Game Mechanics Let's hear your best suggestions for seed combinations!

Red what about for the worthy and
Getfixedboi another difficulty and much harder bosses new ai and much harder terraria world like lock chest new world gen and much much more harder features
And if you can combine the same seed then getfixedboi+getfixedboi will be a nightmare for sure and a lot crazier world gen
And also is there a limit to you combine
Seeds like 2 only etc and if three then there are a lot of crazy combination but for me getfixedboi+getfixedboi or getfixedboi+for the worthy will do that is my suggestion
And there's another feature I want to be added(I can't find the feature suggestion so sorry) that in mobile can you make the buff smaller because it's a problem because phones screen are already small and if you have a lot of buff is quite troublesome
That is all thx
Note: sorry for my english
Mythical mode

I still think a seed where from the cavern layer up is just a massive ocean with a tiny tropical island in the middle, like the skyblock seed but you spawn with less and its ocean instead of air
As you all might know by now, we are adding a new special seed selection menu that will allow you to combine the special seeds of your choosing.

I would love to see a seed that inverts the oceans placement! similar to drunk worlds hell ocean it would be nice to see a world that has an ocean in the middle and land on the sides! maybe the biomes could be moved too!
As you all might know by now, we are adding a new special seed selection menu that will allow you to combine the special seeds of your choosing.

View attachment 415396

Along with this change, we will be introducing special effects when you make specific combinations. We already have quite a few in-game, but now I want to hear from you! What are your best ideas for what these combined effects could be? A small example of what we have done so far is combining "The Constant" with "Celebrationmk10," which will start the player out in the center of the world again, while retaining most of the effects from "Celebrationmk10."

I'm looking specifically for changes to world generation and in-game mechanical changes, not extravagant additions like new bosses or overly complicated new items.

You can find a list of special seeds and what they do on the Official Terraria Wiki.

Let's hear your thoughts!
Combining the constant and don’t dig up makes a cave from don’t starve together.
Remix, Drunk, and Celebration
Instead of top and bottom, switch the roles between the outer edge and the center of the world.

No Traps, For The Worthy, and Not The Bees
Larvae will continually appear in the jungle after defeating Skeletron. Ceiling rolling hive traps release 200% more bees.
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As you all might know by now, we are adding a new special seed selection menu that will allow you to combine the special seeds of your choosing.

View attachment 415396

Along with this change, we will be introducing special effects when you make specific combinations. We already have quite a few in-game, but now I want to hear from you! What are your best ideas for what these combined effects could be? A small example of what we have done so far is combining "The Constant" with "Celebrationmk10," which will start the player out in the center of the world again, while retaining most of the effects from "Celebrationmk10."

I'm looking specifically for changes to world generation and in-game mechanical changes, not extravagant additions like new bosses or overly complicated new items.

You can find a list of special seeds and what they do on the Official Terraria Wiki.

Let's hear your thoughts!
combining not the bees and the drunk world seeds or the zenith seed should turn every bee into the queen bee. if you accidentally knock down a nest in the jungle? welp. destroying hive blocks? Welp.
As you all might know by now, we are adding a new special seed selection menu that will allow you to combine the special seeds of your choosing.

View attachment 415396

Along with this change, we will be introducing special effects when you make specific combinations. We already have quite a few in-game, but now I want to hear from you! What are your best ideas for what these combined effects could be? A small example of what we have done so far is combining "The Constant" with "Celebrationmk10," which will start the player out in the center of the world again, while retaining most of the effects from "Celebrationmk10."

I'm looking specifically for changes to world generation and in-game mechanical changes, not extravagant additions like new bosses or overly complicated new items.

You can find a list of special seeds and what they do on the Official Terraria Wiki.

Let's hear your

As you all might know by now, we are adding a new special seed selection menu that will allow you to combine the special seeds of your choosing.

View attachment 415396

Along with this change, we will be introducing special effects when you make specific combinations. We already have quite a few in-game, but now I want to hear from you! What are your best ideas for what these combined effects could be? A small example of what we have done so far is combining "The Constant" with "Celebrationmk10," which will start the player out in the center of the world again, while retaining most of the effects from "Celebrationmk10."

I'm looking specifically for changes to world generation and in-game mechanical changes, not extravagant additions like new bosses or overly complicated new items.

You can find a list of special seeds and what they do on the Official Terraria Wiki.

Let's hear your thoughts!
Combining for the worthy and no traps should make all boulders into heat detecting boulders
As you all might know by now, we are adding a new special seed selection menu that will allow you to combine the special seeds of your choosing.

View attachment 415396

Along with this change, we will be introducing special effects when you make specific combinations. We already have quite a few in-game, but now I want to hear from you! What are your best ideas for what these combined effects could be? A small example of what we have done so far is combining "The Constant" with "Celebrationmk10," which will start the player out in the center of the world again, while retaining most of the effects from "Celebrationmk10."

I'm looking specifically for changes to world generation and in-game mechanical changes, not extravagant additions like new bosses or overly complicated new items.

You can find a list of special seeds and what they do on the Official Terraria Wiki.

Let's hear your thoughts!
I would suggest adding a world consisting only of huge trees, and each chest would have an item such as a wand of leaves or a wand of trees.
A version of "Don't Dig Up" where the evil starts at the top of the world and hardmode cleaves a reverse V (top-down, instead of bottom-up). Also, you have to ascend into the dungeon, and the underground/surface layer is where all the lava, hellstone and hell structures are. You still have to fight all of the evils on the surface.

