PC Localization errors for PT-BR


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The Brazillian Portuguese translation for Terraria is great, but if you decide to stop and look around in some of the translations, various errors/inconsistencies can be found. Some of these errors have been here ever since the addition of professional translations, and haven't been fixed yet. And that's why I'm sending them here as a bug report. If these are fixed, I can assure that playing Terraria in the Brazillian Portuguese language will be a way more pleasing experience.

* - Incorrect section(s)
* - My correction(s)

Spectre Mask is inconsistent with the rest of Spectre equipment and is not capitalized.
Current ingame translation:
Máscara de espectro
My suggestion: Máscara Espectral

Red Riding armor could be reworded.
Current ingame translation
: Chapeuzinho Vermelho, Vestidinho Vermelho, e Calças Vermelhas
My suggestion: Capuz da Chapeuzinho Vermelho, Vestido da Chapeuzinho Vermelho, e Calças da Chapeuzinho Vermelho.

Sweetheart Necklace could be translated differently.
Current ingame translation:
Colar da Amada
My suggestion: Colar do Coração Doce

Aglet could be translated.
Current ingame translation
: Aglet
My suggestion: Agulheta
(Thanks Ziak)

Frost Leggings stats are incorrect.
Current ingame translation
: 8% de aumento na velocidade dos movimentos
10% de aumento no dano por ataque físico e na chance de ataque crítico
My suggestion: 8% de aumento na velocidade dos movimentos
10% de aumento na velocidade de ataques físicos

Floret Protector Shirt is incorrect.
Current ingame translation:
Elmo Protetor de Florete
My suggestion:
Camisa Protetora de Florete
Some banners have different names from their respective enemies.
English string​
Ingame translation​
My recommendation​
Goldfish Banner​
Bandeira do Dourado
Bandeira do Peixe-dourado
Corrupt Goldfish Banner​
Bandeira do Dourado Corrompido​
Bandeira do Peixe-dourado Corrompido​
Rainbow Slime Banner​
Bandeira da Geleia Arco-íris​
Bandeira da Geleia do Arco-íris​
Light Mummy Banner​
Bandeira da Múmia de Luz​
Bandeira da Múmia da Luz​
Dark Mummy Banner​
Bandeira da Múmia Sombria
Bandeira da Múmia das Trevas
Demon Eye Banner​
Bandeira do Olho do Demônio
Bandeira do Olho Demoníaco
Angry Nimbus Banner​
Bandeira da Nuvem Furiosa
Bandeira da Nuvem com Raiva
Old One's Skeleton Banner​
Bandeira do Esqueleto do Antigo
Bandeira do Esqueleto do Ancião
Armored Skeleton Banner​
Bandeira do Esqueleto Armado
Bandeira do Esqueleto com Armadura
Hell Armored Bones Banner​
Bandeira dos Ossos com Armadura do Inferno
Bandeira dos Ossos com Armadura Infernal
Bone Lee Banner​
Ossos de Bone Lee​
Bandeira do Bone Lee​
The Possessed Banner​
A Bandeira Possuída
Bandeira do Possuído
Black Slime Banner​
Bandeira da Geleia Negra
Bandeira da Geleia Preta
Mother Slime Banner​
Bandeira da Mamãe Geleia
Bandeira da Geleia Mãe
Elf Copter Banner​
Bandeira do Helicóptero Elfo
Bandeira do Elf-icóptero
Icy Merman Banner​
Bandeira do Tritão de Gelo
Bandeira do Tritão Gelado
World Feeder Banner​
Bandeira do Verme Gigante
Bandeira do Alimentador de Mundos
Aliases in the bestiary are untranslated.
Current ingame translation: "
slime queen", "bee queen", "mech boss", etc.
My suggestion: "rainha geleia", "rainha abelha", "chefe mecânico", etc.

