Hmmm, let’s go with ftw and celebration could make everything literal hellAs you all might know by now, we are adding a new special seed selection menu that will allow you to combine the special seeds of your choosing.
View attachment 415396
Along with this change, we will be introducing special effects when you make specific combinations. We already have quite a few in-game, but now I want to hear from you! What are your best ideas for what these combined effects could be? A small example of what we have done so far is combining "The Constant" with "Celebrationmk10," which will start the player out in the center of the world again, while retaining most of the effects from "Celebrationmk10."
I'm looking specifically for changes to world generation and in-game mechanical changes, not extravagant additions like new bosses or overly complicated new items.
You can find a list of special seeds and what they do on the Official Terraria Wiki.
Let's hear your thoughts!
I was thinking of a secret boulder boss, somewhere in the caverns. Do you know those 3 stacked boulders that can randomly spawn anywhere in the caverns? anyways you could get a suspicious-looking boulder or something, with an increased chance of you finding random boulders on the floor, his attacks could be something like boulder rain and he could throw explosive boulders or something. it would be funny if he looked like just a boulder with a face and a mining helmet The seed could also have many boulders along the surface, and boulder rain! (Like an event, like slime rain but 100x worse)
Maks Cheeze
I'd love to have some new stuff added to the ocean caves! Maybe in a combination of Don't Starve seed and Celebration seed, you could add some brand new sunken ship or something, or for Celebration and Not the Bees you could add some tiny jungle for a beehive! Just would love to see something done with such a cool world gen with nothing in it.As you all might know by now, we are adding a new special seed selection menu that will allow you to combine the special seeds of your choosing.
View attachment 415396
Along with this change, we will be introducing special effects when you make specific combinations. We already have quite a few in-game, but now I want to hear from you! What are your best ideas for what these combined effects could be? A small example of what we have done so far is combining "The Constant" with "Celebrationmk10," which will start the player out in the center of the world again, while retaining most of the effects from "Celebrationmk10."
I'm looking specifically for changes to world generation and in-game mechanical changes, not extravagant additions like new bosses or overly complicated new items.
You can find a list of special seeds and what they do on the Official Terraria Wiki.
Let's hear your thoughts!
Skeletron Prime
if you combine for the worthy and not the bees, dipping in honey gives you usual life regeneration but leaving it gives you the on fire debuff for 20 seconds
(combo between ftw lava lakes and not the bees honey)
if you combine for the worthy and not the bees, dipping in honey gives you usual life regeneration but leaving it gives you the on fire debuff for 20 secondsAs you all might know by now, we are adding a new special seed selection menu that will allow you to combine the special seeds of your choosing.
View attachment 415396
Along with this change, we will be introducing special effects when you make specific combinations. We already have quite a few in-game, but now I want to hear from you! What are your best ideas for what these combined effects could be? A small example of what we have done so far is combining "The Constant" with "Celebrationmk10," which will start the player out in the center of the world again, while retaining most of the effects from "Celebrationmk10."
I'm looking specifically for changes to world generation and in-game mechanical changes, not extravagant additions like new bosses or overly complicated new items.
You can find a list of special seeds and what they do on the Official Terraria Wiki.
Let's hear your thoughts!
(combo between ftw lava lakes and not the bees honey)
not the bees + for the worthy. Random beehives are everywherebut are now something like sticky boulders with honey and when they break bees come out. Beeldours if you will. Though it’s a bit of a stretch
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EXTRA large world like twice a large world, and the player will be able to see, for example, 2 ice or jungle and hollow biomes in the world because its too hard for the player find a not corrupted ice or jungle biome, maybe player can see corruption and crimson biome in the same world, and lastly its gonna be little bit easy for the bestiary and get the pylon
pogal 🐡🌳
I have a new seed combination. FTW mixed with something i was thinking celebration but I can't remember if that normally gives both evils. Should spawn hallowed instead of a evil biome in pre hardmode. It would finaly give pearl wood a use. Speaking of which an achievement for equiping pearl wood armour and a pearl wood sword should be an achievement called "So what's the point of this?"
Goat Man Gamer
Skeletron Prime
Maybe The Constant and Not the Bees could replace the hunger debuff with another one that spawns bees everywhere if you don't drink honey every few minutes, increasing the spawn rate the longer you go?
Здравствуйте дорогой создатель моей любимой игры Террария!Хочу попросить вас добавить в Террарию старых питомцев эксклюзивно для мобильного издания в новой версии на ПК и телефонах Очень скучаю по старым питомцам((((
You could add a seed where everything deals 200 damage regardless of defense or damage reduction making dodge's and dashes your only way to avoid damage
Я бы хотел, чтобы одной из комбинаций мира было то, что вместо лавы в аду было мерцание
small thing, but a combination of no traps and CelebrationMK10 should should have a more special death sound for dying to a trap, like children celebrating or a round of applause
Living Tree
Maybe exploding into Fireworks when you die? Explosive deaths for a world filled with explosives!small thing, but a combination of no traps and CelebrationMK10 should should have a more special death sound for dying to a trap, like children celebrating or a round of applause
Drunk world seed and Celebrationmk10 should make the underworld acid and all pre-hardmode bosses should get merged together like the mechs
Combining for the worthy + not the bees will make every boss retextured in a bee style (imagine 2 bee eyes for the twins)
FTW + Mk10 = Superhero seed
Each defeated boss gives the hero a super power permanently.
super damage
mega meaning
infinite flight
Super speed
Each defeated boss gives the hero a super power permanently.
super damage
mega meaning
infinite flight
Super speed
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The Destroyer
vampire seed + constant = when u kill an enemy ur hunger replenishes a bit, which represents drinking blood
Don't Dig Up + Drunk = Having the center infected with the main evil you choose and the side contrary to the jungle with the opposite evil, maybe with a normal corrupted biome cave system underground under the sea biome so it does not mess with the sea generation
The Destroyer
drunk + dont dig up = all of the sky islands are replaced with a big one at the center which is actually the one that the player spawns on in dont dig up with clouds under it cuz its a sky island
the player either spawns in a random spot in hell or on the hell-sky-island and has to build a staircase down to get to the surface personally i prefer the latter
the player either spawns in a random spot in hell or on the hell-sky-island and has to build a staircase down to get to the surface personally i prefer the latter
here me outAs you all might know by now, we are adding a new special seed selection menu that will allow you to combine the special seeds of your choosing.
View attachment 415396
Along with this change, we will be introducing special effects when you make specific combinations. We already have quite a few in-game, but now I want to hear from you! What are your best ideas for what these combined effects could be? A small example of what we have done so far is combining "The Constant" with "Celebrationmk10," which will start the player out in the center of the world again, while retaining most of the effects from "Celebrationmk10."
I'm looking specifically for changes to world generation and in-game mechanical changes, not extravagant additions like new bosses or overly complicated new items.
You can find a list of special seeds and what they do on the Official Terraria Wiki.
Let's hear your thoughts!
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