(That is, everything feels 'surface' at the bottom, with all the water and such, 'ocean', etc. Underground is where the lava layer is; lava layer is where the underground is. And the door is where the window should be.)

Ash layer before the dirt of the surface.

Also, meme boulders from the "oops! all traps" seed.
In Don't Dig Up there should be a volcano, in which the inside also counts as "being in hell" (except to summon WOF due to the vertical position). That volcano shall reach the surface.
Not sure if this has been suggested yet but a seed where it forces classic ores and a different one that forces new ores if both are selected it will spawn both sets like drunk world but you don’t have both evil biomes
no traps + celebrations = no sand traps

this is a world that is intirely golf based you spawn with a golf club and some golf balls (golf balls are now stackable and consumable but you can pick them up) golfer is starting npc all grass is mowed terrain is more uniform and golf like pots are replaced by golf holes which give pot loot when hit (and spits ball out) chests are locked untill you hit the ball in golf lock (not necessarily a hard shot it is on the ground but the fact that the nessasary distance is randomised and generation changes make this harder) golf balls do damage and generate in chests bosses now have a weak spot where you need to hit the ball in a subtle ball shaped hole (this is hard since you cant be even one pixel off) up untill WOF this kills bosses but WOF and beyond it just does alot of damage all keys are now balls with scaling golf lock dificulty but shadow balls are lava proof killing a boss entirely with golf balls (hard later game) give there trophy killing pillers and moon lord entirly with golf balls gives ultiment golf trophy this can be placed or equiped and give golf balls the damage effect and makes them none consumable everywhere also the golfer will worship you and his prices go way down maybe even free
Como todos ya sabéis, estamos agregando un nuevo menú de selección de semillas especiales que os permitirá combinar las semillas especiales que elijáis.

View attachment 415396

Junto con este cambio, introduciremos efectos especiales cuando realices combinaciones específicas. Ya tenemos bastantes en el juego, pero ahora quiero saber de ti. ¿Cuáles son tus mejores ideas sobre cómo podrían ser estos efectos combinados? Un pequeño ejemplo de lo que hemos hecho hasta ahora es combinar "The Constant" con "Celebrationmk10", que hará que el jugador comience en el centro del mundo nuevamente, al tiempo que conserve la mayoría de los efectos de "Celebrationmk10".

Estoy buscando específicamente cambios en la generación del mundo y cambios mecánicos en el juego, no adiciones extravagantes como nuevos jefes o nuevos elementos demasiado complicados.

Puedes encontrar una lista de semillas especiales y lo que hacen en la Wiki oficial de Terraria .

¡Escuchemos tu opinión!

Como todos ya sabéis, estamos añadiendo un nuevo menú de selección de semillas especiales que os permitirá combinar las semillas especiales que elijáis.

View attachment 415396

Junto con este cambio, introduciremos efectos especiales cuando realices combinaciones específicas. Ya tenemos bastantes en el juego, pero ahora quiero saber de ti. ¿Cuáles son tus mejores ideas sobre cómo podrían ser estos efectos combinados? Un pequeño ejemplo de lo que hemos hecho hasta ahora es combinar "The Constant" con "Celebrationmk10", que hará que el jugador comience en el centro del mundo nuevamente, al tiempo que conserva la mayoría de los efectos de "Celebrationmk10".

Estoy buscando específicamente cambios en la generación del mundo y cambios mecánicos en el juego, no adiciones extravagantes como nuevos jefes o nuevos elementos demasiado complicados.

Puedes encontrar una lista de semillas especiales y lo que hacen en la Wiki oficial de Terraria .

¡Escuchemos tu opinión!
No se si sea muy complejo pero tengo una idea de una nueva semilla especial que se basa en el terror, añadiendo enemigos nuevos pero mas grotescos ademas de cosas como sangre, gore, efectos locos y jugar un "poco" con las fobias, seria bien una experiencia de Terraria terrorifica o al menos eso creo
As you all might know by now, we are adding a new special seed selection menu that will allow you to combine the special seeds of your choosing.

View attachment 415396

Along with this change, we will be introducing special effects when you make specific combinations. We already have quite a few in-game, but now I want to hear from you! What are your best ideas for what these combined effects could be? A small example of what we have done so far is combining "The Constant" with "Celebrationmk10," which will start the player out in the center of the world again, while retaining most of the effects from "Celebrationmk10."

I'm looking specifically for changes to world generation and in-game mechanical changes, not extravagant additions like new bosses or overly complicated new items.

You can find a list of special seeds and what they do on the Official Terraria Wiki.

Let's hear your thoughts!
I know its a bit late, but I had two ideas:

A world seed for pvp that makes either half of the world contain all necessary parts of game progression. This could be a combination made with the drunk world seed, and could have a different evil biome on either side of map (like the drunk seed), two jungles/jungle temples, two dungeons, etc. And maybe NPCs could be hidden on the map so that player's bases don't get revealed to each other.

The second idea would be to have some seed combination that moves the jungle temple content into the desert pyramid. To make Golem not feel too out of place, he could get a palette swap, or the desert temple/pyramid could slowly become more overgrown and jungle looking the further down the temple the player progresses. I think this idea could give the desert some more attention, especially since the jungle has three bosses, and the desert has none.
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Combine drunk world with don't starve, and for the worthy should make it so when you die you hear waffle time scream AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH for 2 minutes straight.
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