tModLoader Edit NPC Data/Behavior with mods


is possible to Modify vanilla Terrraria Data with modding?
I'm planning to override Vanilla terraria NPCs Behavior and Sprites with my custom mod sprites and data, but I don't want to make Resource packs for my mod.
since I'm new to terraria modding and community, i don't exactly know terraria modding structures.
thank you.
Look up tModLoader/ExampleMod/Common/GlobalNPCs/GuideGlobalNPC.cs at 1.4.4 · tModLoader/tModLoader and other Global NPCs for changing code of vanilla NPCs.
Also you can change vanilla sprite by just changing its asset in ModSystem. That's how I did it:
public override void PostSetupContent()
    TextureAssets.Item[ID] = ModContent.Request<Texture2D>("Path/to/your/texture");

Sorry to revive this semi-dead thread, but could you maybe go a bit more into detail on how to change the sprite sheet of a NPC? Im using this code but that doesnt seem to change anything:
public override void PostSetupContent() {
            TextureAssets.Npc[NPCID.Mechanic] = ModContent.Request<Texture2D>("NPCOutfits/Content/Items/Mechanic/Mechanic_Default");
Sorry to revive this semi-dead thread, but could you maybe go a bit more into detail on how to change the sprite sheet of a NPC? Im using this code but that doesnt seem to change anything:
public override void PostSetupContent() {
            TextureAssets.Npc[NPCID.Mechanic] = ModContent.Request<Texture2D>("NPCOutfits/Content/Items/Mechanic/Mechanic_Default");
sorry, idk, you made everything right. I didn't change NPCs so far so maybe they aren't changeable
sorry, idk, you made everything right. I didn't change NPCs so far so maybe they aren't changeable
Ah okay, thats a shame then. Was working on a mod to switch outfits for NPCs but I cant seem to find a actual way to switch the textures of them :/

EDIT: Yippie! Did manage to figure it out!
public class CustomNPC : GlobalNPC
        public override bool PreDraw(NPC npc, SpriteBatch spriteBatch, Vector2 screenPos, Color drawColor)
            if(npc.type == NPCID.Mechanic) {
                switch(TagSystem.mechanicOutfit) {
                    case 1:
                        TextureAssets.Npc[npc.type] = ModContent.Request<Texture2D>("NPCOutfits/Content/Items/Mechanic/Mechanic_1");
            return true;
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