, which is "People who are against Pipeworks, who are the minority, are providing arguments that the people who are in favour of Pipeworks, who are in the majority, are disagreeing with", in your favour. If you are not prepared to be disagreed with, then an internet forum is not the best place to hang around.

Finally, the "that is just your opinion" defence doesn't fly. Essentially what you're saying with that "you see it this way, I see it that way, and my way of seeing things is better than yours". If you're not open to other people's opinions, and dismiss arguments or facts as such, you literally can't be argued with. So don't do that.
@all above comments from the last 2-3 pages

Can someone show me where we were "promised" future content?

I mean in all honesty Re-Logic could have just pulled the plug at the 1.2.4 part 2 update from Engine, the statement of "Next generation consoles will receive future updates" would have still been satisfied

Me, I'm just Sat here hoping Pipeworks don't look at this and think "1.3 caused so much hassle, do we really want to deal with that again"
Nah plenty of folk just as upset. Check out the comments on any of the youtube videos for confirmation. I'm just stubborn enough to come to the source and stick around despite all the backlash against my opinion. Seen quite a few people vent their frustrations, only to get run off almost immediately. People who are upset tend to stick to other mediums to vent their frustrations simply to avoid the being hassled. Not exactly a supportive group for alternate viewpoints. And no, i won't be buying anymore terraria products. I'm only willing to be burned by a company so many times. I'm only still here because i still haven't recieved something i've already paid for.
I personally couldn't care less what YouTube commenters think. A lack of moderation has made it one of the worst cesspools on the internet. I'd rather post videos with comments disabled and a link to a community forum than let people discuss things there.

Also, I really doubt you'll be done with the game or this forum after you get what you "paid for." I predict we'll be seeing you again when the next delayed update is announced. Not sure if I'm the one being referred to as running people off. If so I take it back, feel free to stick around. Just don't expect me to be open minded about your side of the issue when it's based on what I see as baseless entitlement.

I must say I disagree here. How many people said "just release it without split-screen". Well, if they were to, they would have no control over the time it takes to go through cert, and then split-screen isn't available anymore. Also, if they were to do that, they would have to send it to cert again, taking another month before some cozy couch gameplay is possible. If you just think "well I never use splitscreen anyways" then 1. Your not the only person in the world with console terraria and many people enjoy split-screen, and 2. you never know who might wish to play terraria with you (family, friends etc.)
That quote wasn't in the context of Terraria pushing out 1.3 early. It was about bigger developers under pressure from big publishers. Sometimes a dev studio has no choice about when the game is ready. When the publisher says you're out of time, produce something well, you do it.

On the flip side of the coin, nobody here is being singled out for their stance towards Pipeworks. They're being singled out because their argumentation for their stance is being disagreed with. That literally is what civilised discussion is all about. Saying "People who are against Pipeworks are being run off" is simply twisting the reality, which is "People who are against Pipeworks, who are the minority, are providing arguments that the people who are in favour of Pipeworks, who are in the majority, are disagreeing with", in your favour. If you are not prepared to be disagreed with, then an internet forum is not the best place to hang around.
This has been my stance at least.

@all above comments from the last 2-3 pages

Can someone show me where we were "promised" future content?

I mean in all honesty Re-Logic could have just pulled the plug at the 1.2.4 part 2 update from Engine, the statement of "Next generation consoles will receive future updates" would have still been satisfied

Me, I'm just Sat here hoping Pipeworks don't look at this and think "1.3 caused so much hassle, do we really want to deal with that again"
@Khaosbringer has posted his evidence before where devs on twitter were asked when the update was coming and received a flat "Q2" as an answer. Other answers on social media were phrased the same. The assertion is that by not saying ETA or any other wording of estimated it stopped being an estimate and became a promise of release.
We are hoping to be able to "submit for certification" in the next "few" weeks, though there is a "good chance" this will take a bit longer.
So we're about to start Q4 week 2.
Who knows how long cert will take.
Few usually refers to 3.
With a good chance it'll take longer.
How about we start a 1.3 pool to see who bets closest to the actual release?

I'm still going with spring 2018
Gotta bet long term :hoppinjack:
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