End the universe

A rift between universes occurs causing a knife to enter the harmless universe, but since the mere fact that a knife can cause harm conflicts with the laws of this universe, it is completely annihilated.

The new universe is just a single world of floating islands.
They end up trying to use beds anyway, and they all explode.

THIS new world is entirely populated by the letter A.
Literal electric boogaloo. People start dancing with such energy that lightning strikes and kills everyone.

A generic game mechanics universe, but the twist is it's the game mechanics of Terraria.
Therefor, blood rain can happen. it rains blood and people mistake it for the end of the world and start sacrificing others to any and all deitys they can think of until only one is left. he drowns in a flash flood.

A universe that is boring.
Nobody wants to live there, they all hop to different universes.

A universe that is REALLY REALLY fun.
Way too fun, people are constantly having heart attacks and nobody cares to stop them because FuN fUn FuN yAy

A universe that is just right
And it crashes, because the PC can't run Age of Empires 3.

This new universe now has Aperture Science in it, and follows the Portal storyline.
You can't peacefully go to war, and the universe collapses in paradox.

This new one has zero reason to exist, but zero reason not to.
I point out that you're doing this wrong and you should read the rules. you kill me, but I was the heart of the new universe for some reason, so the universe collapses.

The new universe is an infinitely better one than this one for only one reason: Dogs are the intellectual, sentient beings instead of humans
However, their society collapses because of one thing: Cats eventually kill them all.

This new universe has no movies.
People revolt by destroying the universe.

Everything's the same, except it rains fruit and vegetables.
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