Some Bestiary Filters are inconsistent with actual ingame items, and themselves.
Current ingame translation:
Corrupção Subterrânea, Subterrâneo Carmim, and Subterrâneo Consagrado.
My suggestion: Corrupção Subterrânea, Carmim Subterrâneo, and Sagrado Subterrâneo, or Subterrâneo Corrompido, Subterrâneo Carmim and Subterrâneo Consagrado.
Some blocks have incorrect or inconsistent translations:
English stringIngame translationMy recommendation
Crimsand BlockBloco de Areia VermelhaBloco de Areia Carmim
Crimsandstone BlockBloco de Pedras VermelhasBloco de Arenito Carmim
Ebonstone BlockBloco de Pedra NegraBloco de Pedra do Ébano *
Ebonsandstone BlockVaso de Areia EscuraBloco de Arenito Escuro orBloco de Arenito do Ébano*
Ebonsandstone WallParede de Areia EscuraParede de Arenito Escuro or Bloco de Arenito do Ébano *
Pearlsandstone BlockBloco de Arenito PeroladoBloco de Arenito-pérola
Pearlsandstone WallParede de Arenito PeroladoParede de Arenito-pérola
Tin PlatingPlaca de LataPlaca de Estanho
Tin Plating WallParede de Placas de LataParede de Placas de Estanho
Hellstone Brick WallParede de Tijolos de Pedra-do-InfernoParede de Tijolos de Pedra Infernal
Waterfall WallMuro de CachoeiraParede de Cachoeira
Candy Cane BlockBloco de Coce Bloco de Doce

* - Inconsistency for "Ebon" translation, change all instances of it accordingly.

Dungeon Slab Walls and Tiled Walls are probably swapped.
Laje means Slab, and Placa means Tile.

Planterboxes are inconsistent.
Current ingame translation:
Vaso da Flor de Fogo, Vaso de Raízes Brilhantes and Vaso de Flores do Gelo
My suggestion: Vaso da Florescer de Fogo, Vaso da Raiz Brilhante and Vaso da Flor do Gelo.

Teleporter is incorrect.
Current ingame translation:
My suggestion: Teleportador

"Tin" as seen in the minimap is inconsistent.
Current ingame translation:
My suggestion: Estanho
Arapaima is untranslated.
Current ingame translation:
My suggestion: Pirarucu

Some Slime names are uncapitalized.
Current ingame translation:
Geleia verde, Geleia preta, Geleia roxa, Geleia vermelha and Geleia amarela
My suggestion: Geleia Verde, Geleia Preta, Geleia Roxa, Geleia Vermelha and Geleia Amarela.

"Wandering Eye Fish" is wrongly translated as "Wandering Eye"
Current ingame translation:
Olho Errante
My suggestion: Peixe de Olho Errante

"Slimer" enemy has the same name as the common "Slime"
Current ingame translation:
I don't have a recommendation for this one, but I'm sure the localization team can whip up something creative.

Snail and Glowing Snail are inconsistent.
Current ingame translation:
Caracol and Lesma Brilhante
My suggestion: Caracol and Caracol Brilhante

Lamia is incorrect.
Current ingame translation:
Cauda de Lâmia
My suggestion: Lâmia

Dune Splicer is incorrect.
Current ingame translation:
Verme Maldito
My suggestion: Verme das Dunas

Vicious Goldfish is inconsistent with the other Goldfishes.
Current ingame translation:
Dourado Terrível
My suggestion: Peixe-
dourado Terrível
Tons of itens appear to miss the first quotation mark in their description, and even some old items were updated to remove them.

Golden Bug Net is inconsistent with the other Bug Nets
Current ingame translation:
Puçá (Bug Net), Puça Antilava (Lavaproof Bug Net) and Pega-mosquitos de Ouro (Golden Bug Net)
My suggestion: Puçá, Puçá Antilava and Puçá de Ouro

Flame and Silver dyes + Living Flame Dye are inconsistent with the rest of the dyes.
Current ingame translation:
Tintura de Fogo Azul e Prata, Tintura de Fogo e Prata, and Tintura de Fogo Verde e Prata
My suggestion: Tintura de Chamas Azuis e Prata, Tintura de Chamas e Prata, and Tintura de Chamas Verdes e Prata

Some music Boxes are either incorrect or worded strangely.

English stringIngame translationMy recommendation
Music Box (Underground Hallow)Caixinha de Música (O Sagrado no Subterrâneo)Caixinha de Música (Sagrado Subterrâneo or Subterrâneo Consagrado)
Music Box (Eerie)Caixinha de Música (Sinistra)Caixinha de Música (Sinistro)
Music Box (Underground Crimson)Caixinha de Música (Submundo Carmim)Caixinha de Música (Carmim Subterrâneoor Subterrâneo Carmim)
Music Box (Underground Corruption)Caixinha de Música (Corrupção no Submundo)Caixinha de Música (Corrupção Subterrâneaor Subterrâneo Corrompido)
Music Box (Alt Overworld Day)Caixa de Música (Dia no Mundo Superior Alternativo)Caixinha de Música (Dia no Mundo Superior Alternativo)
Otherwordly Music Box (Eerie)Caixinha de Música do Outro Mundo (Sinistra)Caixinha de Música do Outro Mundo (Sinistro)

Some tooltips in boss summoning weapons are uncapitalized.
Current ingame translation:
"Invoca Os gêmeos", "Invoca a Geleia rei", "Invoca o Devorador de mundos" and "Invoca a Lua de abóbora".
My suggestion: "Invoca Os Gêmeos", "Invoca a Geleia Rei", "Invoca o Devorador de Mundos" and "Invoca a Lua de Abóbora".

