How do you organize your Mobile-Storage


What's in your Piggy Bank/Safe/Defender's Forge so you can take out anywhere?

I'll use mine for an example:
-Piggy Bank: Tools/Armor/Weapons
-Safe: Crafting Materials
-Defender's Forge: Summoning Items

If you use just one or two, that's just as okay.
Safe: War. I.E, Good Attack potions, lots of Melee/Magic Accessories, all 5 Biome Chest Weapons, a Melee and a Ranged Armour Set. (I'm usually wearing Magic.) Discount Card, Hammer, Money.

Piggy Bank: Other misc items, like Wrenches, Wire Cutters, Traps, Backup Potions, Picksaw, Teleporters, Actuators, Timers, Pressure Plates, Clentaminator + Solutions, A Chain Gun, (for some reason) Campfires, Heart Lanterns.

I'm on Mobile 1.2 xD
my piggy bank is very messy through playthroughs

-Coins take up the first slots
-Then potions
-Then boss summoners
-Then extra space for items I find but don't have enough space in my inventory for
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