Favorite Element?

What's your favorite element?
If you don't like and real ones, then what's your favorite fictional element?
My personal real element favorite is Bismuth, because it's quite unique. And these things:

Anyway, my favorite fictional element is Mythril/Mithril. Because lore. And Terraria.
Mine would have to be the 33rd element. Arsenic, hehe. And my favourite fictional element? Cobalt. Wait that's a real thing D:
I like Gold because Gold on the periodic table Au... and I always thought that was funny. Also potassium is just K...
Well, you just stole my question, so I'm pretty upset at the moment. So, my favorite real element is neon bro! And of course, my favorite fantasy element is death!
Nope, no favourites.
Fantasy-wise, my favourite is wind, because you can push people over with it without hurting them too much c:
I like Gold because Gold on the periodic table Au... and I always thought that was funny. Also potassium is just K...
My chemistry teacher told us a tip to remember this: If someone tries to steal your gold, yell out "'EY YOU!"

I've always liked silver.
Osmium Very dense and shiny, grows as a crystal, cool stuff right there.
Image isn't loading, what evs, just look it up.
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