Twilight Hair Dye and Party Hair Dye are inconsistent with the rest of the hair dyes.
Current ingame translation:
Tintura dos Cabelos do Crepúsculo and Tintura para Cabelo para Festa
My suggestion: Tintura para Cabelo do Crepúsculo and Tintura para Cabelo da Festa

Cages are inconsistent, and "Bird Cage" is missing "Bird".
Current ingame translation:
Gaiola para Coelhinho, Jaula do Insetinho and Gaiola.
My suggestion: Gaiola para Coelhinho, Gaiola para Insetinho, Gaiola para Pássaro or Jaula do Coelhinho, Jaula do Insetinho and Jaula do Pássaro.

"Dog License" and "Cat License" descriptions are swapped.
Just swap their descriptions around.

Pylon description has a gramatical error.
Current ingame translation:
Teleporta até outro pilar quando houver 2 habitantes estiverem próximos
My suggestion: Teleporta até outro pilar quando houverem 2 habitantes próximos or Teleporta até outro pilar quando 2 habitantes estiverem próximos

Alchemy Table's description has an error.
Current ingame translation:
33% de chance de não consumir poções ao criar ingredientes
My suggestion: 33% de chance de não consumir ingredientes ao criar poções

Crystal Work Bench is inconsistent with the rest of the Work Benches.
Current ingame translation:
Mesa de Trabalho de Cristal
My suggestion: Bancada de Trabalho de Cristal

"Sign" is incorrect.
Current ingame translation:
My suggestion: Placa

Blacksmith Rack and Carpentry Rack are inconsistent with the rest of the racks.
Current ingame translation:
Prateleiras de Ferreiro and Prateleiras de Carpinteiro
My suggestion: Prateleira de Ferreiro and Prateleira de Carpinteiro

Pumpking Relic and Pumpking Trophy are incorrect.
Current ingame translation:
Relíquia da Abóbora and Troféu de Abóbora
My suggestion: Relíquia do Reibóbora and Troféu do Reibóbora

Magic Power Potion is incorrect.
Current ingame translation:
Poção do Mágico
My suggestion: Poção do Poder Mágico

Flask of Venom is way too similar to Flask of Poison.
Current ingame translation:
Frasco com Veneno
My suggestion: Frasco de Peçonha

Stardust Leggings, Stardust Fragment, and Stardust Fragment Block are inconsistent.
Current ingame translation:
de Estrelas
My suggestion:
das Estrelas

Leinfors' Luxury Shampoo and Critter Shampoo are inconsistent.
Current ingame translation:
Shampoo de Luxo de Leinfors and Xampu para Animais
My suggestion:
Xampu de Luxo de Leinfors and Xampu para Animais
Inconsistency for "sentry" translation, as seen by item tooltips in Sentry summon items and OOA armor sets.
Choose between "Sentinela" and "Torre defensiva" and stick with it.

Naughty Present's description and the Frost Moon's music box are inconsistent with the rest of Frost Moon related stuff.
Current ingame translation:
Lua de Gelo
My suggestion: Lua Congelada

Snow Globe's description and the Frost Legion status messages are inconsistent with the rest of Frost Legion related stuff.
Current ingame translation:
de Gelo
My suggestion: Legião Congelada

"25% increased mining speed" tooltip is incorrect.
Current ingame translation:
Aumento de 25% na velocidade de minério
My suggestion: Aumento de 25% na velocidade de mineração

Text goes off boundaries when creating a new character.


"Joining..." and "Joining {0}..." strings are incorrect.
Current ingame translation: "
Entrado..." and "Entrado em {0}..."
My suggestion: "Entrando..." and "Entrando em {0}..."

Some RandomWorldName_Adjective strings incorrectly have parentheses, similar to Prefixes.
Current in-game output:
"Lar (Bárbaro) de Habilidade"
My suggestion: "Lar Bárbaro de Habilidade"

RandomWorldName_Composition number 6 is incorrectly ordered as {Adjective} {Location}.
My suggestion:
{Location} {Adjective}

DeathTextGeneric strings have an extra unneeded point at the end, and are incorrectly worded.
Current in-game output:
Estraçalharam Pixelnando. por Geleia.
My suggestion: Pixelnando foi estraçalhado por Geleia.



Some settings are uncapitalized and are missing a ":".
Current ingame translation:
Salvar Progresso Automaticamente Ligado, Portas Inteligentes: ativadas
My suggestion: Salvar Progresso Automaticamente: Ligado, Portas Inteligentes: Ativadas

Some Prefix strings are placed inconsistently on the item's name.
Usually, it's "Item (Prefix)". But, in this case, a small quantity of them are written as "Prefix Item"
Sortudo Equipamento do Mestre Ninja -> Equipamento do Mestre Ninja (Sortudo)
Lento Espada de Madeira -> Espada de Madeira (Lento)

Note: Light modifier actually means light as in "illumination".
Luz Pwnhammer -> Pwnhammer (Leve)

Emotes for some bosses were left untranslated.
Current ingame translation:
/eoc, /boc, and /wof
My suggestion: /odc, /cdc, and /pdc

In the achievements, Queen Bee is misspelled as "Rainha Abelha".
Current ingame translation:
Rainha Abelha
My suggestion: Abelha Rainha

"Medium" world size string is incorrect.
Current ingame translation:
My suggestion: Médio

Multiplayer death messages are incorrectly ordered.
Current ingame translation:


My suggestion:

Light Pet is incorrect.
Current ingame translation:
Animal Leve
My suggestion: Animal de Estimação Luminoso

"Clear" in the weather radio is incorrect.
Current ingame translation: Limpar
My suggestion: Limpo ou Liberado
(This was fixed in 1.4.1 but later unfixed in one of the hotfix updates)

Orichalcum/Mythril Pickaxe, Mythril Anvil, Adamantite/Titanium Forge's tooltips and the status message for spawning Adamantite refer to Adamantite incorrectly.
Current ingame translation:
My suggestion: Adamantina

Baby Face Monster & Baby Eater buffs & buff descriptions are incorrect.
Current ingame translation:
Cara de Bebê and Devorador de Bebês
My suggestion: Monstro da Face Bebê and Devorador Bebê

"The Twins have awoken" status message is inconsistent with the other boss status messages.
Current ingame translation:
Os Gêmeos
My suggestion: Os Gêmeos
Zoologist sounds better as "Zoóloga". The suffix "-loga" is related to "word, reason, study", and therefore is richer than the "-ista" suffix.
(Source: Zoólogo e zoologista - Ciberdúvidas da Língua Portuguesa)

"Chatter_16" from BartenderChatter refers to the Blood Moon as "Lua Sangrenta".
This is inconsistent with the majority of the game, where it is referred as "Lua de Sangue".
Current ingame translation: Lua sangrenta
My suggestion: Lua de Sangue

"Pet" in the dialog with Town Pets is not the verb, but the noun instead.
Current ingame translation:
Animal de Estimação
My suggestion: Fazer carinho ou Acariciar.

Names for the Pirate NPC are not translated.
Current ingame translation:
Red Beard, Wet Beard, Captain Morgan, Gunpowder Garry etc.
My suggestion:
Barba Ruiva, Barba Molhada, Capitão Morgan, Garry da Pólvora etc.
Blade of Grass is incorrect.
Current ingame translation:
Folha de Grama
My suggestion: Lâmina de Grama

Magical Harp is incorrect.
Current ingame translation:
Harpia Mágica
My suggestion: Harpa Mágica

Jester's Arrow is incorrect.
Current ingame translation:
Flecha do Jester
My suggestion: Flecha do Bobo

There might be more errors found after this post. If there is, I'll be sure to edit it. Thanks for your attention!
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Updated, new errors added and the post is now color-coded.
Hey developers and moderators, please don't ignore this, will you? There are tons of errors listed here that would be easy for the localization team to fix.
Good post with understandable notes. I hope dev/l10n team would be fix it for next hotfix update. Good luck, my colleague, Pixelnado :)
I found some mistranslations too.

Light pet on is totally wrong.
Current ingame translation:
Animal Leve
My recommendation: Mascote Luminoso

Aglet could be translated and his prefix is inconsistent with others.
Current ingame translation
: Sortudo Aglet
My recommendation: Agulheta (Sortudo)
I found some mistranslations too.

Light pet on is totally wrong.
Current ingame translation:
Animal Leve
My recommendation: Mascote Luminoso

Aglet could be translated and his prefix is inconsistent with others.
Current ingame translation
: Sortudo Aglet
My recommendation: Agulheta (Sortudo)
Thanks for the help, I added the Aglet one under Armor & Acessories, and the Light Pet one under Misc.
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